

"Hello reader! I am Lord Sirius, the most evil man in the entire world! How evil you ask? My date once stood me up on Valentines day, and for revenge, I removed the patronizing holiday day from all existence! That's right! February only has 27 days now! Accept for on a leap year... But even then there is no 14th! This story is about how I, the supreme ruler of the world, was tricked and turned into a child! Losing all my power I was forced into a new reality where instead of my overwhelming powers of darkness and destruction I was given the power of light! How pitiful I have become! But no matter! Enrolled in the villain Academy for students, I will reign supreme and one day once again take over the world! For I am STILL the most evil man in the world! Even though I'm a child!"

Gaburieru · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 5: The Destruction of Mc'Diggins Ice Cream II

Cannon Boy, once again armed with his giant proton cannon, began charging it with great ferocity. As his cannon began to charge, a blue light shimmered across the battlefield, blinding everybody who was running towards him.

"Leave Cannon Boy to me! You guys handle the rest," Lord Sirius said. Creating a panel of darkness in either direction around Cannon Boy, he isolated him and prevented his giant blue light from blinding his subordinates.


With a shot from his giant blue cannon, a massive blue particle beam accelerated towards Lord Sirius.

Using his powers of darkness, Sirius raised his cape and easily erased the blue beam from existence. But when he turned to look back up at Cannon Boy, he realized that Cannon Boy was inches closer than he was previously.

"How is this possible?" He thought as he began to get sucked into Cannon Boy.

"My cannon can not only fire but it can also vacuum! Now I will suck you into my cannon and blast you into outer space!" Cannon Boy declared.

Cannon Boy began to suck in Lord Sirius as he flew towards the end of the cannon.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the battle, his seven masters were fighting. Some on the ground, some in the sky, and some between alternate realities.

"You cannot harm me," Crucis said, looking at his opponent. "I can alter time."

Freezing time, he approached his opponent and aimed to strike his abdomen. But he was surprised when he saw that the opponent's abdomen began to warp as he struck it.

"Although you may be able to control time," The giant gargoyle-looking man with silver skin said, "I am able to alter space!"

"A battle between time and space, all for the sake of ice cream! What has this world become?" The second-in-command said, shaking his head.

As Lord Sirius was sucked into the cannon, he let out an evil laugh.

"This is exactly how I planned it. Now that I'm inside your cannon, there is no escaping it!"

"My cannon is fortified by the plot armor of a thousand cannon plots. Your powers of darkness will not cause it to be altered!" Cannon Boy said confidently.

"That may be true. However," Sirius said, laughing to himself, "What happened to your ammo?"

"Ammo? My cannon doesn't use-"

Cannon Boy looked back and realized what Sirius was saying. "Impossible! Are you telling me the powers of truth and friendship have been annihilated! That ammo?"

After eliminating the cloak of darkness, Sirius revealed the battlefield. Every single one of his comrades had been defeated, lying on the floor, beaten.

"Once again, I have defeated you, and once again, I will remove you from existence," Lord Sirius said raising his hand.

"Wait" Canon boy pleaded. " You can't destroy me you have to let me live with just enough power to get strongerfor our next battle!"

" I know that..." Lord Sirius said. " But I have to make this convincing for the narrator! But as for your friends there's good as dead!"

Lord Sirius once again raised this giant black ball of dark energy and aimed it at the heroes comrades.

"Wait you can't kill me" the man who can control space said. " I'm a protagonist too!"

" Is this true" Lord Sirius asked Cannon boy

" Yes he is inside the Cannon as well"

"Very well," Lord serious at letting the man go. " As for the rest of you you will be removed from existence!"

"But wait! I'm a protagonist too!"

"I'm a protagonist too!"

"Yeah, also us! We were protagonists too!"

"Hmm? Are they really all protagonists? How many protagonists are in your story?"

"Well, it's kind of like a Justice League-type thing, where we're all the protagonists."

"Fine," Sirius said, letting each one of the protagonists go.

They were all walking past him, one by one, until the last one, who seemed to be some sort of hero, who didn't have any type of cape, mask, or distinguishing feature.

"Wait a minute," Sirius said, stopping him. "There's no way this guy's the protagonist! He doesn't even have a cape."

"Not all heroes wear capes," the man answered confidently.

"Yeah, but doesn't the Justice League have seven members? Who's this eighth guy?" Sirius asked

"Yeah well... technically over the duration of the canon franchise There's been a lot more characters added to the Justice League. This could be one of the other characters that is now a protagonist," Siruis's right hand man Antares said.

"Let's settle this right now," Lord Sirius said shooing everyone away.. "When you met the protagonist, did you share your backstory with him?"

"Uhhhh?" The man answered nervously.

"And did you even exist before this whole McDiggins incident? In fact, weren't you an employee before this whole fight started?"

"Uhhhh?" the man said, nervously scratching his chin. He pushed his colored Mcdiggins shirt that was under his coat out of view.

"Sorry, Cannon Boy," Sirius's said shrugging his shoulders. "Looks This guy is getting removed from existence!"

As the scene unfolded the Mcdiggins staff desperately tried to escape.

"And don't think I forgot about you, McDiggins staff. There is no way that any of you are main characters. You guys even put fillers in your burgers nowadays!"

"OH NO!" The staff screamed running for the hills.

Raising his hand, Lord Sirus created the ball of dark energy once again. With a swish and a flick, he removed the McDiggins staff, the bystanders, and the one remaining member of the LVTHTG in an instant with his dark ball of energy.

"Hooray, Lord Sirius! You've once again proclaimed darkness throughout the land!"

"NOOO!!!" Cannon boy cried. "HE WAS MY BEST FRIEND!"

"Sir... your best friend is your rival rocket boy? You just met that guy!" His subordinate gagged.

"OH yeh..." Canon boy said regaining his composure. "BUT HE WAS STILL A GOOD PERSON!"

"MUHAHAHA!" Lord Sirius laughed. "Yes, now let us all laugh maniacally! Together!" He ordered his comrades.


"Damnit!" Cannon boy said. "You might have almost defeated me, but I'll get stronger, and I'll beat you next time!"

"I'll be waiting for that day. But until then, Wendol's tomorrow?" Lord Sirius asked.

"You got it," Cannon Boy said, walking away with his team.

"Lord Sirius," a voice said.

As he turned to his left, a portal opened up out of nowhere, and his maid Madeline appeared by his side.

"Lord Sirius, I have horrible news," Madeline said.

"What has happened?"

"The castle has been taken over."

"Taken over by who? That's impossible. I just defeated the most benevolent hero, even though he's a child. Who could possibly take over my entire castle while I'm gone for 10 minutes?"

"Do you remember that boy?"

"That little pipsqueak? The one that I let escape? What about him?"

"It seems he's made some kind of deal with McDiggins, and they're funneling ice cream underneath the castle! They've got everybody involved in the scheme, and they've managed to buy everybody off by offering them free ice cream cones!"

"Unbelievable!" Sirius screamed with an overly vexed tone. "He won't get away with this!"