
I am the Devil's Spouse

Once Upon a time, three best friends, Anubis, Arthur and Zena, went in search of powers until they arrived at the River of Darkness. There they met one of the Princes of Hell; Apopis, who offered them powers greater than the Creator but in exchange for Zena who is a beautiful Dragon Queen. Anubis and Arthur fought and defeated Zena and offered her to Apopis and he fulfilled his promises. After they left, Apopis summoned his remaining four brothers and they slept with Zena for seven days and then they throw her into the River of Darkness. But Zena didn't die, when she woke up, she saw herself at the bank of the River of Darkness on the other side. Feeling disgusted with herself and what the Princes of Hell has done to her, Zena killed herself. But the child growing in her womb didn't die. Out of greed for more powers, Barwolf killed Arthur, stole his powers and ruled over his kingdom. The other Kingdoms heard of him and secured their Kingdoms. 100 years has passed and Anubis noble wives all gave birth to still-born children until a maid he had raped bore him a girl child, Amenia, who started conquering other Kingdoms at a very young age. Amenia, just like her father, became greedy for power and wealth. She became Ruthless, Proud and Powerful….. very, very powerful. "Listen, little princess. I'm your King. You have three rules. Bow. Break. Bend the knee." There was so much hatred in his voice. "I will destroy you. The name you've built, I will crumble it. You belong to me. You are now my SLAVE." Amenia wasn't thinking straight when she provoked him and now her Wolf has marked him as their Mate. Everything about him is dark. Dark mind. Dark heart. Dark soul. Being hated by Him is dangerous. But being wanted by Him is lethal Married to Luciferis a romance novel intended for adult readers only. This book has a villainous hero, enemies to lovers, angst, and explicit/intense sexual situations. If you’re looking for a sweet romance, then this book is NOT for you.

Gabriel_Emmanuel_6423 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter twenty seven

"That's good to know," Amy said with a shrugged shoulders. "Be back soon Darius, so that we can finally proceed."

"I know Amy, like I said before, once I am done and have collected what is mine from Amenia, I will be coming back."

Amy beams in all smiles.

"Take care of yourself until I am back." Darius told her, looking at the mirror briefly then his black mist covered his whole body.

Amy turned slightly to look at the mirror and wondered why Darius cared more about the mirror than anything else. She had noticed it all. She approaches the wall made of mirrors slowly and reaches out to touch it. She couldn't explain what happened next but she saw herself being lifted up from the ground and the next thing was her back making contact with Darius's bed, breaking the bed into it to hit the wall behind the broken bed, creating a dent on the wall. Breathing heavily as some of her blood escaped her mouth, she slowly stood up to her feet as she wiped away the blog with the back of her hand.

Going close to the mirror once again, she brought out one of her fingers and touched the mirror again, closing her eyes and bracing herself for the full force of push she might have felt before but nothing happened. Was she hallucinating? No way. She had felt the force. When she turned back to look at the bed to be sure she wasn't hallucinating her eyes widened a bit. The bed wasn't damaged like she thought, it was okay, no broken bed was seen, even the wall looked normal. She also noticed she wasn't feeling any pain again, it was as if she made no contact with anything here. Maybe she was truly hallucinating. Touching the mirror once more and nothing happened, she sighed and left the room.

The castle seems empty to her without Darius. To remove the thought of Darius and what he might be doing to Amenia now, she went to train the demons.


Making sure the Vampire Prince has neared the gate which leads to the Vampire Kingdom, he turned to look at him.

"Don't forget what I told you, I and my mate will be coming tomorrow so make yourself ready for the training." Chaos reminded him. He and his mate needed a place to stay for the time being until his plan worked

"Thank you, don't worry, you and my mate are welcome to come to my kingdom at any day and time. You've helped and saved me and this is the only way I can think of returning the gesture, plus you offer to teach me some things I don't really know about myself." The Vampire Prince told him.

"Farewell then my good Prince, I will see you tomorrow. Your father is worried sick so go."

"Thank you once again," Prince Khaid thanked and left Chaos.

Shaking his head, Chaos smiled and the black mist washed over him and disappeared.

He appeared at the place his mate was. The statue was out and he waited.

"So are you finally taking me out of here?"

"Yes, you won't be staying here."

"Does that mean we've gotten the powers to ourselves?"

"Nope, I found the god of tornadoes and he is going to help us win in this fight." Chaos answered.

"And the girl?"

"She will come around, I went to visit her and told her things that she ought to know. So it is left for her to decide."


Werewolf Kingdom: Amenia's Palace:

The black mist appeared in the middle of the room which drew Amenia's attention. When the black mist finally cleared and revealed Darius, she rolled her eyes at him.

"Look who has finally decided to grace me with his presence," Amenia said, coming down from the bed. "Where have you been since?"

Darius ignored her question and looked around the room, sniffing the air around him before he landed his gaze on Amenia.

"Did someone else come here?"

"No, it hasn't been long since I woke up and I saw no one here. I have answered yours, now answer mine." Amenia told him. Does it mean that demons can smell the scent of each other? She thought. She felt a little bit bad for lying to Darius, a little tiny bitty part just like a single grain of rice.

Darius wasn't convinced, he had smelled a familiar old scent in the room, Chaos. But staring at Amenia he could see that she wasn't lying. Maybe whoever came did that when she was asleep.

"Although I felt the presence of someone else and that's why I woke up." She admitted that part. Chaos's presence truly woke her up.

Closing the distance between them, he reaches out and turns Amenia's face from one side to the other, inspecting it carefully.

"What is it? I am not hurt, am I?" This gentleness from Darius was a new thing. In fact she wasn't expecting such a gesture from him, this is another side of him she hasn't seen. Tilting her chin to stare at him, he looked so serious with his inspection.

"No you are not hurt but I have to be sure because if it is who I think it is, then, I have to check."

"Like I said, something or someone was watching me so I woke up and it was gone, so where do you go?"

Darius removed his hand when he realized he was caressing her chin and quickly withdrew his hand to his side.

"I went back to my castle, I have missed the comfort of my bed."

"So why are you back?"

"To give you this," he said and a portal opened beside him, stretching out one of his arms inside the portal and when he withdrew his arms, he was holding onto something.

The portal closes as he presents the thing he was holding to Amenia.

Amenia was shocked and surprised and didn't fail to hide her happiness.

"I want you to have it." Darius said, nudging at his gold spear he had collected from Amenia when they fought. "It was yours and you have taken good care of it for all those years so I want you to have it." he added. He just wanted to return back what he took from her. Because once he gets the power, he is leaving here and out of her life forever. He has a lot of things to do once he gets his power.

Collecting it as she brought it close to her breasts. "Why are you giving me? Did you meet a good witch on your way home who asked you to give me this."

"I would have preferred to meet a witch than answering your unnecessary question of why," Darius said. "I was expecting a very big 'thank you' from you and not this many questions."

"Well, if you must know, I don't say the 'T' word."