
The games will begin. What is powder

Seven days later, all the preparations were made and it was time for the world of giya to witness one of the wealthiest tycoons take off in the galaxy and share his experience. The world of giya began to shake then produced humming noises until a mechanical voice finally made itself present. "Hello people of giya, it is time for the ceremony to begin. I will tell you the conditions so that your planet has the ability to succeed. There has been 3 new planets that have met the requirements so I will quickly explain to you what they are. There is the planet of Shiva, this planet is strength and agility based. The beings at the top of the food chain are shape shifting Titans. The next planet is called Atlantis. The creatures on this planet are water based that prefer the homosapians body. These creatures have strength and can use magic.

The last planet is called earth. Yes they are the original humans… The planet that you creatures abandon have made its first entrance and to be frank, they have all of the elements from all planets. The ganthera belt preventing each planet from exploring has now been lifted. As you know I have already made this announcement to all the planets, you only have 100 year until the ganthera belt will close. Before the closing of the ganthera belt, you must either take 2 cores from other planets before the time or make two planets an ally before the time. Failure to follow the rules will result in the consumption of your planet, good luck to all planets. Just as the being know as the ganthera belt appeared, the being then leaves with the planet violently shaking then an explosion as the atmosphere of Giya opened after being sealed for 100 years. Just as everyone was a about to make their exploration preparation, the being of known as the ganthera belt made its appearance once again without the rumble of the planet. The ganthera belt then says in a voice that has a hint of fear mentions that earth is not a planet and if anyone steals earths core, they will automatically pass.

Else wear 1h before gantheras speech.

The ganthera belt was traveling through the galaxy destroying planets that had beings and create that the ganthera belt deemed as un-intelligent until it found a blue planet glowing with its own light. This is a phenomenon that the ganthera belt has never seen before as the majority of planets that had intelligence life orbited around a sun. A smile crept on the corning of the ganthera belts body as it manifested a Shiva body and bolted toward this peculiar planet know as earth. I'm no time the ganthera belt was entered earth atmosphere and was met with a loss of most of his power and was subjected to earth laws, such as gravity and friction. One of the most powerful beings was shooting at speeds that broke the sound barrier as the ganthera belt hit the ground causing a crater larger than a mountain. The landing ended up taking all four limbs of the ganthera belt just leaving the being standing there in shock. The being immediately erupted in a fit of anger and proceeds to allow his powers to go wild possible erasing this planet from experience. When the being released his powers freely he was expecting the hole planet to be effected, instead the being's power was trapped in a protective barrier that only extended 8 feet in front of the being forming a circle. The energy that the being gave off looked midnight black with the density looking like liquid flowing out of control. With in a matter of seconds, the being was completely healed looking around for signs if life. The being then instinctively tries to fly by channeling most of its energy to its legs and taking off leaving a crack on the ground. The being then began to channel the air condensing it and pushing the air forward. The ganthera belt was flying but was only moving 24mph. The being quickly realized that flying on this planet used too much energy. The being descended and began running reaching speeds

600-800mph, after running for 1h the creature finally found its first creature. The ganthera belt could now see three beings standing waving at it with an inviting smile. The ganthera belt slowed down to a walk to greet the three beings in from of it. The ganthera was met with a milking faces as the first creature wearing an all gold armor set said, "hello ganthera, my name is impundulu. We all felt your speed and love running ourselves, maybe one day we can all do a race, I'm not all to fast but my friends are." The two other people waiting behind Impundulu then proceeded to introducing themselves. The creature wearing an all black armor set walked up and introduced itself as Camazotz. The last creature wearing an all red armor set introduced itself as Indrajit.

The ganthera belt in the Shiva form assumed a male body in an attempt to seem dominant proceeded to talk. "The fact that you know my name must mean that you know why I'm here. Impundulu Responded to the ganthera belt saying, "our planet can not participate in your schemes and will be taking each and every planet away from you. You can either give us control of each planet or witness your own destruction." The ganthera belt has never been put in a position where he had to listen to other beings. The ganthera belt feeling his pride being stepped on erupted in his violent fit of rage and changed an lightning attack capable of destroying a planet and aimed it at Impundulu. In stead of Impundulu moving out of the way. The creature just stood still with a smile that had a tint of evil within. Impundulu body was covered with lightning then slowing condensed into the palms of the creatures hand then disappeared. After the attack Camazotz and Indrajit scoffed in disappointment and walked back to their post cursing in their tong about how weak the foreigner was. Impundulu looked at ganthera and said, "it looks like you took the shape of a powerful male warrior. Unfortunately your power has only focused on destruction and failed to branch out, this phenomenon mainly has to do with your thoughts on thinking males creatures hold power. Your pride and fear prevents you from knowing true power. Not using your original body is telling me all of this, I will now have to erase your temporary body until you come again with your original body. Maybe next time we meet, Camazotz and Indrajit might find you worth their time, agin that is a maybe. The ganthera belt then screamed out in anger saying. I am a planetary being with the ability to use all elements. It will be you and your nonsensical rambling that will be leaving this planet. I will also proceed to invade your world and take its core as my own then blunder your world into darkness. The ganthera belt then took a fighting stance leaning forward and digging his feet into the ground. Impundulu took a similar stance but his smile cracked and the laughter of a mad man could no longer be suppressed. Then both beings collided with one side being the obvious victor.