
I Am The Strongest Original

OK I'm having fun writing this and please don't take this seriously there's obviously gonna be mistakes This Ain't HISTORICALLY ACCURATE

PrimordialOrigins · TV
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17 Chs

The Preparations for the Prophesied War

For years, Sparta had been preparing itself, both mentally and physically, for the war that the Oracle had prophesied about. The words of the Oracle echoed deep within the hearts of the Spartans, driving them to embark upon an unwavering mission to ensure their victory.

Upon hearing the prophecy, King Leonidas called for a council of the most distinguished warriors, wise elders, and renowned strategists of Sparta.

Gathered in the grand hall, illuminated by the flickering flames of torches, they listened attentively as the king addressed them:

"Esteemed Spartans, the Oracle's prophecy weighs heavily upon our minds. We have been predestined to engage in a great war, one that shall test our strength, courage, and unity.

We must embrace this prophecy and take all measures necessary to ensure our victory. What say you? What steps should we undertake to prepare ourselves?"

A thoughtful silence enveloped the room as the council members contemplated the gravity of the situation.

Finally, one elder rose, his aged face displaying wisdom earned through countless battles fought and won.

"King Leonidas, we must begin by focusing on our primary strength - our formidable warriors.

Eden's sadistic demeanor revealed itself as he interrupted, malicious intent gleaming in his eyes.

I will train them and I will not settle for anything less than torturous, grueling training that would break them down and push them to their absolute limit.

With a Demonic grin spreading across his face, Eden vowed to transform the phalanx formation into a weapon of ruthless precision, honing it to perfection and leaving no room for mercy or hesitation.

This declaration sent chills down everyone's spine which left a deafening silence until another Elder interjected then I shall strengthen our arsenal of weapons and armor, ensuring that each Spartan is equipped with the finest tools of war."

His words resonated with the council, and murmurs of agreement spread among them.

King Leonidas nodded approvingly and added, "Indeed, training and equipping our warriors is of utmost importance.

However, we must not forget the power of knowledge and prophecy. To that end, we shall summon the most esteemed scholars, sages, and seers of our land.

In their wisdom, they shall delve deep into the prophecy, deciphering its hidden meanings and guiding us on the path to victory."

The council agreed, recognizing the significance of an intellectual approach to the forthcoming war.

Messengers were dispatched throughout Sparta, inviting scholars from far and wide to descend upon the city-state, their collective minds collaborating to decode the intricacies of the prophecy.

In the meantime, Sparta devoted itself to building its defenses. towers erected, and training grounds expanded.

Every Spartan was mobilized, and the city resonated with the sounds of blacksmiths beating metal, warriors sparring, and the cries of victory echoing within its streets.

Years went by, and as the sun set on countless training sessions and preparations, the scholars finally unveiled their findings.

They came forth, their faces alight with both awe and trepidation, for what they had discovered was both a blessing and a burden.

"The prophecy, O King, speaks of great challenges and insurmountable odds. But hidden within these words lie the keys to victory.

We must preserve our unity, strengthen our resolve, and above all, trust in the courage of our warriors."

King Leonidas, not a stranger to adversity, smiled with conviction.

"Thank you, scholars.

Your words shall guide our actions.

We will face this war with unity and faith, for Spartans have never faltered in the face of adversity. The Oracle has spoken, and so shall we."

And so, Sparta stood ready, armed with their unwavering valor, unyielding spirit, and the wisdom accumulated by both scholars and warriors alike