

"Hello reader! I am Lord Sirius, the most evil man in the entire world! How evil you ask? My date once stood me up on Valentines day, and for revenge, I removed the patronizing holiday day from all existence! That's right! February only has 27 days now! Accept for on a leap year... But even then there is no 14th! This story is about how I, the supreme ruler of the world, was tricked and turned into a child! Losing all my power I was forced into a new reality where instead of my overwhelming powers of darkness and destruction I was given the power of light! How pitiful I have become! But no matter! Enrolled in the villain Academy for students, I will reign supreme and one day once again take over the world! For I am STILL the most evil man in the world! Even though I'm a child!"

Gaburieru · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 12: Sirius vs Junior

As Sirius came face to face with the child of his Multiversal nemisis, he did his best to compose himself and keep the anguish and ire from overtaking him.

As he approached the podium, McDiggins Junior recognized him from the corner of his eye, singling hm out from the rest of the crowd.

"Well Well!" McDiggins Junior said, clapping his hands. "Look who we have here!"

With a twirl of his hands, he stopped his monologue and Jumped down from the podium, McDiggins Junior approaching Sirius and his friends with a warm and welcoming gesture.

"WHHHAAATTT!!" Se Oh screamed. "You know him?"

"Yeh Serious what's the deal?" Not added.

"You tell me?" Sirius whispered as McDiggins drew closer.

"You must be the new student, Sirius," McDiggins Junior said with a scoff. "I've heard amazing things about you. You were able to defeat one of the biggest bullies on campus, gave NYC Jackie a good fight and you survived a full beating from Miss Umbra. The teachers at the school are saying you're going to be the next top villain!"

"Well that is my goal," Sirius said gleefully, blushing at McDiggins complement.

"Then let me help you," McDiggins Junior said, extending his hand. "With my ties to my father, I can pump you full of money, and you can ascend the ranks of the school in no time! I might even be able to write you a letter of recommendation to become a full-fledged villain. What do you say? You look like the perfect candidate to join McDiggins's Villain Society!"

"Hmm," Sirius thought, contemplating. "If I accept this gesture, I might get closer to The real McDiggins, but in my current form," he said, looking at his childish body, "I wouldn't stand a chance."

"What is there to think about! Ofcoarse! Lets go to your billionaire family house! I hear you guys throw the best Parties!" Se oh chimed

Sirius continued to think unswayed by Se-Oh's gestures.

"Not say something!" Se Oh whispered. "I will say nothing" Not answered. "I want nothing to do with the McDiggins family if Sirius actually agrees tot his…" Not said looking away. "Then our friendship ends here."

"Damnit" Sirius grunted. " I need time to develop my powers; then, and only then, will I be able to get my revenge. Before that, I need to keep a low profile. Meeting McDiggins now would not be good."

"My apologies," Sirius said, shaking his head. "As much as I appreciate the gesture, I want to become a villain on my own strength. Relying on someone else's legacy to gain power is not the kind of legacy I want to leave."

"WHAAATTT!!" Se Oh screamed.

Slapping McDiggins Junior's hand away, Sirius walked to the end of the corridor, trying to approach his next class.

"You did the right thing" Not said.

"Says who!" Se Oh cried "We could have become millionaires!"

"Sirius! Look out!" Not said As a dark orb of energy approached them from behind. At the last moment Not pushed him out of the way, as the orb drifted pass them.

"Impossible," Sirius said as he watched the black orb collide with a piece of the ground. Like a singularity, it began to eat away at it, deleting it from existence.

When he turned around to see what McDiggins Junior had done, he saw that his hands had become dark, coursing with black energy.

"In this universe," Sirius said, gritting his teeth, "McDiggins Junior has my power... how pitiful."

Casting his powers of light at the singularity, he removed it and restored the ground to its previous shape.

"Sirius!" McDiggins Junior yelled, jumping down. "I challenge you to a duel! If I win, you will become my pet for the rest of your life!"

"And if I win?" Sirius asked.

"Ask for any wish, and it will be granted," McDiggins Junior said.

"Then if I win," Sirius said, scratching his chin, "You will bring me a flavor of ice cream not yet available to the public from headquarters."

"It is done," McDiggins Junior stated, bracing for the duel.

"Then let this battle begin!" A teacher with a megaphone cried. He swung his head to and fro as his dreadlocks dangled from his head.

"What! Who the hell are you?" Sirius barked.

"Yo yo yo! I'm Mr. Preach! And I'm the announcer of the school battlegrounds!" He chimed.

"Battlegrounds?" Sirius asked.

"Yeyyeyeyssssir!" Preach said crossing his arms and spinning on one foot. "In this academy anyone who challenges to a duel is put on the main displays for the entire school! Unlike other schools we encourage fighting here! Now whose ready for a fight baby!" He said pointing his microphone to the crowd.

All of a sudden a crowd of students came out of nowhere ready for the fight.

"WE ARE!!!" They cheered.




DING! A bell rang on the distance signaling the beginning of the fight.

At first, neither of them cast a strike, sizing up their opponents. They began mirroring each other's movements, walking around in a circle, waiting for the other to make a move.

"This isn't good," Sirius thought. "I'm in another duel, and I still have yet to understand exactly how my powers work. Oversizing my arm isn't going to work; he's not going to stand there and let me attack him for that long. I need to figure out how to generate an offense with this light."

Before he had a chance to think any further, McDiggins Junior cast a shrouded ball of energy towards Sirius. Swiftly ducking under the ball of dark energy, Sirius looked for a place to attack.

He observed McDiggins Junior, unable to see any weak points that he could easily expose. A twig on the ground caught his eye.

"Wait a minute," Sirius began to think. "If my light makes things stronger, maybe it can work on living things that are not human!"

Sirius's palms began to glow, and with the accuracy of a sharpshooter, he shot the twig on the ground, encasing it in light.

"What is this!" McDiggins Junior exclaimed as he ran over the twig.

Before he could react, the twig grew to three times its size and wrapped around his leg, tripping him.

"Amazing," Sirius thought. "It's just like when I had my power of darkness. If my power is greater than the thing it touches, I can exert my will. I can make any living thing do as I wish, although I don't believe I'll be able to turn people into tissue boxes anymore!"

As Sirius ran over to McDiggins Junior, who was now on the ground, he grabbed another twig and shot his light into it, turning it into a wooden sword.

"With this power," Sirius thought, "I might be even more powerful."

Raising his right foot, McDiggins Junior encased his leg in black, enveloping the twig as well. Stomping his foot into the ground, he turned the twig into a set of black splinters that erupted from the ground, aimed at Sirius.

"The attack isn't very strong," Sirius noted. "I should be able to shield myself."

With a snap of his fingers, Sirius created a small light shield that deflected the shrapnel of dark energy to the side. Drifting towards McDiggins Junior, he aimed his sword at him, attempting to plunge it into his chest.

"This is over," he said as he glided in the air. "You're mine, Junior."