
I am The HERO I am The VILLAIN

"What was that? People cheering me as a hero for saving them? Well, I didn't plan on that." "What!? Those very people are also branding me a villain for the lives lost? Well, I didn't plan on that either." "That f*** survey really screwed me over. I'll definitely find that jerk responsible for this mess." "Mhm... What did you ask? So am I a villain or a hero?" "Well, it seems according to everyone," "I am The Hero, I am The Villain"  ------- Karl was never a heavy thinker, heavy worker, or heavy anything. All he ever wanted was to sit and relax for ages and he was doing that just fine until he answered some random questions online after completing a long novel. He didn't think too much about the survey and answered every question with whatever answers came to his mind. Suddenly the day after, he found himself in the very same world of the novel he finished. And he can't even take advantage of the future knowledge of the events as he was thrust 1000 years before the beginning of the plot. "What kind of shitty twist is this?" he screamed. Moreover, the real tragedy is that his physical abilities are worse than a 10-year-old as a gentle breeze could whisk him off and a mere sneeze could send him fly with his abilities being pretty much useless in a fight. But there's no one to blame for that except his lazy ass. If only he’d wished for cool stuff like Super Strength, Dragon Breath, or much better, a Nuclear Attack when the survey asked what abilities he would like to have. As humans worse than predators close in on him, he’s stuck with nothing but some lame abilities. —or so he thought. Little did he know that his powers far surpassed his initial understanding. As he delved deeper into their capabilities, he uncovered the unprecedented true potential of his abilities. And that’s how Karl’s seemingly lazy choices, transformed a vulnerable Prince into the most dreaded and dangerous entity, not only in the world of Nevora but also across the realms beyond imagination. ------ Author Contact Information: Email: KalamitiCker@gmail.com Discord: https://discord.gg/t8ehdyCxXu

KalamitiCker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Beyond The Boundaries

"Huff... huff... huff... That damn bastard... I wish... huff... the king of hell... huff... torments him... huff... by forcing him to run endlessly... huff... huff..."

Lander, retracing the path from his memory when Derek chased him the previous day, couldn't resist cursing the poor dead man once more.

He had been running for nearly an hour and still hadn't emerged out of the forest.

After what felt like an eternity of panting, fearing his lungs might burst, Lander halted beneath a sprawling tree, collapsing onto the ground to catch his breath.

Thirst drought his tongue and hunger corroded his stomach, urging him to seek for nourishment.

Closing his eyes, he focused on regaining composure. Despite the rugged terrain and his usual avoidance of open sleeping arrangements, except for last night, of course, he longed for nothing more than to lie down, shut his eyes, and enjoy a well-deserved nap.

He couldn't be certain that the danger had passed. The absence of any animals, beasts, or signs of life in the forest left him uneasy.

He wasn't foolish enough to assume the absence of danger. Just the previous day, if not for the system, he would've perished at the claws of an unknown predator while sleeping.

That experience taught him never to underestimate the perils of this place.

Furthermore, he remained uncertain about the predator the system had mentioned.

The system claimed to have neutralized the threat, but what did that mean exactly? Did it mean the predator was killed, or simply chased away? The vagueness added to his unease, leaving him on edge and vigilant.

He hesitated to rely on the system for answers. Trusting it completely wasn't something he could do yet.

Like any other fellow Otaku, he too yearned for a system where he could earn points and grow stronger.

However, the notion of someone else controlling his entire being terrifies him. Though taking over the body of the original Lander wasn't his choice, a pang of lingering guilt still nagged at him.

Yet, if this system was some kind of otherworldly force grooming him for a hostile takeover after gaining EXP points and lots of levels up, he definitely wouldn't surrender without a fight. He noted to create a plan for the future in the back of his mind.

Returning to the present he looked around the damp forest. The mere thought of another predator or the same one from before catching him off guard while resting sent a lump down his throat. 

Although he was curious about what kind of predator had tried to attack him yesterday, he was no fool to desire encountering it in person. 

Despite his body's protests, he prepared to subject himself to further strain, forcing himself to rise and consider picking up the pace.

However, just as he made this resolve, a faint noise reached his ears from the distance, steadily drawing nearer with each passing moment.


"Renga, halt!" Jandar's voice boomed through the forest as the wolf-like dog sprinted ahead. Upon hearing its master's voice, it stopped its pace and replied with

"Woof!! Woof!!" like asking why did his master stop his sprint.

It had been over half an hour since Renga picked up Lander's scent from the handkerchief and began his relentless pursuit.

After receiving more details from Dorian, including the fact that Lander had a frail body and was susceptible to illness, Jandar speculated that the boy might have collapsed somewhere within the town. 

Additionally, he entertained the possibility that some legless individuals might have assaulted Lander in an attempt to rob him of his coins, especially since Dorian mentioned that Lander was last seen buying fruit at the market.

Jandar understood that every city, no matter how prosperous or well-developed, had its darker side. 

Red Hawk Town was no exception. It had its own share of seedy areas.

However, due to the relatively tender nature of the townspeople and the absence of extreme poverty, such incidents rarely escalated into more serious crimes.

That's why Jandar thought that Dorian's request might soon come to a conclusion, possibly before the morning light intensified.

However, as Renga ventured deeper into the southern Red Hawk forest, Jandar's unease deepened, sensing an ominous foreboding.

Just as Renga approached the boundary Jandar had sworn never to cross himself or let any townsfolk venture beyond, a surge of panic overtook him.

He urgently shouted for Renga to halt, knowing full well the danger that lay beyond. 

This precise spot marked the domain of the Golden-eyed Beast, the very creature that had nearly claimed his life.

Since that harrowing day, Jandar meticulously monitored the beast's movements, always vigilant for signs of its encroachment into inhabited areas and keeping a keen eye on the forest's border, which he deemed the creature's home turf.

Now, with Renga on the verge of crossing that sacred boundary, Jandar's heart raced with apprehension and dread.

Dorian finally caught up with Jandar, panting heavily as he stopped beside him.

"Huff... What... happened? Why... did you... huff... stop?" Dorian struggled to speak, his breaths ragged and strained.

He felt as though he might vomit or collapse, or both at the same time any moment. Despite the relief of being able to catch his breath, his concern grew upon seeing the gravity in Jandar's expression.

"Venturing beyond this boundary is asking for death," Jandar stated firmly, his tone resolute and serious.

"What? I don't... unde... sta... huff... huff...?" Dorian's confusion was evident, his sentences broken by desperate gasps for air.

Observing Dorian's desperate struggle to catch his breath, Jandar swiftly retrieved his water pouch and extended it to him.

Dorian, in a desperate move similar to a hungry crane seizing a fish, snatched the pouch and gulped down its contents within mere seconds.

As the cool water flooded his parched throat, Dorian felt a surge of life returns to him. However, this newfound vitality was accompanied by a sudden realization. 

He had drained the entire bag of water without leaving a drop. With a mixture of embarrassment and concern etched on his face, Dorian turned towards Jandar and apologized sheepishly. 

"Sorry!" he uttered in a low voice.

Jandar reclaimed his pouch, his attention refocusing on the forest ahead. The immediate need for water didn't concern him now. His entire focus was on the task at hand.

"It's fine. I have another one. However, I believe it's sensible for us to return to town and make preparations before proceeding further," Jandar responded, his tone reflecting his unwavering resolve.

His eyes scanned the surroundings with a watchful intensity, as though expecting something to emerge from the dense foliage.

Dorian, now fully recovered, responded with confusion, 

"Why? What's happening? Please explain." 

His voice carried a mixture of curiosity and apprehension as he sought clarification.

Jandar shifted his gaze to Dorian, uncertainty flickering in his eyes as he debated whether to disclose the truth about the beast.

After a moment of deep contemplation, he resolved that the boy had earned the right to know, considering the effort he had put into finding someone unrelated to him.

"As I mentioned, crossing this boundary is extremely dangerous," Jandar began cautiously.

"Why?" Dorian inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"What I'm about to share is highly confidential. Apart from your father, myself, and a select few, no one else is aware of this information.

Therefore, you must never speak of it to anyone else," Jandar warned, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

Dorian's expression shifted to one of attentiveness. He understood that Jandar was not one to engage in frivolous conversation or share unnecessary information.

If Jandar deemed this topic significant enough to discuss, it must be of utmost secrecy and importance.

Dorian even questioned whether he truly desired to know the details Jandar was about to reveal.

However, Jandar didn't pause to contemplate Dorian's internal deliberations. Without skipping a beat, he continued with his explanation.

"Do you recall saving me from death five years ago? Well, of course, you do. However, what everyone was led to believe was that it was the work of the mountain bandits."

Jandar paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle. Dorian remained silent, giving Jandar the space to continue. Yet, he couldn't help but notice a subtle emotion in Jandar's eyes.

'Is that fear I see?' Dorian pondered briefly, but then dismissed the thought, reasoning that it was Jandar he was thinking about, after all.

"But in truth, it wasn't the mountain bandits who attacked us," Jandar continued, his voice steady. 

"As a native of Red Hawk, you must have heard of the legend of the Golden-eyed Beast, haven't you?"

Dorian nodded affirmatively, answering with a simple, 'Yes.'

"Well, it's not merely a legend. The Golden-eyed Beast is very much real, and it was the creature responsible for the incident years ago."

"WHAT?!" Dorian finally exclaimed, terror evident in his eyes. 

It was a reaction to be expected. After all, everyone in the surrounding towns and villages knew about the terrifying legend of the Golden-eyed predator.

Most children in the town were raised with cautionary tales about the creature. 

'If you don't eat properly, the Golden-eyed predator will come for you. If you aren't obedient, the Golden-eyed beast will hunt you down,' were the ominous warnings ingrained in their minds from childhood.

This fear of the Golden-eyed predator was deeply rooted in every individual in the town, and Dorian was no exception.

"Wait, are you saying that all those rumors I grew up hearing were true?"

Dorian questioned, fear still lingering in his eyes.

"No, the rumors weren't true," Jandar clarified, causing Dorian to breathe a sigh of relief.

However, his relief was short-lived as Jandar's next words hit him like a thunderbolt.

"They were hugely understated. The Golden-eyed beast is far more terrifying than the rumors," Jandar continued, his words sinking in with a weight that made Dorian's anxiety spike.

'Dammit!! Why can't you just say that in one single sentence and spare me the anxiety? Screw you, baldy!!' 

Dorian couldn't help but curse at Jandar's method of delivery, inside his mind of course. 

Despite his frustration, he remained silent, allowing Jandar to continue with his explanation.

"Since that day, I've been tasked by the town lord to monitor the Golden-eyed Beast's movements. I don't know the exact reasons, but thankfully, the beast rarely strays beyond its domain. However, no one who has entered its territory has ever returned," Jandar explained grimly.

"Wait, you don't mean..." Dorian began, his voice trailing off in disbelief.

"Yes, this is the boundary of its domain. Going any further would mean certain death," Jandar confirmed, his tone somber.

"But... but you survived..." Dorian stammered, unable to comprehend.

"Barely," Jandar admitted, his gaze hardening. "I won't go into details, especially since you were the one who saved me."

Before Dorian could attempt to persuade him otherwise, Jandar revealed another crucial piece of information that struck Dorian like another bolt of lightning.

[The author sleeping soundly]


[The author waking up]

"eh...sorry I slept..."

[The author realizes the readers completed the chapter]

"What? You read the chapter? So...haaawww..."

(Yawning SFX)...

how wazzzz iiiiiittttttt.....????"

[The damn author went to sleep once again.]

[System advises the readers to throw some stones at the author and wake him up]

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