
I am Yamato?!

Anime & Comics
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What is I am Yamato?!

Read I am Yamato?! fanfiction written by the author SuperDuperSage on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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"What is this place? What happened to me?" "You died, and now, you're in The Gone. At least, that's what I've been calling it. From what I can tell," She leans over, retrieving a canvas bag full of papers. As she spreads them on the floor, she continues explaining, "The creatures here are insane. They don’t have the same instincts most animals do, they just want to kill. I don't know if they were created by God, satan, some guy named Dave, or what. I don't even know if I believe in God. But I do know that when you die here, you don't come back. You're the fourth human besides myself I've met in The Gone. This," she pauses, thinking of a correct word, "Place, is endless. Twists and turns and always new areas. I've been all over and yet, no humans besides myself, and now you. What I don't know about it is why you show up all of a sudden. But we probably have no hope of finding out. Our min priority is surviving. It's not safe to be alone here, especially if you don’t know your way around. We need to stick together. Work together. To do that, you're gonna have to trust me. Can you do that, Sunshine?" Then, she was looking up at Ana. Her eyes were the color of dark mahogany, with shines of sienna; along with a mischievous glint seeming to reflect the corners of her mouth, which were fighting a smile. In fact, they were every shade of brown you could imagine. A raw umber and caramel mix, dotted with bits of dark chocolate. They glow with humor and playfulness that gives you shivers and wraps you in a warm embrace all the same. And all Ana wants to do is say yes. But she knows better. "I’m not sure. Should I?" comes out instead. The girl gives her a lopsided grin and slight nod before moving on- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ana is thrown into a sinister new world with creatures unknown to mankind. She needs to learn to scavenge, fight, and survive. With the help of the family she makes along the way, perhaps they have a chance at staying alive. Perhaps, they could escape? Maybe, she'll even find someone who loves her unconditionally along the way. Or, will the chaos of this hellscape tear them apart before they even get a chance? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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