
I am the Vampire King in another worlds

(Rewritten, as the beginning was a bit confusing.) “I'm sorry child, you will cease to exist in a few moments. Or rather, your perception of everything that defines you has been usurped.” That's what the colossal Axolotl in front of me said before I could express my confusion. “But since HE has interfered, making this situation hopeless for you, I'm going to give you a chance to be something again.” “W-where am I? What are you? “That's not important to the current you. Do you want to be something with a name again?” “What's the p-price? ...My Soul?” “Be the counterweight of fate. Be the color of protection. Be a-” Before I knew it, I didn't remember what I was. “-King.” Nor did that conversation exist. *** I do not own any rights to the works mentioned in the story, all credit goes to the respective creators.

Shoggoth · TV
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Chapter 02: The end before the beginning

Chapter 02: The end before the beginning


POV: Julia, an innocent young woman, in love and an incurable romantic


It all started when I saw him sing for the first time.

Before that day, everything seemed so gray and dull, even when I smiled at everyone around me, hearing about such a promising future that awaited me, all I felt was...

That was the problem. 

I felt nothing.

Be it hatred, sadness, longing, happiness, or any of the emotions named to suppress the constant need to understand the other that humans have created. 

Yes, I was in my Emo phase.

Every day was the same, hanging out with other girls my age that I'd met at college, since that way my mother would show less of that look of fear when I was at home doing what I liked.

So this is what it's like to feel dead? Apparently my biological father, whom I've never met, is very rich, but to avoid a scandal if his wife found out about me, he paid a lot of money for my mother to have an abortion and disappear off the map, since he didn't want to break up his family.

A bit hypocritical of him, since my mother was only 15, but she didn't have the courage to end a life and so, consequently, I came into the world.

It's funny how my father wanted me dead and I felt like a corpse mentally... Okay, maybe I exaggerated a bit.


'I want to feel something too...' 

That's what I was thinking when I saw a boy, who I assume was about my age, walk onto the stage of the bar that my 'friend' had insisted we come to.

His choice of clothes caught my eye a little, as his jeans looked old, his red and black checkered shirt over a band T-shirt (I think?) looked a little worn. Especially his shaggy black hair... Does he look a bit cute?

'He looks nervous, but also... excited? What a strange guy.

Fortunately, I've learned to identify emotions by people's expression and tone, something I'm proud of.

A contradictory feeling that reassures me, since if I feel this way, I'm actually capable of feeling emotions too.

"G-Good night, Roc-."


Before he could finish his first line, he was interrupted by an extremely annoying noise from the sound equipment.

"Ha-haha... A-Anyway, this is my first show, so I hope you like it. This song is called 'Creep'."

[Radiohead - Creep]

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬

That's when everything changed.

'What's that feeling? It feels like I'm going to throw up, but at the same time it feels good-'

"Oh my God~ I think I'm in love with that voice~!"

"Hahaha, what an exaggeration! I liked the melody, but I think you're overdoing it a bit, Mandy. Even though you fall in love with someone every week, Hahaha!"

"Hey! It's not like that! Juli, Lily's being a bitch to me again~"

Ignoring the two attention whores next to me, my eyes - or rather, my mind - are fixed on this singer's sweet smile as he finishes his performance.

"What's his name again?" Before I knew it, I muttered my thoughts.

"Huh? The singer? I think it was =#***, I can't remember."

"Ah! I know, I know! It's ====! His name is ====!"

====, huh...

Looking at that happy smile on stage, I made up my mind.

'So this is love... How fascinating~'


From that day on, I dedicated myself to finding out everything I could about him. What school did he go to? I found out. Where he lived? easy easy. The first kiss... Well, I had to get rid of that girl.

I finally felt like everyone else!

'So that's what everyone feels like? How unfair!

I devoted all my time to understanding how the music business worked, how to help someone become extremely famous as a singer, how to get contracts, etc.

Unfortunately, now wasn't the right time to get close to him, as his manager was quite annoying to deal with now and he's somewhat competent.

I want him to need me, depend on me, love me.

The first step: Kill the current manager.


Everything for this moment.

Looking at my love adorning my bed, I feel extreme heat between my legs.

I've waited for years... I need him inside me~


Pov: A singer with current misogyny problems


Damn it! I was crazy when I thought this woman could be trusted. How I'd like to punch my past self in the face for thinking of going out with someone sick like that. 

Staring into the ecstatic gaze of this disgusting thing, but with an attractive face, I swallow my useless pride in this situation to try to reach common ground with this crazy woman who has trapped me here for two days, without food or water.


"Huh? What are you talking about? About the kidnapping? Or maybe it's about my motivation? Oh, you want to know what comes after that? Maybe it's about what I'll do now that I've kidnapped you?" 


"About all this... Why would you do something like that, Julia?"

Without realizing it, a feeling of hope still existed in me. 'Maybe it's all a bad joke?', even though that's unlikely. 

"It's actually quite simple. I love you."


What does she mean by loving me in a situation like this?

"I've always loved you. I was hoping that at some point you'd ask me out, but apparently you've started to think of me as someone less than a great musical genius."

...Wait a minute, is this my fault? Is this because I wasn't clear enough about my interest in her?

"But two days ago was the last straw. I finally realized that you would never feel the same way I do. I should ask you... Am I not good enough for you?"


"Say something! This is all your fault! You made me act on impulse in a stupid plan! Do you want to know what comes next? I don't know!"

"I got scared." Without realizing it, I started to speak after the surprising emotional outburst and observed her look of someone broken.


"I wanted to ask you on a date that day, but I was afraid that dating someone exposed in the media would be horrible for you, the hate comments would be something I didn't want to expose you to. The truth is... I love you too, Julia."

I've finally spoken! Now this misunderstanding will be over and maybe we can put everything in the past-


"What?" What does she mean by that? I didn't lie at all about how I felt about her.

"It's nothing~ Ah! I bought food! You're hungry, aren't you? Say: Aaah~"

 That look again...

With no choice due to my physiological limitation dependent on food and water, I end up opening my mouth, swallowing the food and my pride as seasoning. Maybe that's why the food tasted like medicine... damn!

"Ah~ That look of realization! Yes, the food is drugged. It's actually a strong aphrodisiac that I found on one of our trips on tour. The saleswoman assured me that the effect is immediate, but dangerous if used without being diluted with food. Apparently it's a recipe that-"


From this point on, my mind is a blur, just flashes of moans and pleasure, until my consciousness returns to Julia ecstatically riding me wildly. 

Damn... She's fucking hot!

"Hya~!! The top head finally woke up~!!, Ah~ I should have done this a long time ago!!! I'm cuuuuummmmiiiiiiiiinnng!!!!"


There were a few things I discovered that day.

Firstly, although sex feels good, it feels a bit unpleasant to do it so vunerably and without any control.

Secondly, Julia is insatiable to the point that I thought she had taken the aphrodisiac. But no, the girl really was thirsty.

And finally the third thing -

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! DAMMIT!!!!!" 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! B-But I had no choice! You forced me into this, ====! Y-yes! It's all y-your fault!"

Trying to run away after she'd passed out from exhaustion wasn't my best idea, since apparently-

"O-oh, I know! I'll watch a video on Youtube! I'm sure there'll be a video to sort out your l-legs, okay?"

Her love didn't stop her from breaking both my legs when she realized I intended to run away.   


"Don't say that... You said you loved me too... Did you lie?"

Suddenly, siren sounds approached from our direction, bringing a little clarity to my mind and despair to Julia's face.

Believing that it was finally over, with a sneering smile and a tone of superiority, I say the thing that condemned me.

"I really hope they kill you when they walk through that door, you stupid bitch. Or rather, that you live to receive my wedding invitation to your best friend. What was her name again, Maddie- no, I don't need another madwoman like you."

"...Then die with me."

["This is the police! Drop the gun and release the hostage!"]

"Huh?" Gun? What gun-

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*


"That was my last memory before I died"

Recounting all the events I remember to the colossal Axolotl in front of me, in this empty vastness of... space? I'm not sure. I stare at him so that he can elaborate on this story of what usurpation.

"Child, after her death, the Golden Child took her own life."


"Exactly. But after her death, she encountered an existence ∆ that offered her a deal in exchange for her soul after she died in the next life." 

"E? Where do I come into this? And why am I going to cease to exist because of it?" 

"She wished she had you."



"She believed it wouldn't be possible to have your love, so she wished to be you and everything that makes ==== special, to merge with her. So the demon ∆ revived her old body and took her memories and future in the golden girl. As soon as she wakes up in hospital, she'll have all your memories, body, talent and with that, the current you will disappear."


She really fucked me, huh.....


Hello, kind people of the internet.

Another chapter, ending the "prologue" of the story with a bit of cheap drama.

I confess that I had to redo the first part of the story, as I thought: "Why am I writing the point of view of a character who will have no relevance after this chapter?"

But I thought a bit of context would be important, as I didn't want her to be a more empty character than she is.

Random trivia: Julia was based on an ex-girlfriend who had one of the worst times of my life.

If you meet a girl with that name who grew up without paternal love, GET OUT!

That's it.

A good... Wednesday? to you all!


Hello, kind people of the internet.

Another chapter, ending the “prologue” of the story with a bit of cheap drama.

I confess that I had to redo the first part of the story, as I thought: “Why am I writing the point of view of a character who will have no relevance after this chapter?”

But I thought a bit of context would be important, as I didn't want her to be a more empty character than she is.

Random trivia: Julia was based on an ex-girlfriend who had one of the worst times of my life.

If you meet a girl with that name who grew up without paternal love, GET OUT!

That's it.

A good... Wednesday? to you all!


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