
Machschtik princess

Song Yue hesitantly entered the huge living room in front of her.

It was a very spacious area with big transparent windows, but the curtains completely enclosed them making it non-existent.

The next thing that caught her eyes was the big bookshelves and the lavish leather couch that was wedged in between them.

As she quietly gazed at the extravagant interior with her mouth slightly agape, a sharp voice brought her focus to the couch on the other corner.

"So you have decided to accept my offer?"

Song Yue immediately stiffened at the familiar presence. She silently nodded, not daring to speak anything.

The man in front of her exuded such a frightening aura like a devil from the hell.

"May I ask why you changed your mind?" Zhi Shan curiously asked, his magnetic eyes surveilling the woman from top to bottom.

The last time he checked this woman was still very stubborn and had even acted all high and mighty, rejecting any and all help from him.

So he couldn't help but wonder what brought about this sudden change of heart.

Song Yue hesitated a bit, but in the end, decided to tell the truth. There was no point in lying to a man of his status and power.

"I was evicted and did not have anywhere else to go." Her strained voice and the tired defeated look in her eyes did little to hide her desperation.

"Hmmm. You will be starting here tomorrow and you can stay in the employee's guest house in the back. You will be helping old Xi in the kitchen."

The man instructed her with his sharp piercing eyes still fixated on her.

Song Yue couldn't help but shiver slightly. With the devil's eyes lingering on her, she felt very naked and vulnerable.

Even when talking normally, why does he look so cold and scary?

As the man's tone died down, he lowered his head and his focus was back on the laptop in front of him. Clearly, the conversation was over.

Song Yue nodded and then turned around to leave. At least she had someplace decent to stay for the night. That was all she needed for now.

When chaos and confusion reared their ugly heads, she usually liked to take things slowly and tackle them one at a time.

For people like her, being chased out of the home in the middle of the night was not really something new.

As Song Yue was engrossed in her thoughts, something soft bumped into her legs.


The confused woman quickly looked down to make sure she didn't step on or hit on anything precious.

But surprisingly, something completely unexpected met her eyes!

A soft little bun!

The small toddler seemed to be around 3 to 4 years of age and was clutching her worn-out simple dress tightly.

"Machschtik princess." The cute little bun muttered with his big round eyes staring at her face with awe.

Song Yue was completely flustered.

Of course!! How could she forget such an important detail!! This house had two cute little buns in it!!

She immediately started panicking. Why is this little guy awake so late at night? What was he talking to her?

Song Yue looked at Zhi Shan in confusion, not knowing how to respond in this situation.

Was she even allowed to talk to the kids or handle them or things like that? She had no idea. She could only patiently wait for the devil's instructions.

Though when she looked at Zhi Shan, the devil that had just terrified her, weirdly no longer existed...

The frosty icebergs had completely melted and the cold suave man now looked like a complete mess.

"Why are you awake?? Is your sister also awake??"

His impeccably handsome face was entirely covered with black lines. The butler who had been standing outside immediately rushed over.

"Sorry Master. They were asleep when I left them earlier."

The butler bent down to pick up the little bun, but the cute little bun pouted and hid behind Song Yue.

"Machschtik princess." He again mumbled the same words.

"I wanna play wid the machschtik princess." The little bun started wobbling around Song Yue, skillfully evading the butler's attempts to catch him.

Zhi Shan furrowed his brows as he put his laptop down and got up from the couch. Unfortunately, the only person these little monsters responded to was him.

The man who had been domineering and noble just a few seconds earlier now looked weak in his knees, as he joined the butler in catching the little bun.

But the little bun kept clinging very tightly to Song Yue, even calling her a princess repeatedly. After a few minutes, Zhi Shan gave up and collapsed back on the couch.

And in the midst of this drama, Song Yue was sweating profusely. Just what the hell was happening right now?

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