
Chapter 57

Imperial Capital planet, 1 ABY...

It's been a year after the lost of the first Death Star. Palaptine was furious to the max, well this has been his normal day to day happenings since the start of the war so nothing is surprising at this point. But he's particularly lashing out everytime he sees his new sith disciple as it reminds him of the failure of Darth Vader and the lost of Death Star.

Everytime he looks at her his PTSD kicks in as he beats his new disciple to literal near death. He's not training her per say but just beating her up like a stray dog or cat on the streets. However, his new disciple who's name is Kyloe Rein, was treating this beating as the way to power as she strives to improve and hopes to eventually beat Palpatine. This desire fueled her fighting spirit as she trained almost 24/7 with rests of little as 10 minutes where she bathes herself and eats then returns to training.

The specifications on how she became the disciple of Sheev Palpatine were unknown but there are good suggestions on how she came to be.

One of which suggestion is that she's a scholar of the Imperial university and when Sheev Palpatine visited it, she was seen to have a great potential behind her so she was taken as a disciple of Sheev Palpatine especially after the. supposed death of Darth Vader.

At this moment, a meeting between Palpatine and the high ranking generals and ministers of the Empire was happening. They're discussing the prospect of a galaxy wide counter invasion using the same lightning offensive tactics utilized by the Imperium.

"This plan will cost massive burdens on our production capabilities. The sheer supplies and logistics involved on this plan is immense. A good amount of the Empire might face a starvation for the next couple of years if we'll do this plan." the minister of the economy shook his head in disagreement with the plan as he saw this as something only a madman will do especially with the current state of war which is clearly unfavorable for them.

"But minister, this is the only way we can even the playing field. We're on a constant loss for the past 4 years. Excluding the fact that they also snatched the Death Star from our hands! Who would've know what the fate of the Death Star is!" reasoned the Minister of Defense. He's being annoyed by the fact that they had to falsify victories. Such a thing is like a slap on his face as the Minister of Defense.

"I suggest we strike a ceasefire so we can deal with the Rebel Alliance as I heard they've managed to strike a good deal with the Imperium on their talks on Yavin 4 on the day of the battle of the Death Star. The fight internally and externally are causing us to lose big time!" suggested the Supreme commander of the Imperial army as his suggestion sparked conflict from people in favor of a ceasefire and those close minded ones.

"Enough! We will organize a massive counterattack. Push the Imperium back once and for all while at the same time eliminating the Rebel Alliance. Hire those people from the planet of Mandalore to participate. We'll bring balance on this war! No matter how I hate it, we need a ceasefire to focus on these rebels! You have a year to prepare." decreed Palpatine as the opposition can only nod their head as they saluted.

"Yes your majesty!"


Holy Terra, 1 ABY...

The Emperor seclusion has reached a whole year already and his glorious bodyguards, the custodians and the silent sisters has still been guarding his residence. Sending off any potential visitors even his own sons was turned down as per his orders to them.

They absolutely did the very thing they're ordered, and they did it with absolute perfection. At this moment, the door suddenly swung open as the sounds of heavy metal footsteps was heard. The Emperor slowly walked out of his residence after one year and the moment he stepped into the sun he was momentarily blinded but his vision adjusted immediately as he gently stretched his muscles as bone cracking was heard.

"It's good to be back!" shouted the Emperor as his aura was screaming youth and happiness which the custodians and the silent sisters find rather attractive. They attributed this aura to him getting enlightened as his retreat seemed to be absolutely fruitful as evident with the changes.

"Captain General! Prepare the High Lords! And call my sons as we have important things to discuss and change. Also, I got enlightened! Everyone, I have a new goal other than just claiming humanity's birthright!" a infectious smile was plastered all over the face of the Emperor as the custodians and silent sisters found this absolutely likeable as they smiled together with the Emperor.

"Before I tell you what is that, everyone! Thank you!" shouted the Emperor which made his every bodyguard blush as they saluted at him. They rather find it weird that retreats can actually bring out things like these as they made a mental mark to do a retreat for a couple of days to see the results.

"Now, unto the senate hall! But before that" the expression of the Emperor was still smiling but you can feel him becoming serious. His bodyguards find it actually better though not that they despise his former attitude but this new attitude of him was more lenient on the friendly side rather than the absolute perfect ruler from before.

"Are you ready to follow me? Are you ready to follow me to spread humanity's greatness not only in this galaxy, not only in this universe, but unto the omniverse?" asked the Emperor as the bodyguards looked at each other with unquestionably loyal eyes as they scan for anyone who's not going to follow the Emperor.

Frankly, they can feel that the future of the Imperium would be much better and nothing will stand on their way to the top and just like the Emperor said, theyll going to conquer the omniverse which he seemed to have a contact with during his retreat.

The custodians and the silent sisters saluted once more as their shout and sign language was filled with the contagious happiness the Emperor was reeking.

"Till the very end of universe! Till our last breath! We shall follow your majesty..."


"And everywhere!"


Training grounds, Imperial palace of the Galactic Empire...

Kyloe Rein can be seen practicing her double lightsaber style of combat as she fought training droids who's programmed to be an excellent melee fighters.

She does somersaults on the air as she propels herself upward with the Force and performing beyblade spins midair as droids cut chopped apart like a cooked steak.

As she landed perfectly on the ground, sweat was pouring on her forehead as her thin clothes are drenched revealing her womanly curves.

She's been practicing this anti-crowd technique to easily escape situations where she's surrounded on all sides.

As she wipes the sweat, Sheev Palpatine and his Red Guards entered the training grounds.

"Kyloe Rein, come here." called Sheev Palpatine as Kyloe Rein did as she was told. She walked towards the very front of her master and asked.

"Master, what do you need me for?"

"You should know about the state of the war amI right?" asked Palpatine as his corpse like corrupted smile was seen beneath the hood.

"The state if war is getting favorable to the Empire your majesty and only needed a last push so the Imperium will finally capitulate!" said Kyloe Rein with pride as her pale smile can be seen. Her body is slowly getting corrupted by the Dark Side and it's evident on her skin.

Sheev Palpatine just chuckled as he nodded gently before speaking.

"You're right, that's why I'm going to appoint you as the vanguard commander for our last push against the Imperium as the glory if them capitulating shall be yours!"

"Do you accept this responsibility?" asked Sheev Palpatine, clearly testing her loyalty to him.

"Yes your highness!"

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