

Always bullied in his first life and becoming great in his second! READ NOW >>> Evander, a weak boy often bullied by his friends, discovers a mysterious ring. The beauty of the ring distracts Evander until he loses focus and is fatally hit by a car. However, Evander does not die and is reborn in the year 2453 as a young man destined to save the world. Evander is chosen as the war leader along with four other chosen ones, great powers are embedded in Evander and must be honed through levels and stages.

Wednesday_Adaire · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Chapter 12

Aramor and I arrived at the dining room earlier. Some food was already set on the long white table.

"Let's eat, Aramor. I don't want to waste too much time!"

I was about to pull out a chair, but Aramor quickly stopped my hand.

"What's wrong?"

"You can't eat before the others arrive, Master Evander. You're one of the four knights, and furthermore, you're a leader. You have to wait for them and eat together," Aramor said.

Oh my, these rules are really complicated. My stomach is already hurting! Besides, I can't wait to get back and fight the water obstacle!

"I'm not their leader; can't you stop saying that? Just joining them should be enough; don't burden me with more complex stuff!"

"It's up to you; I didn't mean to burden you. It's just my hope, as a friend who has experienced a second life like you. Isn't it fair?" Aramor looked at me with a twisted smile that made his face very punchable. He's annoying.

"And what about you? Aren't you eating at this table too?"

"Of course not, can't you see there are only four chairs? We guards have a separate room; it's over there."

Aramor pointed to a small room in the corner, which I could see clearly because it was transparent.

"Ugh, so exhausting! I forgot it was time to eat!"

"But, someone is really hungry; it seems today is a tough day for him after punching one of the strongest knights among us!"

The back and forth banter made me turn to the dining room door. Six people were standing there with hungry eagle-like gazes. Clearly, they were mocking and resentful of me because of the blow I dealt to the pink-nosed guy, Sam.

I didn't care; I immediately pulled out a dining chair and sat down. Their words were like the wind to me, unimportant.

"Somebody is really hungry. Look at how he sits there so brutally. He must have never tasted delicious and luxurious food before! So tacky, coming in here and pretending to be a knight just to enjoy the facilities," Sena remarked cynically.

Her sharp words ignited me. I reflexively grabbed the knife next to the plate and stabbed it into the table. Damn, I don't even know why I dared to do this.

"Aramor, you can have lunch now. Didn't you say lunch would begin when all personnel are present?"

I looked at Aramor; he seemed stunned by my attitude. Meanwhile, the other three were like the knights they guarded, cynical and fierce.

"Ready, Master Evander!" Aramor said, then looked at the other three guards. "Let's go, everyone, to the dining room."

As a leader of soldiers, Aramor's words were surely obeyed by his subordinates. They all followed Aramor from behind.

"Don't think I'm silent, you can act however you want, Evander! I still prioritize the training being conducted rather than having to retaliate for your stupid actions! Don't you know who I really am?!"


Carsten hit the table hard, showing his anger towards me. Did he think he could intimidate me? Um, maybe he could have done that in my previous life. Haha!

I don't know, after successfully leaving a mark on his face this morning, I gained enough courage. It feels like all the anxiety and trauma from the bullying that has been happening since this second life began are slowly disappearing.

"No, why should I bother to find out who you are? What's the importance to me? Just sit down; I'm hungry. Aramor taught me to wait for all the knights to eat; he said I should learn to behave like a leader."


Carsten got angry again, this time followed by his two friends growling at me too. Haha, I'm glad to see all three of them like raging bulls. I never thought I'd be so annoying today.

I deliberately said that sentence to make them angrier, but you don't need to think I'm already confident enough to become a leader. It will never happen.

"Calm down, Carsten. I'm sure this idiot just wants to mess with your mind. He's sly and uneducated; why should we panic hearing his words? Surely The Hailord has already decided who will be the leader among us three; it's not him. Trash like him doesn't deserve to be a candidate. I believe you're our only leader, Carsten!" Sena exclaimed cynically.

Carsten took a deep breath and gave me a twisted smile.

"Okay, let him dream. Let's eat soon. We have to show this useless guy what a knight's attitude is like. Just consider him entertainment until he eventually dies and is replaced by Gelael," Carsten replied, chuckling.

This pale white-skinned guy then sat down, followed by Jeremy and Sena. They quickly began to eat without looking at me again.

Just before I started to enjoy my meal, I prayed in my heart that the three of them would suddenly choke on their food and leave.

**Aramor approached me as I put down the fork on the plate. It took less than fifteen minutes to finish the steak and this weird green pasta. Luckily, I was hungry; otherwise, I might have preferred to eat air. I don't know what innovation they found in 2453, but why does the pasta taste so terrible?! Oddly, those three annoying knights seemed to enjoy it.

"Master Evander, let's return to the training room," Aramor said.

"But the other knights haven't finished eating; is this okay?"

I glanced at the three of them, unfortunately, none of them looked at me; they were still focused on their respective meals.

"It's unnecessary; you can leave them when you're done. It's better to start training right away," Aramor replied.

I nodded; surely this is the best decision given by Aramor. I immediately got up from the dining chair, leaving the other three who still didn't respond to anything.

"Good job, Warrior Aramor, you should have picked him up earlier. Weak people like him need a lot of training. Moreover, when else will a cunning ordinary person enjoy the fantastic facilities here?" Jeremy remarked.

Even though they were still in the same position, I knew it was Jeremy's voice!

I clenched my fists and turned to him; I wanted to respond to that sentence, but Aramor immediately grabbed my shoulder. His blank face shook his head, forcing me to calm my anger.

"Excuse us, Lady Sena, Master Jeremy, and Master Carsten."

Aramor politely excused us; we left the dining room and entered the elevator.

"You should have let me hit Jeremy's face like this morning. Why did you stop me?" I asked.

"What's the point of being angry all the time? You could be sanctioned if you're still filled with anger. Remember, Evander, you have to control yourself. You've already managed to overcome fear and doubt due to trauma from your previous life; now you have to control your emotions. A great knight is a knight who can control everything," Aramor replied.

The elevator door opened; Aramor immediately stepped

 out and stood in front of my training room. His blank face looked hopeful, just like a parent who wants his naughty child to stop causing trouble.

I raised an eyebrow as I entered the room, saying, "Don't give me that look. Okay, I'll try to control my emotions. Let's stop this conversation for now because I can't wait to overcome the obstacles prepared by that crazy hologram!"