
I am the lover of vampires and werewolves

Product introduction: Jerome an Omega, replacing his best friend as well as his one-sided love for many years - Aylmer - came to the Night Depths, becoming the consort of Lord Darion, an Alpha vampire nearly a thousand years old. There he met his best friend Alpha thought dead - Alden, along with many others. Through that, he learns to accept himself and grow. And also here, he found the love of his life in the form of a "fated couple" - Lord Darion. Some notable excerpts: /Excerpt 1/ “Of all the scents I have ever smelled, the bird of paradise is the most addictive by far. Do you know your scent is driving me crazy, little fox?” Darion whispered while filling his lungs with scent. Alpha breathed loudly while grabbing my inner thigh and lifted me up easily, quickly moved to the bed, and then laid me down on the sheets. With one hand resting on the bed across my head, Alpha used the other as a brush and turned my smooth bare skin into a picture frame. Every touch to the skin is every stroke of the pen sketched. I closed my eyes and entrusted it all to Alpha, unable to hold back the sobs and shivers when the soft spots were deliberately touched. I was prepared for the possible, cruel, greedy, insatiable, but it all seemed to go against what I had in mind. Because Alpha is too gentle, gentle and slow. As if my body were a fragile creature woven with sunlight, raindrops, touch will melt, kiss will break. My eyes wander to the sky through the ceiling-high window with fluttering velvet curtains, outside the sky has fallen, the distant stars seem lost in Alpha's red eyes. I looked and got lost. — /Excerpt 2/ “Then I will soon be older than you, even if not in age.” I grumbled. Suddenly, Darion laughed into a fist that was held in front of his mouth. I dared to glare at Alpha and ask, "What are you laughing at?" “I was imagining what you would look like with a beard, well, worth enjoying.” Darion's hobby is to make fun of me, and yet for a few moments I forget about it. I spread my palm out in front of Darion, meeting a puzzled look: "What are you doing?" "Will you please pay me?" I say. Ignoring Alpha's frown, I continued: "In China, people get paid if they make someone laugh." Darion looks at me, lowers his head, places his soft lips between his palms, burning my skin with his hot kiss. "I don't have any money, so I have to put a seal in advance, okay, okay, my spouse?" My cheeks heat up and I feel like I'm on fire, a Vampire's always low body temperature doesn't help when I bury my head in Darion's shoulder. "He played bad." I grumbled. And felt a hand gently stroke her hair.

BilyMoonMoon_07 · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Demon

I had almost lost track of time that day, everything before and after the darkest moment of my life was tearing my soul apart, breaking it into a million pieces. The pain, the shame, and the weariness kept repeating itself over and over again. My cheek ached, reminding of the sin that was deeply imprinted. And if the next day that tumor faded without being concealed by a layer, the pain left behind would soon take root in the heart, there would be no way to pull it up.

We set off early the next morning, when the sun was not yet clear. General Thomas led the troops of the Flower Kingdom and the vampire emissary dressed in the best armor. I quietly followed the soldiers who were piling up dowries and food for the trip. While Lord Regus gripped my hand tightly, and at the same time looked at me with an affectionate look.

"You're so pretty, Jerome."

Lord Regus stroked his golden hair loosely tied around his shoulders. For the first time in my life, I put on a lavish and expensive outfit, sequins flowing down my thin, but unusually heavy shoulders.

"And believe that I will pray to the goddess Luna to protect you."

I looked at the man who had carried me and raised me for many years, I was unable to hide my emotions.

"Thank you for everything, sir."

I greeted the Alpha affectionately, sincerely thanking the Alpha, bowing my head and clutching the old hand.

"You have raised me, given me what I have lacked since childhood. This is the only thing I can do to repay you. And as you said, the moon goddess will watch over me and take care of me from today. So please take care of yourself and Aylmer as well."

"Take care, my son."

I lifted the corner of my lips into a shaky smile, let the Alpha hug me tightly, and whispered, "Thank you." Then stepped back to let the servant come and help me step into the car, settling on the soft velvet cushion.

After a minute of waiting, the convoy set off, hooves clacking on the cobblestones. I turned my head and looked back for the last time where I had lived for so many years. A place with a lot of joy and happiness, a place that taught me how to live, love and despair.

"Farewell, Aylmer."

I let warm tears roll down my plump peach cheeks. I couldn't write the prose from my heart, but the tragic song in my heart would forever sing.

The past I would like to leave behind.

My future would be full of opportunities and unknowns, with anxiety about death hovering somewhere in the subconscious. But was death as painful as I always imagined?


"How long shall we travel, sir?"

I accepted the water bag from General Thomas, timidly asked as the group took a break at the rest stop.

"After a day from today, and as a Prince of the Flower Kingdom, you don't have to be so humble to me." General Thomas rolled his eyes. As long as I knew him, he was always so strict.

General Thomas remained neutral towards me after that day. He was an Alpha with more than half his life on the battlefield, but I was grateful he didn't complain or condemn me about the night I snuggled up in my iris-scented fur coat and cried like a three-year-old. . Regret crushed my heart to the point that I couldn't stand it.

Then, after that, the idea of ​​reality came to me and tortured me. Death with its giant scythe was hovering and squeezing my chest with force, exhausting me from body to soul. I was afraid to wake up and realize that death was near and I had no way out.

Then after six very difficult days, our group entered the Demon Land smoothly. I didn't think anyone would dare stand in the way of such a powerful army of vampires and Alphas.

"We have arrived, Your Highness." One of the servants spoke softly, opened the carriage door and glanced at the dancing reactions on my white face:

"Your private room is ready, so we shall go to the castle right now, Your Highness."

I turned my gaze to General Thomas, who was being guided by the vampire soldiers. And the chill running down my spine forced me to become aware of the presence of the people in the Demon Land. Bright red eyes looked at me with immeasurable eagerness. I felt like the main course on a lavish table enjoyed with scented candles and brandy.

Swallowing, I clutched the edge of my Iris-scented robe. Despite the pain caused by the owner, this comfort and closeness brought me back to peace.

I forced myself to smile so as not to sound too rude to a member of the royal family, to let the vampire lead the way for the long haul.

Demon Land. The land of the dead was ruled by Lord Darion. People still spread each other about the horror stories always associated with misfortune and death for this land. Ironically, I had plunged myself into hell. But I had to wonder if this place was any different from the Flower Kingdom other than the peculiar tiled walls.

A fountain was placed in the center of the main courtyard with humanoid statues with bat wings and giant horns, the water from that, shimmering in the sun's rays, shattered like diamonds on marble. The entire courtyard was surrounded by a dense garden. And if I hadn't been so worried about my fate, I could have gone deeper into the garden to examine every branch and bush, smell the flower, touch the young branches that bend under the weight of each leaf.

"The lord returned to the palace this morning after the expedition, so you can temporarily rest in your room until you are summoned. Your personal servant will be there to serve and convey the will of the Lord from now on."

I was so grateful for that vampire. Although I clearly felt the other person's hostility towards me, he hid it quite perfectly, to carry out his duty smoothly. So I could only smile gratefully, humbly, and carefully ask in the long run, to make sure I didn't accidentally commit a taboo. Fortunately, the vampire was serious enough to answer all to the best of his knowledge.

I was taken into a room with elaborately carved doors of bronze, spacious and extremely luxurious inside. The walls were decorated with red patterns and dark wood, and the floors were marble, polished to the point of being used as a mirror.

The wall was covered with paintings from the fabled realm of vampires. Two giant vases which were elaborately carved with the size of an adult man flank the door. A huge four-poster bed, covered with soft silk and fur.

A sofa upholstered in crimson fabric at the foot of the bed in the same color as the soft carpet under my feet. The dim light of the overcast sky poured through the amazingly large windows. I smelled the strange scent of wood, cloth, and blood, and I bit my lips hard as I walked carefully and timidly into the vampire's emotionless gaze. A uneasiness and anxiety curled inside the pit of my stomach causing me to writhe uncontrollably at the gaze of the person in front of me.

"I'll step back and ask your personal servant to come in here in a few minutes, sir."

I awkwardly lowered my head and frowned as the door closed. An anxious sigh escaped from my heavy chest, forcing me to cling to the bedpost, but my trembling legs couldn't support my weight anymore. I plopped down on the floor, pressing my sweaty forehead to the sheets.

So far, no one had mentioned to me anything about a possible threat. Because even a servant exuded the aura of a hunter, while I was a young, defenseless prey.

It was as if I was standing in front of a dead end with a hungry wild wolf behind me. It didn't growl, it didn't give off a threat. But how could I not look at the strong legs, sharp claws. My fragile neck was too easy to handle in one bite. Death seemed to be measured in seconds.

I was really scared.

I gathered strength, trying to distract my attention by looking at the layout of the room that I would stick to for the rest of my life, just to release the tension that was seeping through my pores, spilling out into the air, forcing me to absorb it again by breathing. I filled my lungs, and at the same time tried to neutralize my insecurities, getting used to the situation.

Then the doorknob shook, after a click that made me jump at the sound of the door slamming.

"Your Highness."

A deep male voice said from behind:

"I am assigned to serve you from now on. My name is Alden. You can tell me anything you need."

I slowly turned my head, looking at the stranger in amazement. Then for a moment of confusion, suspicion, and disbelief as the vampire lifted his head to reveal a beautiful face, ebony hair, and a reminiscent mole under his left eye.


My voice trembled:

"What's your name?"

"I'm Alden."

Alden gulped, involuntarily walking towards me:

"And you, Your Highness. You are Jerome?"