
Prologue 3

"What do you mean Terra is found? Does this mean that a carbon copy of Terra is found in another universe? If this is true then..." the Emperor nodded as he stood up and motioned for the Captain Generals and his bodyguards to follow him. His mind is trying to make sense of what's happening.

If Terra is really found then this means that the omniverse isn't all that unique. The omniverse isn't really a collection of different and countless universes but alternate realities.

"Captain General, tell me, what age are the humans on Earth? Do they even have humans?" ordered the Emperor as his entourage breezed through the corridors.

"My lord, they're around the very early tribal age but it has signs based on the reports about the species of humans with the same look as us with the exception of almost humanlike subspecies." answered the Captain General with an emotionless tone. His great golden armor shone due to the light as he carrued his spear and walked side by side with tge Emperor.

"I see..."

They slowly traversed the golden halls of the Imperial Palace as Custodians and Silent Sisters alike was standing on almost every corner. However, Dreadnoughts with the combination of Battle Sisters was guarding each crossroads inside the Imperial Palace.

Everyone was armed with the best of the best of the best the Imperium has managed to produce up until now.

The Sisters of Battle was still using the power armor like suit they've always been using except this power armor has capabilities impossible to describe. But to give an idea on how powerful is the normal Battle Sister armor is, then if a custodian from a billion years ago is to punch it full power it wouldn't even damage it too much. It will at most deform it and have a visible fist mark.

As they traversed the halls, on the windows it can be seen the continent sized plates floating above quietly. The continent sized floating plates looked beautiful as the sign of prosperity is well evident from all the going and outgoing merchant vessels permitted to enter Sol system and Terra.

The security of this planet is absolutely tight. Travel was limited, people from the outside must be checked in accordance to the set guidelines that changes every day to always keep whoever visits in the shadow and his natural setting.

The Emperor stopped for a moment to appreciate the fruits of his and humanity's labor and calm his mind. He's not the 20 year old man from before becoming the sovereign of mankind. Now, he's one with the Emperor, he uses his 21st century morals and ethics to guide his decisions on certain matters as he can't possibly be using the set of mortality and ethics the Emperor from before him.

Over the course of one billion years he lead and made humanity what it is today. Standing on top of the food chain, the laws of the universe as their own slaves that will obey whatever they want.

But he didn't forget about himself, his sons such as Rogal, Sanguinius, and many more are revived except those who betrayed him and the Imperium. He can't let them be revived as he risked a future Horus Heresy sequel which none would want to see.

His sons, the 9 loyalist Primarchs thundered through every battlefield, every galaxy, every star system as they spread humanity's greatness on the whole universe.

The full specifications on how they got revived weren't up for the public viewing. You need to be a Custodian or a Silent Sister to view the information, this the bare minimum.

The Emperor then sighed as he breathed slowly before speaking. If his hypothesis is correct then humans will be just like them with a little bit of differences. Innovation through war, the prospect of world ending weapons, and many more can potentially hinder this human's progress and he can't let that happen. And with them actually knowing that humans aren't the only species in the whole universe, he must guide this humanity one way or another.

"If the planet really is Earth, then there are bound to be humans. Humans meaning humanity will rise on this planet for this universe. Captain General! Assemble the senate and my sons! We need to plot a course on how we'll deal with this matter."

"We can use the conspiracies..." the Emperor specifically remembered on his past life about people being anti-vaxxers because of microchips, and absurd theories like the very planet they're living on is flat. This is a bad thing, but he can use some of the most absurd conspiracies and turn them into reality in some sense.

On this day, the future of humanity on that planet will be decided. Quite paradoxical considering humanity always spewed out the words free will when instead everything is already decided for them before they even exist in some sense.

And who will decide? It's their same species of course...

The Imperium of Mankind will be babysitting their Earth counterparts. Guiding them on their way to conquering the stars and finally meeting them face to face.


Senate hall, Holy Terra...

The senate hall was looking grandiose and majestic. Even with them becoming a Type 4 civilization, they didn't forget the sleek gothic motif that's a beauty to be behold.

The Senate hall was filled with people to the brim. People part of the senate such as nobles cna be seen chatting with each other as they discussed what could be the matter on why are they called upon here.

You should know that the wars has been finally over for a good amount of time already, so a full-scale senate summon including all 9 Primarchs and the High Lords is to say the least, unexpected.

"I think that a civilization the level of us has managed to deciphered our language using the space probes. It looks like we will engage in international diplomacy once more." said an experienced envoy as he slowly drank the contents of the wine from the glass he's holding.

"Shouldn't they have already contacted us if they're really a civilization on our level? It's supposed to be easy for them to decipher a language!" disagreed a female aristocrat as she picked up a wine glass from the people working as waiters roaming around with glasses at hand.

"Enough of that, you're all over thinking things. What if an economic reform will be set into place? Or how about a military reform?" suggested an ace Imperial Knight pilot who's sent by his family as a representative on this senate meeting.

This kind of discussion can be seen almost everywhere as they awaited the Emperor and their Primarchs.

Just then, a loud but distinct trumpet sound was heard which immediately made the people return to their respective seats and stand straight.

The trumpet sound that was heard just now was the sound used for the arrival of a Primarch. Each of the 9 Primarchs has distinct trumpet sound depending on their personality.

The sound heard that of something exuding charisma. A sound that will make you follow whoever was being talked about on the music.

Sounds of heavy footsteps was heard as an angel looking man in golden power armor was slowly walking on the aisle towards his seat.

His long sliky blonde hair was waving rather unscientific as there's no wind but it's waving like it's getting blown away by a powerful wind.

He's followed by his bodyguards, space marines wearing the insignia of the Blood Angels.

He then stopped and showed his gigantic angelic wings for everyone to see. He then brushed his hair back and striked a smile full of charisma.

Women immediately fell in love just by his smile. They started to turn mad and becoming what seemed like harlots.

Men in the other hand started to question their sexuality. They're men! They can't feel romantic feelings for a Primarch, but they're starting to question it.

Lastly, the people from Mars also felt an imaginary boner not because of the Primarch's smile but his wings. They wanted to know if they can replicate an exact model of that wings and go nuts with it such as installing world ending weapons, faster than light travel, and many more.

But just then, another loud sound of a trumpet was heard. A depressed sound was heard as the figure of a man with gigantic black and silver power armor. His raven like wing ornaments on the power armor was clearly evident.

He was followed by the Raven Guards as he slowly walked and stopped before speaking with his rather raspy and depressed voice.


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