
I Am The Strongest Original

OK I'm having fun writing this and please don't take this seriously there's obviously gonna be mistakes This Ain't HISTORICALLY ACCURATE

PrimordialOrigins · TV
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

In The Name Of Ares

As the day's exhausting training session ended, Eden was approached by a messenger bearing a summons that left him with a sense of foreboding. "Sir Nyx, His Highness has summoned you," the messenger informed him. Eden followed the messenger's instructions and made his way to the great castle, where he was granted entrance and immediately commanded to kneel before the king.

"You summoned me, my king," Eden said, his voice betraying no hint of emotion. The king's response was curt and to the point. "I want to test you and your men. I will send you to a village up north occupied by King Orc. You must conquer this place in the name of Ares," he declared. Eden didn't need to be told how critical this mission was. Failure would bring great shame not just upon him, but upon all of Sparta.

"Yes, Sire. We shall be ready to depart in two days," Eden responded confidently.

As he left the throne room, Eden's mind was already turning the wheels. There would be much to do, much to prepare before setting out on such a perilous journey. He walked with a sense of purpose, back to his men, resolved to ensure they were ready for whatever the mission might entail.

The sound of Captain Eden's voice boomed across the training ground, sending shivers down the spines of the Spartan soldiers. They knew that whenever their captain spoke, it was a matter of great urgency and importance. The soldiers were already exhausted from their day-long drills, but they knew that their duty to Sparta was never done.

"Gather around, brothers," Captain Eden commanded. The soldiers immediately formed a tight circle around their leader, their eyes fixed on him with utmost respect and attention.

"With great honor, King Demaratus has entrusted us with a mission. We shall depart in two days' time," the captain informed them, his voice brimming with a sense of urgency and seriousness.

The soldiers listened intently, knowing all too well the gravity of such an announcement. Eden continued, his voice growing even more grave.

"I expect each one of you to prepare yourselves for this mission. Say your goodbyes to your loved ones," he ordered, his tone carrying a hint of sadness. They knew that the risks were high and that the possibility of not returning was a real one.

Eden paused for a moment and scanned the faces of his men, ensuring the gravity of the situation was clear to them. "And remember, my last order is that you do not bring shame to our brothers or to me. Anyone who fails to uphold this basic principle will face the wrath of Sparta," he warned them, his voice cold and unwavering.

The soldiers absorbed the warning with a mix of fear and reverence. They knew that Eden's reputation as a Spartan captain hung on their actions and that any negative outcome would bring dishonor to themselves, their families, and their country.

With that, the orders were given, and the soldiers began to bid farewell to their loved ones, their hearts heavy with both the weight of their duty and the patriotic pride that came with being a Spartan.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the end of yet another taxing day, the Spartan warriors were left with a daunting task ahead of them. They needed to prepare a month's worth of rations if they were to survive the journey that lay before them. Tired and aching from their endless practice, the soldiers quickly got to work, their hands moving with purpose as they gathered supplies and assembled their gear.

As the night wore on, the soldiers' hard work was briefly put aside, they had a moment to indulge in the company of their loved ones - their wives. For some, it would be the last time they would be with their partners for a long time. The love between the couples was palpable, their embrace passionate, and their desires insatiable.

The atmosphere grew thick with the sounds of intimacy, their moans and cries of pleasure peeling through the night and enveloping Sparta. The pleasure-seeking Spartan couples were so absorbed in their desires that they momentarily forgot the gravity of the mission at hand.

Even with the sounds of lovemaking heard far and wide, there was an underlying sense of melancholy and regret in the air. The laughter and cheering of the day were replaced by deep, wordless embrace of the goodbye. The soldiers knew that this was likely to be their last night together for a long time, a thought that weighed heavily on their minds.

Eventually, the couples parted ways, the warriors embracing their wives for one last time. It was time to let go. The intense emotions still lingered in the air, their absence palpable and haunting. The men were left with the bitter sweetness of a final goodbye, knowing that they were about to face a journey that few would survive, but all hoped to return home in one piece.

The following day, the Spartan warriors set out on their journey, fully equipped for the long and grueling trip ahead. With heavy hearts and determined spirits, they traversed through a swampy terrain, their boots sinking deep into the mud with each step they took. They marched relentlessly over craggy rocks, the ground uneven and unpredictable.

As the sun beat down on them, they braved the harsh elements without complaint, their iron wills propelling them forward. Even when thirst and hunger gnawed at their bellies, they refused to falter, hunting wild beasts for survival and drinking their blood for much-needed hydration.

Despite the many obstacles they faced, the Spartan warriors never lost sight of their mission. Their focus remained unyielding, their unwavering determination pushing them forward. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity of intense suffering and perseverance, they made it to the village while the sun still shone.

As they took stock of their surroundings, they realized that their journey was far from over. There was still much work to be done, and dangers yet to overcome. However, for the moment, they took solace in the fact that they had come this far, and would remain resolute in their quest to succeed.

Eden's commanding voice boomed across the battlefield, commanding his archers to take aim at the houses in the village. Without hesitation, the bowman lit their arrows, flames dancing at their tips as they drew back their bows. The tension was palpable as they took careful aim, their fingers steady on the string.

Finally, the arrows were released, whistling through the air as they soared towards the houses. The moment they hit their target, flames erupted, engulfing the structure in a fiery inferno. Screams of panic pierced the air as the villagers realized the gravity of the situation.

Edens next order left no room for mercy. The men were to kill everyone, and spare the children. The Spartan warriors knew that they had a job to do and that nothing could stand in their way.

As they marched through the village, swords clutched tightly in their hands, the air was thick with the sound of battle cries and the cries of the dying.

Despite the chaos and carnage, the warriors remained dispassionate, their discipline unwavering. They moved with ruthless efficiency, steel cutting through flesh and bone without apology. It was a brutal sight to behold, but to the Spartan soldiers, this was simply another mission, another day to prove their worthiness to their gods.

When the dust finally settled, the village lay in shambles, smoke rising from the charred remains of homes and bodies littering the ground.

It was a reminder of the harsh reality of war and the brutal nature of their existence. But for the Spartan warriors, it was just another day's work.

The sun set on the battlefield as the Spartan warriors emerged victorious, their swords and shields stained with the blood of their enemies. Victory was theirs, and there had been no deaths among their ranks. The triumph was overwhelming, and with it came a well-deserved promotion.

As the warriors returned to Sparta, Eden found out he was promoted to general, now tasked with leading a two hundred men into battle.

The honor was immense, and it was clear that his hard work and military acumen had not gone unnoticed.

As they prepared for their next mission in a month, the Eden knew that he had some intensive training to do to ready his new troops for the challenges ahead. He would not let himself, or his men, be caught off-guard

Despite the excitement and joy of their recent victory, the air was thick with tension and trepidation. The general held nothing back as he barked his commands, demanding the highest degree of discipline and dedication from his troops. Every day was an opportunity to sharpen their skills, and he made sure that they would not squander it.

Meanwhile, the newbies tried to hide their unease and apprehension under a veneer of bravado. They spoke confidently, but the fear in their eyes betrayed them.

They knew that the stakes were high, and that their survival depended on their ability to meet every task with the utmost diligence and focus.

Eden watched them closely, noting their strengths and weaknesses and plotting the best ways to mold them into a cohesive fighting force. There could be no screw-ups, no mistakes. They were Spartans, and failure was not an option.

Meanwhile "Yo newbies don't miss up training or you well wish you were dead" can't be that bad" the newbie said back.

"Ok I will tell you a story You see that guy over there Cole he was an overweight Spartan warrior whose rotund frame had caught the attention of the general.

The general had little patience for anyone who failed to meet the rigorous physical standards demanded of Spartan soldiers, and so he ordered Cole to run for a full week without reprieve.

As Cole began his grueling run, his breath coming in short gasps and his legs burning with the effort, he wondered how he would ever make it through.

The sun beat down relentlessly on him, and every step felt like a monumental effort. Still, he pushed on, trying to keep his mind focused on the task at hand.

The general was not one to coddle his soldiers, and he allowed Cole only brief respites during the week-long ordeal. For just ten minutes every day, Cole was allowed to stop and rest, to eat and drink and take care of his body's most immediate needs.

But even that small mercy was taken away when Cole's ten minutes were up, and he had not yet finished his business. The general lost his patience and ordered Cole to soil himself, earning him the unenviable nickname "Stains" from his fellow soldiers.

The nickname stuck, and Cole would forever be known as "Stains," a reminder of his humiliation and the harsh realities of military life.

The general, for his part, was both feared and respected by his troops, known for his unwavering discipline and his uncompromising standards. He had earned the moniker "the devil with a pretty face," a testament to his beauty even in his cruelty. Though he demanded much from his soldiers, they knew that he expected no more from them than he did from himself.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the end of yet another taxing day, the Spartan warriors were left with a daunting task ahead of them. They needed to prepare a month's worth of rations if they were to survive the journey that lay before them. Tired and aching from their endless practice, the soldiers quickly got to work, their hands moving with purpose as they gathered supplies and assembled their gear.

As the night wore on, the soldiers' hard work was briefly put aside, they had a moment to indulge in the company of their loved ones - their wives. For some, it would be the last time they would be with their partners for a long time. The love between the couples was palpable, their embrace passionate, and their desires insatiable.

The atmosphere grew thick with the sounds of intimacy, their moans and cries of pleasure peeling through the night and enveloping Sparta. The pleasure-seeking Spartan couples were so absorbed in their desires that they momentarily forgot the gravity of the mission at hand.

Even with the sounds of lovemaking heard far and wide, there was an underlying sense of melancholy and regret in the air. The laughter and cheering of the day were replaced by deep, wordless embrace of the goodbye. The soldiers knew that this was likely to be their last night together for a long time, a thought that weighed heavily on their minds.

Eventually, the couples parted ways, the warriors embracing their wives for one last time. It was time to let go. The intense emotions still lingered in the air, their absence palpable and haunting. The men were left with the bitter sweetness of a final goodbye, knowing that they were about to face a journey that few would survive, but all hoped to return home in one piece.