
I am the Entertainment Tycoon

An orphan dies while saving a bus full of children. For saving countless lives, the Universe grants him the opportunity to transmigrate to another reality. There he realizes his dreams of supporting his new family and opening a company that will shake the foundations of this new world. He will be known as the MasterChef of the gods, a superstar singer, the best Mangaka to exist, the best Director, the businessman of the millennium and many other adjectives. _____________________________________________ If you guys like my novel, send some Power Stones. comment and review it to support me. :) The novel’s discord: https://discord.gg/8WKpREx6Qk

StarryForestJaguar · Urban
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630 Chs

Wanna Go Out?

Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City.


"Aurora! Are you ready to go?" Theo asked as knocked on her bedroom door.

"Yes! Give me 5 minutes and I will be ready!" Aurora shouted from inside the room.

"I will be waiting downstairs then!" Theo shouted back and chuckled as he started walking.

A few minutes later, Aurora arrived on the ground floor and found her brother seated on the couch.

"I'm ready." She declared with a sweet smile.

"Great! Come on then." Theo laughed as he stood up from the couch.

Soon after, they arrived at the garage and saw three cars parked there.

The car that Michele used to drive Aurora to school.

Theo's Jeep that he got as a gift from Ayia's grandpa and dad.

And the Koenigsegg Jesko that he received from the system today.

"Let's go on the new car." Theo said with an excited smile as he neared the Koenigsegg Jesko.

He had to admit that he loved his new car.