
I am Volibear in monsterverse

A man died and found God who made him spin the gacha of the afterlife. In the end, he became the league of volibear legends and went to Monsterverse (The Godzilla universe and the circle of fire). Note: My volibear will have a base height of 100 meters, imagine a huge giant bear covered in lightning. The story time will start in the Jurassic era and I don't know the comics of the series, so some parts will be invented, but I will try to be faithful to the characters.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
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24 Chs


Wilson ran with all his strength towards the hive and grabbed it, "Run along you lazy bear!" Longhga yelled as he felt him grab the hive but Wilson didn't move, he looked into the forest before turning to the monkeys.

"It won't be possible to run away, in the forest they have an advantage in mobility!" Wilson said lightly and started enjoying his 2 minutes of peace before having to fight for his life against a horde of giant apes, "So what the hell should we do!!!".

Our dear Queen Bee almost exploded with rage at that moment when she saw Wilson relaxing, she had the urge to go outside and kill him herself before the monkeys arrived, "Hey Queen, let's use that!" The moment he said that her anger deflated and she was serious.

"Are you sure your next 6 months are going to be hell?" She asked solemnly because using that would have serious consequences, a small flash of fear crossed Wilson's eyes but he nodded his head in agreement.

"So be it.!" The next moment the hive activity exploded at once and thousands of bees came out including Longhga, when they were in the air the thousands of workers broke away from the group and engulfed Wilson completely.

"I didn't want to use this, but so be it!" He tried to divert his mind to another place as the bees began to land on his skin and work, they began to secrete their evening and Wilson's body was enveloped by her in his chest , on the legs, arms and around the head.

A part of the group of bees separated and began to prevent the wax from spreading too much and molded it soon after, little by little what they were doing took shape and revealed itself.

The swarm dispersed from Wilson as one and revealed his figure, That's exactly what you're thinking!

A Bear in Armor!

"As I imagined it is very uncomfortable!" Wilson exclaimed moving the body that was now somewhat contained, but the bees left a comfortable space in the joints not preventing the movement.

He literally was now a Bear dressed in single-use golden armor, Volibear Era Golden Mk1 form, to understand the gist of how he came up with this idea we would have to go back a little bit but the apes won't wait for that.

Although a little surprised by the Golden Bear, the monkeys still had red eyes and advanced drooling hungrily, the monkey at the front of the pack reached out to grab Wilson as he approached.



Wilson's paw came down like a meteor and hit the monkey's back of the head causing the bones to break and come out through the neck with a huge crack, he didn't wait for his opponents to come to him but instead entered the battle.

"(Roar!)" With a phenomenal roar and imposing his position Wilson attacked the monkey closest to the chest with his claws, with a great stabbing sound the monkey was pierced and thrown backwards by the impact.

Another monkey in the back jumped on its flying companion and jumped straight at Wilson, but the Bear's mouth moved faster and bit into his neck and with a single forceful squeeze the monkey's head was ripped off.

Wilson spat his head and lunged for the next opponent, lightning began to glow beneath his armor and like trapped beings they wanted to break free, Wilson's face got a little tense when he felt the trapped rays but he held on.

When he first came up with the idea to build this armor and took the test for the first time 4 years ago Wilson did not take into account the fact that the armor is super tough as beeswax is only as strong as steel any titan could break the armor into. a single hit.

What he took into consideration in making the armor was that it could be used to face numerous and weak opponents and not only that, it could also prevent him from discharging his rays uncontrollably.

The rays that were trapped between Wilson's armor and skin began to look for a way out to break free and a blue light shone on the armor at that moment, it moved quickly through the body and made its way to Wilson's hands.


When Wilson hit the next monkey, a bolt of lightning ran through the animal and went to the next and next forming a web and paralyzing some and even killing the first ones to have been hit.

However this came as a reaction, Wilson's skin began to slowly but steadily turn red as the rays slapped back against it looking for a way out, the first time Wilson used this he spent 6 months red as a potato and with the sensitive skin.

Wilson grabbed a monkey's shoulders and took a big bite out of the shoulder and unleashing lightning bolts that seared the animal, "Fried monkey meat ain't bad!" He mentally exclaimed and attacked the next animal.

One thing Wilson also discovered on his journey is that he has super digestion and as long as he eats his body will have energy, that means he can fight non-stop until the food runs out or his body can't take it anymore.

The battle continued, Wilson split stomachs with his claws, ripped meat with his teeth and burned with his rays, a monkey jumped over his head trying to strike his blind spot but Wilson's claws will find his stomach and lungs each.

"Roar!" With a great roar and use of phenomenal force, the monkey's body was split in two, raining down blood and further staining Wilson's armor in pure red.

A monkey not caring about his fallen companion landed a heavy blow on Wilson's back and broke a part of the armor only for the latter to turn around and swallow his head, the worker bees that were in position ignored the danger and went to where the armor it had broken and they started to repair it.

This was literally a suicide mission, only the reckless fighting killed several of them before they reached the back and many more died when lightning in the armor cracks leaked out and turned them to dust.

Even so, the mission was accomplished at the cost of a few hundred bees and the armor repaired, so the battle continued for the next two hours.

The stone cambo was covered with dismembered and burned corpses, small electrical sparks still came out of the ground where the massacre took place, in the middle of everything Wilson was breathing heavily and covered in the blood of the monkeys.

He threw another corpse on the ground and looked around, after he had killed 1/3 of all the monkeys they stopped attacking him and circled around him as if they were waiting for an opportunity but were too scared to do it now.

However the situation would change now.


Sounds of botched tribal drums came from the mountain and slowly a bigger monkey carrying an ax appeared, he was different from his other skinny little pairs, his muscles were huge and several scars surrounded his body.

King Dong was in a bad mood now, he was having fun with several females of his species to spawn new monkeys but one of his trusted subordinates came to him screaming that an enemy was killing our tribesmen.

He thought it was a bunch of another species trying to conquer his territory and rushed out with his ax only to see that it was only a single opponent, he was about to scream in rage at his subordinate over the false alarm but when he saw the hundreds of dead bodies of its kind the back of the Golden Bear.

He realized that this Bear was a strong opponent, and it didn't matter why he had attacked his kind and his own image now depends on whether he can defeat him or not.

If he fails and dies the males would have an intense fight for his throne, if he was simply defeated several young men would try to challenge his position as King thinking they had an opportunity.

And since he had already come here, turning his back is no longer an option, Dong took a deep breath before jumping off the mountain and using his ax to slide down the wall to the ground.


A cloud of dust rose up drawing Wilson's attention and he turned to look at that place, slowly Dong came out of the smoke carrying his ax, stood up on his 4 legs and hit his chest as he roared.

"I hope that after this no more attacks me!" Wilson felt a pang of hope and took a deep breath, he rose on both legs raising his tall figure covered in red gold armor and took a deep breath and roared as well.

As if sensing the confrontation between the titans, a thunder rumbled in the sky and began to rain.

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Ai guys here is the author and taking a doubt that they are questioning that is how humans are alive at this time.

Well for your explanation the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere defines the size and strength of animals on the planet, in the Jurassic era of our own planet the oxygen concentration reached 35% (It is worth having the notion that the current contraction is today only 20% oxygen in the atmosphere.) This meant that anything alive at that time was big, strong, and incredibly adaptable to weather conditions.

This is also true for humans, so putting the theory that humans existed in that period, any human being at that time was equal if not several times better than a top athlete these days.

That's the explanation of how they survive, that's why friends, if the dinosaurs came back we won't be so unprotected without weapons.