
Chapter 36

The Earth's atmosphere experienced an unexplainable disturbance. The speed of Earth's revolution suddenly increased to speeds considered as impossible and really dangerous.

It suddenly spun to almost half a million RPM in just a microsecond. This disturbance certainly got recorded. The magnetic field of the planet shifted and became stronger. Tidal waves almost increased to the height of a 20 meter wave and some other major phenomenons.

These two are just some of the things that the planet experienced all in the span of a microsecond. Luckily for everyone, everything immediately returned to normal and no permanent damage happened.

The reason for all of these is the Fury Interceptor that tore through the atmosphere like a hot knife to a butter. No sonic booms, but its sheer speed made it almost the new star. This in turn caused a massive gravitational disturbance and messed up with the planet more ways than one.

Nonetheless, everything only lasted for a microsecond or so and the Fury Interceptor has exited the atmosphere with a beautiful red with tinge of gold arc.

Though the arc that was left was only seen for 5 seconds before dissipating to the atmosphere. It's more than enough time for people to take pictures and upload them to the Stellar network.

Popular social media sites, forums, and many more such as Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, heck, even the dead Snapchat became lively after the incident.

The most notable of these sites which the users poured in their questions are the subreddit called r/askReddit. The subreddit is filled with all sorts of questions asking what, why, how, and many more regarding the incident.

The knowledgeable tried to explain that it must be some sort of related to the air pressure similar to the line created by the airplanes or the rockets from before.

News agencies such as the BBC, The Washington post, The Guardian, and many more scrambled to get classified information in an attempt to become the first news agency to have an answer fron the World government itself.

The government on the other hand is currently dealing with the diplomatic repercussions of the assassination of the Citadel council envoys.

Debate raged on regarding the matter on whether they should release this matter to the public or hold into it for as long as possible.

This whole issue has direct connection to the current stability of the World Government. A massive civil may broke out if not properly dealt with.

"Why haven't we increased their guards? This is all due to your negligence generel!" a businessman turned senator who's also a partymate of the Prime Minister suddenly stood up and stomped his palms on the table while looking at the general of the army.

"They refused to accept the request! We can't do anything but acknowledge their wishes as to not offend them!" the general rebutted with a voice clearly getting irritated and borderline angry.

"This war will leave our businesses in almost ruins! W-we haven't fought any war since the 1940's! Don't ever include the Iraq war, or the war of the African warlords on during the 2000's!" the senator countered with his own. statement which finally broke the composure of the general who stood up and tried to punch him.

"You! You're saying the army can't protect the government? You're underestimating us far too much when you don't even know our full capabilities!" luckily for the senator, the guards inside managed to restrain the general and out him back to his seat, all be it with a rather crumpled clothes.

"Enough of that, we won't achieve anything if we'll bicker amongst ourselves. Are those ships gone?" asked the Prime Minister who looked stressed beyond belief. His face has huge eyebags. The glow of his skin disappeared as it became dry, and many more subtle yet obvious changes.

"I believe that they have your excellency. I've instructed cruisers to escort them properly and respectfully." the general calmed himself down and answered respectfully.

"I'm stressed out by all of this, just issue a state of emergency and rush the construction of the new classes of battleships. We need to prepare for the upcoming war." the Prime Minister stood up and left the roon silently. The guards, though shocked at first, followed him.

The remaining people was stunned. They looked at each other as if signalling someone to tell them what just happened.

Time passed by and no one spoke out anything. So, one by one, they left the conference room full of awkwardness and uncertainty.

At the space dock of the Infinite Sunrise hotel...

Escort cruisers are currently floating outside a VIP dock. They're here to do one job and that is to escort the aliens out of the World Government territory. Inside the dock, people from the media, government, and even the private sector gathered because of a juicy news they got.

Based on their trusted informants, the talks broke down and war is as good as on by now. The media wanted to sensationalize this matter as usual. Some of the government people who's here has the desire to ensure that their necks will be saves from the upcoming war. Lastly, the people from the private sector wanted to save not onpy their necks but also their businesses to the point that they're willing to provide vital information to the enemy.

However, no matter what their agenda that made them personally seek out the aliens, wouldn't matter as a Fury Interceptor is well on its way to ensure none of the aliens will leave the hotel alive.

The Fury Interceptor breezed through and passed by the numerous security measures in place with ease. It seems like teleporting from one point to another. The fighter can't be detected using the military standard radars. Even the deep space telescopes orbiting the sun, who's supposedly the most powerful detection device mankind has ever produced at this point can't detect the Fury Interceptor.

On the space dock, people secretly entered the lead escort ship of the aliens. They carry coffins disguised as gifts to bypass the prying eyes of the many. These people doesn't really know what's inside the crates labelled as gifts but they're paid to do this so they'll just do it obediently.

They entered the ship with reserved movements. They never spoke, nor did they did anything out of the ordinary.

The people who welcomed them just simply thanked them and took over the coffins silently. No banters was exchanged and it's a peaceful handover of the bodies.

The group people numbering around 20 left silently, but exchanged whispers amongst themselves. They themselves didn't really kniw what's inside those crates just now. They assumed that those are gifts such as local souvenir, artifacts, and stuff like that as it's quite heavy but doesn't clang that much so it must be bulky.

"What do you think does those crates contain? I bet they're noodles as China is number one on that aspect." said a proud Chinese guy who gently tapped his chest to show how proud he is.

"You're clearly mistaken, our great Matryoshka dolls are clearly inside those crates." someone with a thick Russian accent said which made everyone laugh.

"Your dolls? Meh, they're not appropriate for something like this. Our rims of cheese will surely be included in those crates as it shows how great a swiss cheese is! But seriously though, what could possibly be those gifts?" shouted a man who clearly came from Switzerland.

This type of discussion went on and on until they finally returned to the storage room, leaving the still crowded VIP dock.

As people demanded to have a talk with the head envoy, the sound of departure was heard. Anger, frustration, and many more types of emotions can be seen plastered on all faces with people who have agendas.

"Wait! No! Don't go, we still have a lot to talk about!" someone shouted as he begged the ships who are steadily getting released from all the mechanical arms that held them in place.

After sometime, the alien ships finally got released from the numerous mechanical arms and was starting to ignite their engines when something happened.

An explosion, a large explosion...