
I Am The Owner Of A Pokémon Day Care In The Pokémon World

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find themselves in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Orgininal Novel : https://www.qidian.com/book/1015503197.html Let's Join : My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bearnard_bear My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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After Mismagius was forced to retreat, a Gliscor appeared on the battlefield.

Behind Gliscor stood a middle-aged man clad in armor.

A Gliscor at the Elite level! Yuga looked at the Gliscor in surprise.

"General Moro, it's you! Hurry, capture these two; they are the ones responsible for Prince Shadowsong's unconsciousness," Leon said to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded and commanded Gliscor to attack Mismagius.

Countless stone blades rained down on the floating Mismagius.

General Moro was a commander of the elite royal guards dedicated to protecting Arus City. His strength was formidable, and the Gliscor alone was more powerful than Yuga's Mismagius.

Mismagius's Mystical Fire clashed with Gliscor's Stone Edges, and the flames were quickly dispersed.

Watching Mismagius falling behind, Leon gloated, "You'd better surrender peacefully; it's better than suffering later. General Moro isn't someone you can handle."

Yuga paid no attention to Leon and continued to command Mismagius to confront Gliscor.

At this moment, Gengar had defeated all of the small fries under its command. It disappeared from Yuga's side in an instant and reappeared next to Mismagius.

Seeing Mismagius and Gengar joining forces, Yuga smiled.

Mismagius and Gengar exchanged a glance and nodded to each other, simultaneously using Shadow Balls.

Two enormous Shadow Balls formed in front of them, merged into one, and emitted a terrifying energy aura.

Upon seeing the combined Shadow Ball, General Moro couldn't help but furrow his brow.

These two Pokémon were teaming up, and they seemed overly strong.

"Gliscor, use Sandstorm!" With General Moro's command, a violent sandstorm swept across the battlefield, and at the same time, Gliscor's figure disappeared into the dust cloud.

This Gliscor had the Sand Veil ability.

However, Mismagius and Gengar remained calm despite losing sight of their target and closed their eyes.

Ghost-type Pokémon had strong psychic powers, similar to Psychic-type Pokémon, so they didn't always rely on their eyes to perceive the world.

On the other side, Dragonite, who was battling Swampert, had the upper hand. But due to the sudden sandstorm, it was affected.

As a Ground-type Pokémon, Swampert was unaffected by the Sandstorm.

In the midst of the sandstorm, Gliscor saw that Gengar and Mismagius had closed their eyes, thinking it was an opportunity. It quickly approached them and launched numerous stone blades.

However, just as Gliscor got close to Gengar and Mismagius, they simultaneously opened their eyes and accurately threw the two-in-one Shadow Ball they were holding.

The surface of the dark purple Shadow Ball warped due to the intense energy fluctuations, and the stone blades shot by Gliscor were devoured by the Shadow Ball.

The massive Shadow Ball collided with Gliscor, resulting in a violent explosion. In just an instant, the raging sandstorm on the battlefield came to a sudden halt.

With the disappearance of the sandstorm, it meant that Gliscor, who controlled it, had fallen.

The moment the Sandstorm disappeared, Dragonite used Dragon Rush and struck Swampert. Already injured, Swampert immediately lost its fighting ability.

With Gliscor down, Gengar appeared in front of General Moro and took him hostage.

Simultaneously, Mismagius appeared next to Leon, restraining him.

Yuga had Gengar take General Moro hostage because he sensed that there was another Ghost-type Pokémon accompanying General Moro. However, this Pokémon was hidden.

Indeed, when General Moro was captured by Gengar, a Sableye appeared on a nearby wall.

This Sableye was also at the Elite level, slightly weaker than the previous Gliscor.

However, Ghost-type Pokémon were inherently challenging to deal with.

As a general, General Moro, like Yuga, had a Ghost-type Pokémon secretly protecting him.

However, Sableye couldn't enter its owner's shadow like Gengar. It could only lurk in the surrounding shadows unnoticed. Additionally, General Moro didn't have Yuga's Shadow Space.

Therefore, it was not as fast as Gengar, and Yuga easily detected its position. Sableye couldn't stop Gengar's actions.

General Moro, once captured, the Sableye dared not make any rash moves.

"All right, Leon, hand over Shadowsong!" Yuga supported the unconscious Hubert and said to Leon.

Before Leon could respond, General Moro asked Yuga, "What do you intend to do with Prince Shadowsong?"

Yuga didn't answer General Moro's question but kept his gaze on Leon.

"Quickly, or don't blame me for being ruthless," Yuga warned.

Mismagius intensified its mental hold on Leon, causing him to groan in pain.

Leon didn't want to listen to Yuga and didn't care about General Moro's fate, At this time, he even hoped that Yuga would kill Moro quickly, otherwise Moro would definitely settle the score with him afterwards.

"Guards, bring Prince Shadowsong here!" Leon shouted to a few guards.

"You dare!" General Moro roared angrily at Leon.

Seeing General Moro's reaction, Yuga was genuinely surprised. Could it be that this guy wasn't on the same side as Leon and the others? He genuinely seemed concerned about Shadowsong. However, Leon paid no attention to General Moro.

Shadowsong was soon carried over by the guards, but his face turned purple, obviously he was poisoned.

At this point, Yuga sighed and had Mismagius use its psychic power to control Shadowsong, bringing him to Yuga's side.

He watched Shadowsong, still breathing but with a purplish complexion, and breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he was alive!

Yuga recalled Dragonite and took out Gardevoir's Poké Ball, releasing Gardevoir. He said, "Take us out of the palace."

Gardevoir nodded in response. Her eyes emitted a purple glow as her psychic powers enveloped Yuga, Hubert, and Shadowsong.

Before Gardevoir could initiate her teleportation, Gengar released General Moro, swiftly returning to Yuga's shadow.

Mismagius used its psychic powers to control Leon, hurling him into the distance before also retreating into Yuga's shadow.

Following that, Yuga, along with the other three and Gardevoir, disappeared from the palace.

After Yuga left, Leon found himself hurled into a stone pillar at the palace gate, resulting in a painful "crack" sound.

His spine was broken!

After Yuga and his group had left, General Moro angrily rushed toward Leon, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him up.

"Crack" sounded again.

With such an injury, Leon might never be able to stand again in his lifetime.

"How dare you!" General Moro roared, raising his fist to strike Leon's head.

As a military general, General Moro's fist was no joke. A single blow could have split Leon's head open.

At that moment, Nolan arrived with a group of guards, accompanied by a Sceptile.

Seeing Sceptile, General Moro hesitated and then reluctantly released Leon, throwing him to the ground.

Another "crack" echoed.

Leon, now awakened by the pain, groaned, "If you don't give me an explanation for this, I won't let it slide."

Having said that, General Moro left in a huff with his Gliscor and Sableye.