

"Hello reader! I am Lord Sirius, the most evil man in the entire world! How evil you ask? My date once stood me up on Valentines day, and for revenge, I removed the patronizing holiday day from all existence! That's right! February only has 27 days now! Accept for on a leap year... But even then there is no 14th! This story is about how I, the supreme ruler of the world, was tricked and turned into a child! Losing all my power I was forced into a new reality where instead of my overwhelming powers of darkness and destruction I was given the power of light! How pitiful I have become! But no matter! Enrolled in the villain Academy for students, I will reign supreme and one day once again take over the world! For I am STILL the most evil man in the world! Even though I'm a child!"

Gaburieru · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 13: Sirius Vs Junior Part 2

As Sirius floated above Junior, sword at the ready, he watched his opponent struggle to find a defense. With the attack nullified and no time to assemble any real defense, Junior lay vulnerable beneath him. Sirius briefly closed his eyes, imagining the delicious ice cream he would soon taste. 

"Victory is mine," he declared, inches away from defeating his opponent.

"Bodyguards!" McDiggins Junior cried out.

Almost instantaneously, Sirius felt a group of hands grab him from both sides. Interrupted mid-attack, he was lifted into the air by three enormous bodyguards, all dressed in black. Each one must have been at least eight feet tall and weighed around 300 pounds, given how easily they manhandled him. As the trio held him aloft, two others attended to Junior, who was still on the floor.

"Young master," an older-looking gentleman said. Dressed in black like the others, he handed Junior a potion. "Drink this; it will help you heal."

"Thanks!: Junior said poring the drink down his throat.

As Sirius watched the scene unfold, he couldn't believe his eyes. He turned to the commentator, who had been watching the fight.

"How is this allowed? This was supposed to be a one-on-one battle!" He screamed at the announcer

"Yo man I ain't seen nothin!" The commentator said, as one of the bodyguards handed him a suitcase full of money.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Sirius said, shaking his head. "He's paying off people in the school to make him win battles! Even with my own powers! How unbelievably evil! I've gotta hand it to him!"

Rising to his feet, Junior dusted off his clothing and prepared to attack Sirius again. With a snap of his fingers, he dismissed all five of his bodyguards, leaving the floor to just him and Sirius.

"You got lucky that time," Junior said confidently. "You won't catch me off guard again."

"Of course, I won't," Sirius paused. "You have bodyguards; you're literally guarded at all times."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Junior said, readying himself for the attack.

Without another delay the fight continued on. Sirius and Junior sized each other up as Sirius contemplated his next move.

"I have to attack him so fast that his bodyguards won't have time to protect him," Sirius thought. "This is going to be difficult considering my powers cannot be used directly. This is an impossible fight any way you look at it! How can I evily outwhit my opponent!"

Once again, Junior charged at him, this time wielding a blade encased in darkness. Armed with his own wooden sword, Sirius clashed their blades.


Sirius's wooden blade didn't hold up; it shattered easily against the blade of darkness. Dodging Junior's secondary attack, Sirius looked for another living object he could use. His eyes landed on a small beetle.

"Perfect," he grinned.

He backflipped away from Junior and imbued the beetle with his power. In moments, he had created a giant-sized beetle, larger than either of them or Junior's bodyguards.

"Now, my beast," He instructed, "Attack!"

The beetle lunged at Junior with its giant pincers, snapping and swiping at him. Nimble enough to avoid the attacks, Junior nullified the beetle with a swipe of his blade, engulfing it in a singularity.

"Wait," Junior said, looking for Sirius. "Where did he go?"

When he turned around, he found Sirius perched on a branch of a giant tree, pumping it full of life energy.

"I won't let you!" Junior yelled.

"But you're already too late!" Sirius shouted. "

The giant tree began to grow even more in size as its roots became thicker and bulged like giant muscles. It soone grew thick and strong legs that looked as if they had never missed a leg day and arms like Arnold Schwarzenegger's. The giant tree creaked and began to move, and as it came into its final form, a giant chin protruded from its face, like a giga chad.

"GO Now! My Gigatree!" Sirius commanded

"YES BOSS!" The Gigatree groaned making its way towards Junior

"Shoot! I've gotta get out of here!: Junior screamed. He made a full fledged retreat as he tried to escape from the giant tree.

"I don't think so!" Sirius cried, shooting light at the weeds in the ground. The light penetrated them creating ropes that wrapped around Junior, holding him in place. He trembled in fear, unable to move as the giant tree-beast approached.

"Bodyguards!" he cried again.

Once more, the burly bodyguards intervened, coming to his aide in an instant.

"Yes Lord Junir" The cried.

With a swish of their hands they completely deismantled Sirius's tree causing him to fall and faceplant to the ground.

"They can even eliminate the tree with such ease?" Sirius remarked. "How powerful are they?"

"Your attack was useless," Junior declared crossing his arms.

"Young master," said one of his older bodyguards, flipping his wrist to break the ropes binding Junior. "Here, take this potion and heal."

Junior drank the potion and was once again healed of all ailments.

"Hahaha!" Junior laughed. "In the end, it was completely worthless."

"I wouldn't say that," Sirius responded, smiling. He dropped his head in confidence, his plan had worked.

"I wouldn't say that," Sirius responded, smiling. He lowered his head in confidence; his plan had worked.

"What attack could you possibly have left?" Junior taunted.

"If you look very closely, there's one tiny twig left on your body."

"What are you talking about?" Junior said, shuffling around. He checked every part of his clothing, even spinning around to check his behind. "I don't see anything," he finally declared.

"Ah, ah, ah," Sirius mused. "You missed a spot."

"Where?" Junior cried.

"Right here," Sirius said, pointing between his legs.

"Oh no," Junior cried. Looking down, he saw a twig perched perfectly between his legs. He began to sweat profusely; Sirius had him at gunpoint now.

"Wait! You don't have to do this!" Junior cried. "Please... Have mercy!"

"Simply declare me the winner, and the fight will be over," Sirius declared.

"Wait, I know what you want!" McDiggins Junior cried. "This is about ice cream, right?"

With a snap of his fingers, he created a cone in his hand.

"Just take this and allow me to win! I can't lose! Don't you want to try this new flavor? It's called Grimace!" He said, offering the purple swirl to Sirius.

For a moment, Sirius's eyes were distracted as he became overcome with gluttony at the sight of the cone.

"Aha!" Junior said. In the brief moment, he tore the twig from his pants, removing it.

"Haha! Fool! I have outwitted you! You are mine now!" Junior cried.

"Oh really? Looks like you forgot to remove the tiny splinters..." Sirius remarked.

"Wait, what?" Junior said, looking down once again.

A dozen tiny splinters were still remaining in his crotch.

"Wait, please! I didn't mean to—"

BOOOM! McDiggins was blasted in the crotch by ten wooden stakes that protruded from the ground. They lifted him up, blasting him out of the school.

"Master!" the bodyguards cried, running after him.

"The winner of this match," the announcer said, still holding the bag of money, "is Sirius Singularus! Villainy points will be added to your score!"

"Amazing!" Seo exclaimed.

"I knew you could do it," Not nodded.

"Achoo!" Principal Arthur sneezed. He and the other teachers were watching from the top part of the school.

"So this is the power of the new student?" a man with a pumpkin head said to Principal Arthur.

"It would seem so," Arthur said, nodding his head.

"This is not going to sit right with the McDiggins administration," a man in a suit said.

"Don't worry," the pumpkin-headed man said. "I'll weed him out in my class... without a doubt. Muahahaha! Muahahahah—"

"Oh no!"

The teachers watched as the pumpkin head fell off its body, falling to the floor.

"Damn it! Laughed too hard again... Can somebody help me out?" he cried from the floor.