
Welcome to create on WEBNOVEL

The demon and the earthling 

Once Upon a time they were two ppl from different dimensions  one from earth and one from the demon realm the demon was bored in his mansion he had all the riches but no love his friends stayed he will be single forever he thought  they were joking but it reached the point that his father said go look a girl bro then it struck him  he is single then he asked his dad to go to earth for a month well his house was on a hill top then he saw the dealership the one his dad said to buy the car he saw the Lamborghini it was black so he said this is going to be easy and he saw this girl and she was soooo freaking hot

She was in the cafe so he had a chance  then he went to his house to perform demon magic. Well he got knocked out anyway he said that did not go as planned well the girl he saw earlier in the morning was now his ..... to be continueGirlFriend and she now he is a demon 😈 💀

To be continued on June 9 it is actually my best guys i am so sorry I could not finish the book