
I am the talentless villain in Apocalypse but I created the system

On the first day of the new century, everything changed. Vortices started to appear around the world, mythical energy, which had disappeared for countless years, reemerged, and zombies began to manifest all around the world. The apocalypse arrived, and the end of humanity seemed near. But after years of battling the monsters and finally emerging victorious in the apocalypse, humans realized that the war they had been fighting for years was mere child's play compared to what came next. They discovered that their world had connected with countless other worlds, forming a giant planet teeming with numerous races, and now, even more wars began to erupt. And many protagonists emerged throughout all the races. As for me? I reincarnated as the talentless villain, but the thing is, I accidentally created the system!

Origin_Progenitor · Fantasy
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23 Chs

I Just Can't Get Enough Of Spilling Blood

Sol chuckled a little as it replied because it knew its master only had two types of moods.

First Mood, make a plan, use the plan, manipulate others to clear his way to his goal.

Second Mood, Fuck plan, just kill your way to the top.

''It's massacre time'' sol said amusingly.

'S-Stop! Don't come near me!' Fleya cried out, using her legs to desperately push herself away from Astarion.


But without a word, he swiftly cut off her ankle, causing her to scream in pain.

The sword in Astarion's hand began to glow with powerful energy, adorned with intricate runes and the dark blood gem also started to glow. Fleya's blood stained the ground as she tried to crawl away from him.

'How could you do this to a girl?' Fleya gasped, tears streaming down her face.

'I would even kill my own mother if she acted like a bitch, which you are,' Astarion sneered as he cut off her other ankle, causing her to scream even louder. 

As Astarion raised his sword once again, Fleya's mind raced with fear and desperation. She knew she couldn't outrun him with her missing ankles.

Astarion! I think this is enough,' Astram said as he pointed his gun at Astarion's head. Despite just bootlicking him moments ago and hating Fleya, he couldn't let Astarion kill her. She was, after all, the only granddaughter of the Minister of Justice.

'I need some support here,' Astram radioed in, hoping to get more police backup to take down Astarion.

'Idiot,' Astarion scoffed as a fire erupted from the dark blood gem in his hand, engulfing Astram in flames.

'Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!' Astram screamed in agony as he desperately tried to put out the fire, but it was too late. He turned to ashes before anyone could come to his aid.

As Astram was reduced to ashes, the support team finally arrived on the scene. They witnessed the destruction that astarion had caused and immediately understood the gravity of the situation.

Without wasting any time, they took aim and opened fire on Astarion, determined to take him down.

But Astarion was not intimidated. He smirked at their use of guns, thinking it was futile against his sword.

"You bring guns to a sword fight? How quaint." he said with an cruel smile.

With a swift movement, he cut down the bullets with his sword, showing off his impeccable swordsmanship.

In a matter of seconds, he had taken down dozens of policemen, leaving them no chance to defend themselves.

As Astarion continued his killing spree, Lurion quickly carried Fleya on her back and started running away from the chaos.

"Master, the ants are escaping!" Sol exclaimed.

"Let them run," Astarion replied nonchalantly. "The hunt is more thrilling when the prey is desperate."

As Astarion began to move toward where Lurion had fled, he casually extended his hand, igniting a fierce blaze that engulfed the entire room where Vled was, effectively killing him.

"This mythical energy is truly too powerful," Astarion remarked as he descended the stairs, his steps echoing through the empty space. "But alas, this is the power of the Dark Blood Gem and not something I can use indefinitely."

"Don't worry, Master. You will be able to wield such power on your own soon," Sol assured him, speaking directly into his mind.

As Astarion reached the ground floor, he noticed Lurion, who was attempting to escape while carrying Fleya. Without hesitation, Astarion conjured a fireball and hurled it at Lurion's leg, causing him to stumble and fall.

The ground floor was a scene of devastation, with every person there burned to death by the fire conjured from the Dark Blood Gem. The air was thick with the scent of charred flesh and smoke.

"Lurion! Run, fucking run now! This bastard is using the mythical energy; you're no different from an ant right now in front of him," the spirit of the Heavenly Spear Sutra screamed in Lurion's mind, desperate to save him.

"B-But I can't leave Fleya here alone," Lurion replied, his voice strained with panic as he glanced down at the injured Fleya.

"Fucker, just run!" the spirit exclaimed once more, urgency lacing its voice.

 Lurion hesitated for a moment before attempting to flee. However, his resolve came too late as Astarion, with a swift and merciless slash, cut off both of Lurion's legs, bringing him to a sudden, agonizing halt.

Astarion advanced closer, his sword dripping with fresh blood, a grim testament to his ruthlessness."Ah, the scent of blood, I just can't get enough of this,"

Astarion said, before adding, "It's just like a drug to me; I just want more of it every time." Astarion didn't know why.

but every time he spilled blood, he just wanted to continue doing it, and keep doing it until he was satisfied.

But the thing is, he is never satisfied No matter how much bood he spill.

''So, what should I do with you two'' astarion said as he look at the horrified lurion and fleya.

"Sorry, guys today's chapter is too much rushed but I can't do anything this fucking cold and fever have gone out of hand and just don't let me write in peace, so this chapter was rushed. But anyway, comment and let me know how you want to kill the bitch (Fleya) and bastard (Lurion)."

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