
I Am The Owner Of A Pokémon Day Care In The Pokémon World

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find themselves in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Orgininal Novel : https://www.qidian.com/book/1015503197.html Let's Join : My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bearnard_bear My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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Severed Finger

This time, the system translated what the person said, but Yuga looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Because of the difference in perception, Yuga didn't feel that he had offended anyone or that his actions were wrong in any way.

"You... you brat..."

Feeling ignored, the man who had accused Yuga jumped forward, his face turning red, and his finger trembling as he pointed at Yuga.

The guards beside him even seemed ready to act against Yuga.

In the man's eyes, Yuga, a mere commoner, dared to treat him, a nobleman, like this, which was completely unacceptable.

As for whether Yuga was the savior of Prince Shadowsong, it didn't matter to him at all.

However, before the guard could get close to Yuga, he suddenly flew backward, crashing into a large tree and spitting out blood as he fainted.

The man who had accused Yuga had his finger snap audibly in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, Leon, who had been smiling moments ago, narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, Gardevoir's eyes still emitted a conspicuous purple light, and it was evident to anyone with keen eyes that everything that had just happened was the work of Gardevoir.

The scene became strangely quiet for a moment, with only the man who had lost his finger groaning in pain on the ground.

Yuga hadn't expected Gardevoir to act so decisively.

But since Gardevoir had taken action, Yuga didn't find fault with it. He wouldn't blame his Gardevoir for dealing with someone who had treated him poorly.

Evildoers often needed evildoers to deal with them.

However, was Gardevoir's behavior a bit off from its usual demeanor? Wasn't a Celebi originally a kind and cute Pokémon?

Now, it was acting so violently. Could the changes in its body gradually affect its personality?

Yuga was a bit bewildered for a moment...

In truth, Gardevoir had been restraining itself for a long time.

It had no positive feelings toward anyone in the entire Arus Empire, and after learning about Arus' current state through Shadowsong's words, its loathing for Emperor Rode and the nobility had intensified.

Pokémon are creatures easily swayed by emotions.

Whether it's gratitude, happiness, anger, or hatred, these emotions can easily influence their actions.

Excessively strong emotions can even lead them to lose control and go berserk.

So, to some extent, Gardevoir's personality had indeed changed from before.

A thousand years of hatred couldn't be without its effects on Gardevoir.

"Get him! Get him! Seize this man!"

While the man with the severed finger groaned in pain, he loudly called for the guards, his facial expression distorted due to the agony.

Ten fingers are connected, and the pain of a severed finger was no small matter.

The guards rushed to the scene, quickly surrounding Yuga and Gardevoir.

These guards were all accompanied by Pokémon, and they were uniformed Mightyenas, their fangs bared as if they were ready to pounce at any moment.

"Back off!"

At this moment, Leon suddenly scolded the guards.

"Lord Leon!"

The man with the severed finger looked at Leon resentfully.

"This gentleman is Prince Shadowsong's savior, and he is a distinguished guest of the palace. Pay attention to your words and actions."

Leon stared coldly at the man with the severed finger.

The man with the severed finger stammered, unable to say anything more, and gave Yuga a resentful glance before shivering and silently retreating into the crowd.

"Step back, all of you!"

Leon once again commanded the guards.

The guards respectfully stepped back.

"I apologize, Mr. Shimizu. You've been offended, and I hope you can forgive us. You are a distinguished guest of our palace, and no one should show disrespect to you," Leon said apologetically after the guards had withdrawn.

Meanwhile, the man who had retreated into the crowd faced ridicule from his companions.

"Look at him, with his behavior, he's still trying to stand up for Lord Leon."

"Yeah, look at him, how dare he speak up for Lord Leon."

"Do you see him? Acting all high and mighty."

The crowd ridiculed him relentlessly.

A stunningly beautiful young girl whispered to a nearby servant.

"That's right, he doesn't even consider his status. Does Lord Leon need him to speak up for him?"

Another girl nearby chuckled quietly in agreement.

"He's just trying to flatter Lord Leon. That's why he's so eager to defend him," a man said mockingly, looking at the man with the severed finger.

"You... You all were just as excited earlier. Are you pretending now?" Another man sneered, and his words silenced the others.

These people were not discreet in their conversation, so the man with the severed finger heard everything clearly. He harbored intense hatred in his heart, not only for those making sarcastic remarks but also for his injured guard and Yuga, who had severed his finger.

In response to Leon's apology, Yuga remained expressionless and didn't speak.

Leon wasn't angered by this and smiled as he said to Yuga, "I won't disturb your garden stroll any longer. Please excuse me."

After Leon and his group left, Yuga couldn't help but think to himself, " This Leon is hostile towards me!"

Turning to Vira, Yuga asked, "Is Leon, like Nolans, also living in the palace?"

"Yes," Vira replied respectfully.

"I can't help but feel that Nolans and Leon seem more like the masters of this palace," Yuga casually remarked.

Vira's expression changed slightly, and she cautioned, "Lord Yuga, please be careful with your words. Such statements should not be made lightly."

Yuga gave a faint smile and said, "I was just speaking my mind. Besides, it's just the two of us here. If we don't say it, who will know?"

With that, Yuga continued to walk ahead, leisurely enjoying the sights in the garden.

Vira pursed her lips and silently followed behind Yuga.

When Yuga returned to Shadowsong's palace, Shadowsong and Hubert had already returned.

He instructed Vira to go back first and then went to see Shadowsong.

Seeing Yuga approach, Shadowsong greeted him with a smile, "I heard you went for a stroll in the palace. How was it? Did you have a good time?"

Yuga didn't answer Shadowsong's question directly but asked another, "Don't you find your palace and this whole situation rather strange?"

The palace wasn't the only strange thing; even those who had been chasing Shadowsong seemed suspicious.

The Pokémon they used included two types: Gligar and Vibrava. According to what Yuga had read on the stone tablet, these were the three series of Pokémon used by the Arus Empire's army: Gligar, Vibrava, and Aggron.

The fact that the pursuers used Gliscor and Aggron was too coincidental.

The Arus Empire's army was under the control of Emperor Rode, and it wouldn't make sense for him to want to kill his only son, would it?

Even a venomous snake doesn't harm its own offspring!

Nolans and Leon, the brothers, were also peculiar in their own right.