
i am the god of systems

i am reincarnated in the world of naruto with a golden finger that creates a system for others, and i can get their rewards 10 times jiraya: "write a book that naruto son of fate likes and receive nine tail chakra" naruto:" steal the scroll of seals and receive Flying Thunder God Technique" sasuke: Itachi do you think you're good at genjutsu? this is my zampakuto kyoka suigetsu {ding!!! congratulations host jiraya completed the mission receive ten tail chakra} {ding!!! naruto completed the mission receive unlimited teleportation} (english is not my native language hehe...)

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17 Chs

Chapter 11: new mission and naruto part 2

Sasuke lying on his bed asks:

"system, the mission is to find a rival for me to give the system, but you said i am the reincarnation of Indra so my only rival would be the reincarnation of ashura?"


'tsk how the hell am I supposed to know who it is?' complains sasuke

{ding!!! hidden mission completed}

"what! system, shows me the mission that was completed"

{find a system problem: the system gave an easy mission, but due to lack of resources, it became extremely complicated. And you found the fault

receive: analysis becomes God's vision}

"system explain reward please"

{the analysis you used earlier to assess the level of the shop owner and the third hokage. the God Vision, as long as the person you use this ability is of the same level or lower as you, you can see everything about that person, abilities, chakra elements and their bloodline}

"ahh.... now I get it, well this will make things easier for me, thanks system."

{host, don't forget side quests are created, from your wish}

So it's time to go to school

'well if he's my rival he must be my age then he's probably in school, and if the system said the mission is easy he must be in konoha' sasuke with these thoughts enters the room

looking seriously at the students in their chairs, he sees shikamaru sleeping, kiba playing with akamaru, sakura and ino leading a crowd of girls with hearts in their eyes looking at himself, choji eating, and shino, his presence is so small that even the system did not notice him.

'well let's start analyzing...' sasuke thinks about who to analyze then he finds out

'let's go to hyuga neji, after all, there are only weirdos in this room.' thought sasuke leaving the room

but leaving he comes across

"hey sasuke fight me, i'll prove to everyone that i can become hokage" said naruto looking at sasuke

Sasuke ignored him and went to Neji's classroom, but Naruto followed him down the path as he complained. arriving at class, he sees neji and uses the god eye. But he only finds hyuga bloodline.

'impossible who is my rival? is my class, really?' think sasuke

"hey what are you thinking so much, fight me dattebayo" shouted naruto

'what is this idiot doing' thinks sauke looking at naruto.

so the two go to the room fighting, after the class starts, sasuke analyzes all the people, except naruto, after all he is the worst in the room it's impossible to be him.

after sasuke scans them all he finds that no one has otsutsuki blood, depressed he sits in his chair, thinking

'this mission is harder than it looks, I think my rival must be from another village, it looks like I'll have to give up the mission' he thought sadly

"system I give up the mission"

{side quest will be nullified. are you sure about this?}

when sasuke was about to say yes, that person who had been tormenting him all day appeared in front of him screaming.

"sasuke, fight me I will defeat you"

sasuke who was interrupted, yells angrily

"stop naruto! you don't see the difference between me and you, i'm the best in the class, and you're the worst! go back and analyze your strength"

the system that heard the word analyze, started scanning naruto with the eyes of god


'what?"thinks sasuke

name: naruto

faction: hidden leaf village

Body: lvl 0(common)

physical: lvl 0 (common)

chakra: lvl 2(chunnin)

mental: lvl 0 (common)


[taijutsu]: beginner

[ninjutsu]: elementary

]genjutsu]: elementary

[fuinjutsu]: elementary

[kinjutsu]: elementary

chakra nature:




uzumaki 80%

otsutsuki 20%

sasuke: ''...''

sasuke stared at naruto in a daze, in disbelief at the word otsutsuki in naruto's lineage asks

"system, this is a mistake, isn't it?"

{host, no mistake, one hundred percent sure naruto is the incarnation of ashura}

"but he's the worst in the class, how can he be my rival!"

{according to my analysis, the kyuubi is getting in the way of his chakra control, that's why he's the worst in the class, but his talent doesn't lose to yours}