
Chapter 3

Ha!At this crucial point,why?!

I turned angrily at my mom.

"You don't know how long I've been looking for you."

"Mum,can't I just walk around alone."

"Now I get it.Just because you are wearing a sexy set of clothes,you think you can talk back,hmm.",My mum seriously nagged at me.At the end of the day I couldn't see the boys face.

"I've got you registered and your uniform's in the car so you"ll be resuming tomorrow."My mum told me as we were walking to the car.

Yes!I can finally be the detective to solve this couple's case

My smile beamed as I hopped to the car and entered.As I got home it was already two p.m.

I ordered for a pizza before calling kayde.It rang for some time until he picked."

"Hello Kayden, it's Kelly"

"yeah I know,I"l call you later I'm busy" and the he hanged up.

Author's note:Hi everyone,I am xiao.sorry for late updates I am busy with my exam but I promise two chapters in five days.Love you all❤️❤️❤️.Oh,sorry don't forget to vote for this novel.Have a nice weekend.Bye