

"Hello reader! I am Lord Sirius, the most evil man in the entire world! How evil you ask? My date once stood me up on Valentines day, and for revenge, I removed the patronizing holiday day from all existence! That's right! February only has 27 days now! Accept for on a leap year... But even then there is no 14th! This story is about how I, the supreme ruler of the world, was tricked and turned into a child! Losing all my power I was forced into a new reality where instead of my overwhelming powers of darkness and destruction I was given the power of light! How pitiful I have become! But no matter! Enrolled in the villain Academy for students, I will reign supreme and one day once again take over the world! For I am STILL the most evil man in the world! Even though I'm a child!"

Gaburieru · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: Brawl on the Bus!

Armed with a backpack and lunch bag, Sirius stood with his father on the side of the road, awaiting his school bus. As the sun shone brightly in his eyes, he recalled his disdain for his current universe and began hatching an evil plot to make the best of his situation.

Just as he contemplated his first move, he saw the bright red school bus come around the corner.

"Finally, something that looks at least somewhat evil," he said, admiring the bus.

The bus, emblazoned with the words "Villain Academy," was packed to the brim with mysterious students. Some spat gum out the window, while others stuck their heads out, rocking to the sound of heavy metal that blared from the bus's interior. Decals on the side mimicked wings, and its headlights resembled horns—it was the full embodiment of a demonic bus.

Sirius clenched his fist in satisfaction as the bus pulled up.

"This is going to be a piece of cake," he thought.

As the school bus arrived, his mother began to cry"Good luck honey!" She yelled waving in the distance

"Well," his father said, "Good luck today; do your best."

"You fool," Sirius thought, "You're supposed to tell me to do my worst! If I do my best, I'll end up at Hero Academy!"

He boldly stepped onto the bus, locking eyes with the bus driver.

"Well, how do you do, kid? Have a fun time on your first day. Don't worry about putting on a seatbelt; we don't do that here," The bus driver laughed evily.

"Good," Sirius said, walking onto the bus. "Finally, someone in this universe with a brain."

As he entered, he noticed the bus was filled with students, all of whom gave him strange looks.

"He looks too nice to be a villain," One boy said to another.

"Haha, yeah, what a chump," Another responded.

The first seat was occupied by three kids sitting side by side. Two of them looked like twin brothers while the one in the center had a baseball cap on and a bat sitting on his shoulders. He popped the bubble of bubble gum he was chewing as Sirius walked by.

As he walked past the first few sets of seats, he saw a silver haired boy, with cold red eyes just like his.

"Why is this insect looking at me like that?" Sirius thought. "He can't possibly know I'm a quarter century old master villain from another universe?"

"This guy," The silver-haired boy thought. "I've never seen anyone so calm… He's even calmer than father… It's like he's already done all of this before… something's not right.."

For a moment there was tension between them. The boy seemed intrigued by Sirius, and Sirius angered by the thought of a child understanding his predicament brushed him off and continued walking down the isle.

He next ran into a pink haired girl who was staring at him with goo goo eyes.

"He's cute!" The girl thought as he walked by.

"She's so cute! I'm gonna get all the girls as a child!" Sirius laughed as his face flushed red.

"Wait... Wha… That's sus as…..f"(Sirius)


"Ahhh yess Sire.."(Narrator)

"That did not happen! I did not say that you 3 legged Creep! You think I would be interested in a child? Even as a child? What the hell kind of novel do you think this is!!! It will be teachers and mothers only for me!"

"I apologize sir… It… won't happen again."(Narrator)

"EHEHEHm, well what actually happened was"(Narrator)

"He's cute!" The girl thought as he walked by.

"No thank you" Sirius thought as he passed the ten year old girl. "Now… there at least has to be one hot teacher in the school…."

Sirius walked silently to the back, finding the only open seat next to a large kid with a bad attitude.

"Hehe, yeah, sit over here, loser!" The kid taunted.

Without a word, Sirius sat next to the kid as the bus continued on its route.

"So, what's a goody-two-shoes like you doing on a bus like this?" The kid asked.

Sirius remained silent.

"Oh, what's wrong? Are you scared?" The kid taunted.

Still, Sirius stayed quiet.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" the kid said, placing his hand on Sirius's shoulder.

"Yeah, I know you're talking, but I'm not listening. Would you listen to a talking walrus? I'm just surprised you can speak at all, but whatever you're saying can't be interesting," Sirius snapped back.

"Listen here, kid," the bully said, grabbing his lunch box. "From here on out, you're going to give me your lunch, every day, starting now."

Cracked open Sirius plastic demon themed box and devoured his sandwiches, fruits, and juice box withan an instant

"Well What do you have to say to that?" The bully gloated.

"Hehehe, hahaha, HAHAHAHAHA!" Sirius laughed, unsettling the bully.

The silver haired boy looked over his chair to see what was going on.

"What's so funny about me eating your lunch?"

"You're going to be giving me your lunch for the rest of your life now. You can say goodbye to that belly," Sirius retorted.

"You little twerp!" The bully yelled, launching a fist at him.

Ducking with ease, Sirius delivered a powerful shot of energy to the bully's face. As the beam hit him his face restructured, becoming more smooth and symmetrical.

"That tickles," the bully said, unimpressed.

"Damn it," Sirius thought. "No matter what I do, my power only makes people stronger!"

" damn it" serious said. "No matter what I do my power is only going to make him more strong! if I aim it at his arms his arms become bigger and stronger, but even at his face his face becomes better looking, How can I use this to the best of my ability?

The bully crashed down with his fist onto the chair breaking it as they broke out in the brawl

"This power" The bully said, spinning faster than before "It's unlike anything I've ever felt" "

I wonder" Sirius began to think. "What if I amplified his abilities beyond what he's able to control? Maybe then" Sirius thought ducking under his punch. "Maybe then I'll be able to beat him!"

Using his light Powers Sirius aimed at the bullies arm.

"This again, ooh what kind of power am I going to get now" The bully laughed

The bullies arm began to grow bigger and bigger in strength, until it was twice its size \

"Oh yeah" he said as he powered up. "This next punch is really going to hurt"

Sirius didn't stop there, he continued to power up the arm more and more till it became three times, four times, five times the size until it was 10 times the size of the original size, almost the same size as the bully himself

"What the heck I can't move" The bully groaned. His arm had become so large it was pulling him and dragging him down. He was now utterly defenseless as Sirius approached him.

"What the heck, I can't move," The bully cried out, his arm dragging him down.

"Muuhahahha. MUHAHAHAHAH YOU FOOL!" Sirius laughed as he stood in front of the Bully.

Sirius shone his light between the bully's legs as he let out his evil laugh.

"What the hell are you doing?" the bully yelled. As his crotch began to light up.

"This will make them an easy target!" Sirius said, winding up his leg for a powerful kick.


Sirius kicked the bully so hard that he lifted him off the ground, arm included, knocked unconscious by the assault. As Sirius walked over the bully's unconscious body, he saw a big lunch box beside underneath the seat where he'd been sitting.

He withdrew the lunch box and sat right on top of the bullies giant stomach as he began eating the bean burrito that the bully had brought with him to class. From the corner of his eye, Sirius saw a younger kid, sucking on a lollipop. without saying a word he put his arm out asking for it, and the younger kid gave him the lollipop without even so much as another word.

"'Good good" Sirius said enjoying your snacks. " I want everybody here to give me your lunch today! And from now on, if this bully ever asks you for your lunch again you just let me know! Consider this a one-time fee for protection, and if any of you happen to have ice cream or can obtain it we can work out, a very special arrangement!"

A little girl with pink hair approached him and handed him a slice of pink cake.

"Thank you," She said. "Brutus used to bully me all the time. He forced me to make this cake for him, but I think you should have it."

"Ah," Sirius said, taking a bite of the luscious pink slice. "I knew from the moment I saw this bus that becoming the best villain would be a piece of cake."

The boy with silver hair smiled evilly. "And I knew from the moment I saw you you were no normal child!" He thought. "And with your help…" He said taking out a picture of his family. A group of white haired red eyed people stood around him in a circle. "I can show father… that the ways of old have not vanished!"

"In the front of the bus the three kids in one seat looked back with ire.

"That new kid thinks he's all that" The kid in the baseball hat grunted. "He thinks he's hit a home run, guess its time for us' ' the kid said, slamming his bat into one of the windows on the bus. Instead of shattering the glass it caused the glass to wobble and bend, like it was being warped by magic. The warped shockwave traveled down the end of the bus and then erupted in a loud boom knocking all of the other kids out of their seats…. Except Sirius.

"Oh?" Sirius said smiling. "A rival has appeared?"

"Guess it's time for us to send him running home." The kid said, twirling his bat in his hand.

"Yeh! We've got your back boss!" The two kids beside him said.

"HEHEHEHAAAA!" The bus driver said speeding down the highway. He tossed a handful of popcorn in his mouth as he watched the scene unfold from his mirror. "I love this job!"