

Always bullied in his first life and becoming great in his second! READ NOW >>> Evander, a weak boy often bullied by his friends, discovers a mysterious ring. The beauty of the ring distracts Evander until he loses focus and is fatally hit by a car. However, Evander does not die and is reborn in the year 2453 as a young man destined to save the world. Evander is chosen as the war leader along with four other chosen ones, great powers are embedded in Evander and must be honed through levels and stages.

Wednesday_Adaire · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

The hologram now displayed an animation of a woman like a doll with empty eyes and a bald head.

"Open your palm facing upwards and spread your fingers forming a V with your pinky touching your ring finger and your middle finger touching your index finger. Then, retract your hand and quickly thrust it forward."

I furrowed my brows and looked at Aramor. He seemed to fold his hands in front of his chest and nodded, urging me to immediately follow the trial being described.

"Okay, this sounds very easy, robot. I hope I will satisfy you."

I immediately moved my hand according to the instructions given. However, nothing happened.

"Huh?! Why can't I do it?! Isn't this correct?!"

"Your movement is wrong. Make sure your movement follows what has been explained in the trial."

The robot on the hologram repeated its instructions, and this time I practiced it immediately with every word uttered by the robot.

Damn it, it still didn't work. I didn't know what was wrong!

"Okay, what else are you going to use as an excuse to blame me? Just say it if you just want to play with me, huh?!"

"The movement is correct; you just need to focus your mind to attack the object in front of you."


A pole that was not there before suddenly appeared in front of me. Yes, I remember this pole was there before I underwent the body installation, but after I woke up, it disappeared. They seemed to want to play with me.

Without waiting any longer, I focused my mind and repeated each instructed movement.


A flash of light appeared from the middle of the open fingers and caused the pole to scratch! I did it!

"Congratulations, you have passed the trial. Next, you will undergo the trial for your left hand."

I turned to Aramor, and he seemed to be giving me a thumbs up.

Honestly, my heart was very happy. It felt like I wanted to direct my right hand again until the pole fell.

"You entered the trial for the left hand, direct your left palm forward. Then, perform a rotating motion and push forcefully."

I took a deep breath and focused my mind on the pole. According to what was directed, I made the movement.


The pole moved backward. Moreover, I felt a gathering of wind in the palm of my hand before I pushed my palm forward.

"You have passed the trial for the right hand and left hand for level 1. Next, you must pass an exam first to reach level 2 trials. Each hand has power up to level 5."

I looked at my hand. I still wasn't satisfied with the completed trial; I directed my hand again and repeated the same movement.


Flashes of light and very strong winds hit the pole. I still succeeded.

Just the trial alone made me very satisfied; what if my hands were at level 5? I feel like I could destroy the world.

I returned to the hologram display, which now showed the option again, only eyes and legs were left.

"You chose eyes. To perform the eye trial, you must first complete the mind trial. You will be redirected to the leg trial."

Damn it, sometimes holograms like this are annoying. Why didn't it just direct me to the leg trial from the beginning?!

I selected the trial for the left leg.

"You chose to perform the trial for the left leg. Please perform a small jumping motion three times and then push with all your body strength while making a movement with your left hand facing the floor."


Can't it be a little slower?

"Hey, can you repeat that?! I'm still a bit confused!"

Damn it, this AI didn't care about my request. I could only sigh and immediately do what was said.

I jumped three times, and I could feel my body was very light. At the same time, I immediately directed my left hand and...



My head shot far and hit the ceiling of the room hard.


My body fell and crashed! My butt felt crushed from this impact.

"Congratulations, you have passed the trial for the left hand."

Suddenly, a siren sounded, and a notification announced, "Master Evander is injured. Master Evander is injured."


Aramor's shout as he entered the room and approached me made me realize that my condition lying on the floor was not okay.

"Are you feeling better?"

Aramor looked at me with concern. He took me to the treatment area located on the third floor.

"Yes, much better than ten minutes ago. That green light seems to have fixed my previously damaged butt."

"Don't exaggerate, your butt isn't damaged. It's just that the electrical nerve part that has been installed is slightly damaged because you didn't control your power perfectly," Aramor replied with a chuckle.

"I sound like a human born by a robot. Anyway, can I go back to doing trials now?"

"No. You have to rest until tomorrow. You have just been installed, and your newly installed electrical nerves need 15 hours to recover. You have to wait until tomorrow to do trials again," Aramor said.

"Will I sleep here?"

"Yes, you'll sleep on the fourth floor. The knights' rooms are there. We're in the same room, don't worry. You don't need to worry, Evander."

Aramor smiled at me; I furrowed my brows and asked, "Okay, so do you think I can still get through all of this? I failed the third trial already."

"Who said you failed? With you lying here, it means you have succeeded very well in that trial. Didn't you hear the notification from the AI? It said you succeeded, right? It's just that you need to control your power, not rush, and not be overwhelmed by worry. Your power is quite strong, Evander. You have to understand that you are not a weak man," Aramor said firmly.

He shot me a sharp look. Instantly, my confidence increased; I smiled and nodded.

"You know what? I'm getting more excited to reach the maximum level, Aramor!"