
I am the son of demon king in low

In a world full of dungeons and monsters a lot of hunters The demon king, the reason for all this? Kevin Washington married the Demon Queen I am the demon king's son in law Wait for me, my wife, I will kill your father and come back

Gamal_3_3_ · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Johnny wakes up

Johnny woke up and found himself in the hospital with drips

in his hand and some doctors in front of him

Then he said in a stunned voice

" where am I "

The doctor in front of him replied and said

"you are in the hospital "

Then Johnny said, "Why am I here?"

The doctor replied, "Do you remember what happened yesterday, or have you lost your memory?"

Johnny replied in a slightly stunned voice and then said, "What happened yesterday?"

The doctor replied, "Do you really not remember?"

Then Johnny said, "What, is what happened yesterday really? Now I remember everything. This monster with tentacles and hundreds of corpses around me. Then a strange man with short white hair came. He cut this monster like a fish."

The doctor replied, "Do you mean Mr. Kevin Washington?"

He replied, Johnny, in amazement, "Is this really Mr. Kevin? The celebrity I used to watch on TV when I was young, was he the one who saved me yesterday?"

The doctor replied, "Yes, that is."

" But why was his appearance slightly changed, his hair was white? But when I was watching him on TV, his hair was black and he looked so good, but what the hell is that? It looked very strange. What is that?"

The doctor replied and said, "Maybe because he used a relic or something like that. You know these magical relics, and any relics that ask for strange things every time you use them may make him change his hair style or anything as you see."

"So what will happen here now?"

Johnny said with some curiosity

The doctor replied, "Actually, nothing. You will recover here in the hospital and then go out if you want."

"Anyway, where are we now, this doctor? You're here at the Winged Dragon Guild's hospital," Johnny said.

Johnny replied "Winged Dragon Guild is that for real?"

The Winged Dragon Guild was one of the three most famous guilds in all of Korea, along with the Phoenix and Turtle Guilds

Then he interrupted their conversation when the door opened, then a person in a black dress entered and said to the doctor, "I want to talk to Johnny for a bit."

The doctor asked, "Okay, I'll go now."

The owner of the black suit sat on the chair in front of Johnny's bed and said, "So, Mr. Johnny, do you remember what happened yesterday?"

He replied, Johnny, "Yes, I started entering when we were nine people, and we entered the cell together. There was me, Jasmine, and Joffrey. We were a team, and these damn people, if I see them now, I will cut them apart."

This guard in the black suit replied, "Actually, you will not be able to achieve your dream that you say."

Johnny replied, "What? What happened?"

The guard in the black suit answered him

" In fact, yesterday's raid did not survive anything or anyone but you."

Johnny replied in astonishment, "What, did everyone who entered with me get killed?"

The guard replied, "Yes, you are the only survivor"

Johnny replied in astonishment and said, "How is this not a rank D dungeon?"

The guard replied " I have to correct your information, this dungeon was actually a rank C dungeon, but anyway, there seemed to be something wrong with it, and it wasn't a rank C dungeon anyway."

Johnny replied, "Yes, it was a rank? But why did I agree with my group that it was a rank C? It's clear now, these lunatics?"

Those damned people laughed at him to complete the number of nine people, then kill them inside the cell and seize their share of the profit.

Then Johnny asked, "This incident, what happened with the rest of the people?"

The guard replied, "There were those who were cut in two, and there were those who were cut into many pieces, but in the whole of this matter, everyone was killed except you."

Johnny was so scared in the meantime why the hell did they do that? Shouldn't they have searched for the cell more or something before that?

Alesso is a powerful guild or something. Johnny was very afraid in the meantime, then Johnny the guard interrupted his thinking and said

"We will compensate the families of those killed in this raid, and I will offer you two offers."

Reply, Johnny, "what are they?"

The guard in the black suit answered him

"First, you can get treatment now, slowly, and then we will give you some money to compensate you for the losses you suffered in this accident."

He replied, Johnny, "How about the second show?"

He replied to this guard and said, "As for the second offer, we will ask you to join the union as compensation."

Johnny replied, "Join the Winged Dragon Guild?"

He was so amazed at this matter that he never imagined that he would ever join the Winged Dragon Guild, after all, it was one of the strongest unions in all of Korea. Then the guard in the black suit said, What is your decision now?


in another place

Mr. Morris went to Mr. Joseph after Kevin Washington left him behind...

Mr. Morris entered Mr. Joseph's room while he was reading some news sheets. Then Mr. Morris said:

"Mr. Joseph, please resolve the situation now with Mr. Kevin Washington."

Sir Joseph replied, "What's the matter, Sir Maurice?"

Mr. Morris said, "Mr. Joseph, this is not a work against you. How can he leave me like this and leave me to do some, not some, but many things that have accumulated a lot of work because of him?"

Mr. Joseph replied to him and said, "Just wait a bit, Mr. Morris. I will solve this matter soon. You just have to be patient."

Mr. Morris replied, "Just turn me over to Mr. Rick, at least he's more conservative than Mr. Kevin and doesn't go against work time."

Mr. Joseph replied, "You know Mr. Rick doesn't want to have any assistant."

Mr. Morris replied, "And the solution?"

Mr. Joseph replied, "I will solve the situation for you soon, just give me some time."