
I am the Entertainment Tycoon

An orphan dies while saving a bus full of children. For saving countless lives, the Universe grants him the opportunity to transmigrate to another reality. There he realizes his dreams of supporting his new family and opening a company that will shake the foundations of this new world. He will be known as the MasterChef of the gods, a superstar singer, the best Mangaka to exist, the best Director, the businessman of the millennium and many other adjectives. _____________________________________________ If you guys like my novel, send some Power Stones. comment and review it to support me. :) The novel’s discord: https://discord.gg/8WKpREx6Qk

StarryForestJaguar · Urban
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630 Chs

Secret Test

Saturday, December 19th.

Tkyo Animation Studios, Elffire City.

Emina and Kanai were walking toward the food court with Brianna, Araya, Mitsue, and Zofia.

It became usual for the six of them to go together to the cafeteria in the mornings.

"So, how was your first week working here? Did you like it?" Brianna asked as she looked at Emina and Kanai.

"It was amazing!" Emina exclaimed.

"Yeah, everything here is of high quality. We can work without having to worry about distractions." Kanai commented with a smile.

"Plus, everyone here is so talented! I was so impressed when they showed me the first piece of animation I had to produce the sound effects for." Emina added.

"Tell me about it! The editing team I am part of is filled with talented people. Especially my team leader." Araya commented.