
I am...Buddha!

Halliday · Action
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3 Chs

Greed, greed, greed

After Li Kaifeng killed Mu Tanyan blood razed the floor. Li Kaifeng couldn't take it anymore and passed out, it was his first time killing someone, and when he saw the blood oozing out of Mu Tanyan's throat, he felt guilty because he killed a man but he had no regrets because this man had taken everything from him, so why couldn't he do the same?

The driver outside waiting for Mu Tanyan's return was waiting outside for several hours now " I wonder why it's taking Mr. Tanyan's so long to take care of that loser? Guess I'll have to go inside and have a look".

While he was going in, not a sound could be heard only dead silence...

The driver, Shi Mu, found the door open so he went in and when he saw the crime scene a grin appeared on his face "It's my lucky day!"

He then proceeded to take Mr. Tanyan's wallet and called the police "Please help! My boss was killed by a man who is after me! Please please hurry!"

"Hehe those police will take care of everything here let's take a look, one, two, three, four WTF how much money does this guy have in his wallet, $5000! He only pays me $100 per month, what a greedy bastard" but he didn't have the look of disgust in his eyes it was more of admiration and hypocrisy.

The police arrived shortly, Shi Mu had already faked a knife cut on his cheek and dropped some of his blood on the knife, he would do anything for money. "Sir, we apologise for all the emotional damage we went through but..." Shi Mu interuppted "APOLOGISE? What does that do? I don't want your shitty apology, I want proper compensation for what happened! Do you think I'm that senseless?" The policewomen was stunned for a moment before regaining focus, "He must be emotionally unstable, yeah that's it" she thought to herself. She asked her accomplices to detain Li Kaifeng who was still out cold, she turned to Shi Mu who was still fidgeting weirdly and wanted to ask him what happened, but she quickly forgot the idea as the man was emotionally turbulent, or at least she thought so. The truth is Shi Mu didn't really want any money, he didn't care he was only acting to make the scene more viable, and so it did.