
I am the Devil's Spouse

Once Upon a time, three best friends, Anubis, Arthur and Zena, went in search of powers until they arrived at the River of Darkness. There they met one of the Princes of Hell; Apopis, who offered them powers greater than the Creator but in exchange for Zena who is a beautiful Dragon Queen. Anubis and Arthur fought and defeated Zena and offered her to Apopis and he fulfilled his promises. After they left, Apopis summoned his remaining four brothers and they slept with Zena for seven days and then they throw her into the River of Darkness. But Zena didn't die, when she woke up, she saw herself at the bank of the River of Darkness on the other side. Feeling disgusted with herself and what the Princes of Hell has done to her, Zena killed herself. But the child growing in her womb didn't die. Out of greed for more powers, Barwolf killed Arthur, stole his powers and ruled over his kingdom. The other Kingdoms heard of him and secured their Kingdoms. 100 years has passed and Anubis noble wives all gave birth to still-born children until a maid he had raped bore him a girl child, Amenia, who started conquering other Kingdoms at a very young age. Amenia, just like her father, became greedy for power and wealth. She became Ruthless, Proud and Powerful….. very, very powerful. "Listen, little princess. I'm your King. You have three rules. Bow. Break. Bend the knee." There was so much hatred in his voice. "I will destroy you. The name you've built, I will crumble it. You belong to me. You are now my SLAVE." Amenia wasn't thinking straight when she provoked him and now her Wolf has marked him as their Mate. Everything about him is dark. Dark mind. Dark heart. Dark soul. Being hated by Him is dangerous. But being wanted by Him is lethal Married to Luciferis a romance novel intended for adult readers only. This book has a villainous hero, enemies to lovers, angst, and explicit/intense sexual situations. If you’re looking for a sweet romance, then this book is NOT for you.

Gabriel_Emmanuel_6423 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter Twelve

"Darius, I think you should think this through."

"I don't need your advice Amy, keep it to yourself," Darius said to her. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to take my bath and prepare myself for tonight," he added. "The door is that way." he stared at Amy.

Amy realized that Darius was waiting for her to leave before he could take his bath, rolling her eyes at him. She left his room and went to have a drink, a strong wine to calm down her nerves. The wine helps in keeping her jealous mode in check. This shouldn't be her worries, Darius doesn't fu.ck a lady twice. He uses and disregards you like a leprosy, this won't be any different.

Darius collected the spear on the mirror and used his right index finger to clean off the remaining blood there and lick it, tasting it slowly with his tongue then putting his whole finger inside his mouth. He closed his eyes and moaned loudly. The metallic taste of blood was intoxicating him and he couldn't wait to have more. In fact he wanted it right now.

Growling slowly, he opened his eyes and saw his black eyes shiny a brief red before it faded away. He grinned at himself in the mirror.

"I'm too handsome." he praised himself and went to the bathroom.


Wolf Kingdom:

Anubis assembled everyone in the Palace, the cooks, the guards, the servants and his three wives. They all stood in front of him, except his three wives who were standing besides him.

"You must make sure that no one hears about what happened to Amenia today. What happened must stay within the walls of the palace, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes my King." they said in unison and Anubis dismissed them.

"At least she is no longer on your way of becoming the king again. Darius has already taken care of that." Ray told Anubis.

"Parading herself as the strongest, well the strongest has met its match and has been beaten and forced to bow. Whatever Dark wants to do with her is none of my business." Sharon supported her co-wife.

"Do not speak ill of my daughter. There comes a day in each and everyone's life that one has to fail, and that was what happened to Amenia"

"Like you did, failing to win over your daughter." Ray taunted him.

"Yes, like when I failed years ago. But this, this is different and you know it so stop rubbing my defeat in my face." Anubis tried not to boil in anger. He started walking away from them when he paused in his movement. "If this information leaks outside, I mean what Darius did to my daughter, I would know that one of you did it and trust me, I will kill whoever it is." he warned them and left for Amenia room. That's the place Amenia would be.


Squeezing her eyes and moving her body around slightly, two things occurred which prompted her to open her eyes. First was that she was on a bed and secondly her hands and legs were tied separately, locked in chains and to her bed. She also noticed she was stark naked.

Looking around and recognizing she was in her room, she inhaled slowly and relaxed a bit. She remembered her fight with Darius and readying herself to cut off the chain holding her hands, she would rather die than allow Darius to touch her. Her chamber door opened and Anubis walked in.

"Why am I in chains? You don't have whatsoever right to do this Anubis. Release me right now or else once I release myself I am going to kill you with or without my mother's approval."

"Forgive me Amenia, between you and Darius, I fear Darius the most. I can't disobey him." Anubis said in a pity tone. "It's night and he will be here. You slept all day long as you were gravely injured."

Amenia growled and tried to cut off the chain but couldn't.

"You can't cut the chains Amenia, they have magic in it and no matter how strong you are, they can't be cut." Anubis told her which halts Amenia. Anubis moved closer to the bed. "Oh Amenia, I have been dreaming of a day like this to come, when you will become valuable. You've grown so much, so much to a beautiful girl and you don't even know it. All those nights, long ago, didn't you enjoy it?"

"You're sick in the head, very sick," Amenia said in disgust and spat at his direction but Anubis was fast to get out of its way. "Just wait until I get out of here then-"

Interrupting her. "This is where you will be from now onwards. Once Darius is done with you tonight, it will be my turn for as long as you are bound here."

"I will kill you." Amenia gritted out, teeth clenched together.

Anubis chuckled and climbed the bed, placing his two hands on her breasts and Amenia started moving her body to get his hands off her.

"I have long for this Amenia I remember those nights like yesterday, there was nothing there and now, they're big," Barwolf said, moaning lowly as he remembered how he thrust inside her honeypot, again and again. This was his chance and he wasn't going to take chances.

"Stop this or I swear-"

Interrupting her once again. "You are helpless now Amenia, admit it. No one will come to save you from me. You keep telling me how the mighty have fallen but now, the reverse is the case. You should have backed away from the fight but no, your stubbornness has caused you this. You think Darius is me you overpowered and somehow stole my power from me, no, he is someone who is never your match." he told her and leaned forward and brought out his tongue to lick one of her nipples but stopped. The air around him changed and he quickly came down from the bed, Darius was coming. He grinned at her. "Enjoy your only night with Dark, the rest of the other nights will be filled with me and you on this bed."

Amenia wasn't listening to what her stupid father she is going to kill once she gets out of here, she noticed the change of air around her and tried once again to free herself from the chains binding her but was unsuccessful.

Black mist covered the room then transformed into Darius and he grinned at Amenia. His eyes lingering at her breasts that were well-endowed. He was wearing all round black but with no boots. What is the essence of wearing boots that you will soon remove?