
Chapter 16: Healing Bonds

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In the midst of Konoha's growth, Setsuna conceived a groundbreaking idea that would shape the future of the Uchiha clan – the establishment of the Uchiha Hospital. The decision was fueled by multiple objectives:

1. Awakening Sharingan, Possibly Mangekyou Sharingan: Setsuna believed that exposing Uchiha to the harsh realities of the shinobi world through medical experiences would potentially trigger the awakening of their Sharingan, and in some cases, even the coveted Mangekyou Sharingan.

2. Integration with Civilians: By fostering a hospital where Uchiha members served as medical ninjas, Setsuna aimed to bridge the gap between the Uchiha clan and civilians. This integration would help dispel the negative perception of the Uchiha as a "demon" or "evil" clan.

3. Preparation for a Potential Police Force Division: Anticipating the possibility of Tobirama assigning the police force division to the Uchiha, Setsuna saw the hospital as a strategic move. It would prepare the Uchiha for a role beyond combat, showcasing their versatility.

4. Legal Experiments on the Body: Setsuna emphasized the importance of conducting legal experiments on the human body, diverging from the unethical practices carried out by individuals like Danzo.

To bring this vision to life, Setsuna sought the support of Uchiha elders and Madara. However, some elders expressed anger, viewing Setsuna's proposal as an attempt to diminish the proud warrior image of the Uchiha. Madara, sensing that Setsuna held a secret, inquired about the true motives behind transforming the Uchiha into medic ninjas.

Setsuna, unveiling his hidden intentions, explained that the world perceived the Uchiha as a clan of demons, while the reality was that the Sharingan symbolized love. By embracing medical roles, Uchiha could demonstrate their compassion, proving that they were, in fact, a clan driven by love.

Looking forward, Setsuna envisioned the next generation of Uchiha facing challenges to awaken the Sharingan. Becoming medic ninjas would provide them with opportunities to unlock their Sharingan, and perhaps even the Mangekyou Sharingan. To illustrate his point, Setsuna asked Madara to reflect on the first time he awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan – a moment tied to the tragic loss of his father in war.

As the Uchiha elders grappled with Setsuna's proposal, Madara, with a mix of curiosity and understanding, contemplated the potential transformations that could await the Uchiha clan through this unconventional yet visionary initiative.

With the Uchiha elders and Madara on board with Setsuna's visionary proposal, the next step was to bring in students, particularly women, to ensure a diverse and skilled staff for the Uchiha Hospital. In the modern world, Setsuna recognized the prominence of female doctors and nurses, drawing inspiration from the legendary Tsunade in the Naruto world.

Setsuna focused on individuals with exceptional chakra control, guiding them to become proficient medic ninjas capable of advanced healing techniques. The hospital was structured to mirror modern healthcare, divided into key departments:

1. Emergency Treatment: This department addressed critical cases, catering to the wounded and those on the brink of death. Setsuna emphasized the importance of swift and effective response in life-threatening situations.

2.Treatment for Sickness: A dedicated section for handling various illnesses, from common ailments like fevers and sneezes to more severe conditions like cancer. The goal was to offer comprehensive healthcare to both ninja and civilians.

3. Research: Open to all clans, including civilians, this department focused on research. Families could choose to contribute deceased individuals' cells for study, aiding in advancements for medical understanding and jutsu development.

Once the preparations were complete, Setsuna presented his proposal to other influential clans in Konoha, including the Senju, Chinoike, Shimura, and Sarutobi. The vision of a hospital that transcended traditional boundaries, uniting different clans for the greater good, intrigued and inspired those who heard Setsuna's ambitious plan.

Tobirama's strong dissent echoed in the room, creating an atmosphere of tension. His refusal to embrace Setsuna's proposal cast a shadow over the otherwise optimistic gathering. Madara and Izuna, leaders of the Uchiha, exchanged displeased glances, while Setsuna maintained a calm composure, aware of Tobirama's deep-seated reservations.

Setsuna decided to address Tobirama's concerns directly. "Tobirama-sama, I understand your reservations about the Uchiha handling medical ninja duties. However, times have changed, and the Uchiha are willing to contribute positively to Konoha's well-being. This hospital is an opportunity for unity and progress."

Tobirama has been on the battlefield and fighting Uchiha since he was young, he has witnessed the power of the Uchiha firsthand. Their Sharingan, awakened by tragedy, is a double-edged sword. Allowing them to delve into medical ninjutsu might lead to unintended consequences. He was afraid that if he agreed, then the whole Uchiha clan in medical ninja would awaken Sharingan.

Known for his pragmatism, responded firmly, "The Senju possess inherent healing abilities, and my brother Hashirama is a renowned medic ninja. Allowing the Uchiha to delve into medical ninjutsu might lead to unintended consequences. We must prioritize the safety of the village."

Madara, feeling the weight of Tobirama's words, interjected, "Our clan has changed, Senju Tobirama. We seek a path of cooperation and healing. This hospital is a step towards rebuilding trust and understanding."

The room buzzed with murmurs, as other clan representatives observed the clash of perspectives between the Senju and Uchiha. Setsuna, however, remained focused on finding common ground.

Hashirama, sensing the escalating tension, intervened, "Let us not forget the vision of a united Konoha. The Uchiha Hospital could be a symbol of reconciliation and progress. We must carefully consider the potential benefits before dismissing the idea."

Tobirama, though reluctant, agreed to further discussions, acknowledging the need for a comprehensive evaluation of the risks and benefits. The fate of the Uchiha Hospital hung in the balance as the leaders grappled with the conflicting ideologies that had persisted through generations.

Setsuna then added another proposal: Uchiha Hospital would be named Konoha Hospital. "Even though we handle healthcare, other clans can join us," Setsuna declared. He proceeded to unveil the structure of the hospital, including its various departments.

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