
I am the Devil's Spouse

Once Upon a time, three best friends, Anubis, Arthur and Zena, went in search of powers until they arrived at the River of Darkness. There they met one of the Princes of Hell; Apopis, who offered them powers greater than the Creator but in exchange for Zena who is a beautiful Dragon Queen. Anubis and Arthur fought and defeated Zena and offered her to Apopis and he fulfilled his promises. After they left, Apopis summoned his remaining four brothers and they slept with Zena for seven days and then they throw her into the River of Darkness. But Zena didn't die, when she woke up, she saw herself at the bank of the River of Darkness on the other side. Feeling disgusted with herself and what the Princes of Hell has done to her, Zena killed herself. But the child growing in her womb didn't die. Out of greed for more powers, Barwolf killed Arthur, stole his powers and ruled over his kingdom. The other Kingdoms heard of him and secured their Kingdoms. 100 years has passed and Anubis noble wives all gave birth to still-born children until a maid he had raped bore him a girl child, Amenia, who started conquering other Kingdoms at a very young age. Amenia, just like her father, became greedy for power and wealth. She became Ruthless, Proud and Powerful….. very, very powerful. "Listen, little princess. I'm your King. You have three rules. Bow. Break. Bend the knee." There was so much hatred in his voice. "I will destroy you. The name you've built, I will crumble it. You belong to me. You are now my SLAVE." Amenia wasn't thinking straight when she provoked him and now her Wolf has marked him as their Mate. Everything about him is dark. Dark mind. Dark heart. Dark soul. Being hated by Him is dangerous. But being wanted by Him is lethal Married to Luciferis a romance novel intended for adult readers only. This book has a villainous hero, enemies to lovers, angst, and explicit/intense sexual situations. If you’re looking for a sweet romance, then this book is NOT for you.

Gabriel_Emmanuel_6423 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter Nine

"Why would she say she is strong? Just because she managed to kill one thousand out of my millions demons doesn't make her strong, it was just luck."

"Could you believe I shot her one of the arrows of destruction and she shot back her own arrow at me. If I didn't stop the arrow it could have pierced my forehead. And do you know the most interesting part? I was standing closer at the bank of the river when she shot it from the Hoysala Kingdom and it came right towards me, unbelievable right?" Amy explained.

"It was just a coincidence Amy, don't think about it too much." Darius shrugged off.

"How could she know I was standing at the spot I was?" Amy queried.

"People tend to get lucky and Amenia is one of them." Darius said, going to the wardrobe in the room to put on some clothes.

"Maybe, and one more thing Darius, she used your golden spear to kill your demons." Amy finally dropped the bombshell.

That stopped him right on his track and he turned around to look at Amy in shock and did not bother to hide it.

"Impossible. Apart from me no one else can remove the spear from the ground, not to talk about lifting and carrying it up." He finds it unwilling and unable to believe it.

"But she did and she used it to fight with it against the demons."

"Impossible," Darius said again. His eyes moved around in the room.

"Unbelievable." he added a second later.

"Unless you make it not too hard for the girl to pull out whenever she wants." Amy told him. "That can only be the explanation behind this."

Still finding it hard to believe. "I didn't make it easy for her, you know me, I would have told you that night."

"If you didn't then how come she carried your Golden spear?"

"I will find out the answer."

"You are planning to pay her a visit, right?"

"Yes, besides, apart from that night we haven't crossed the Werewolves kingdom but u will be going there to see if what you said about her is true," Darius said and Amy smiled. "Leave, I need to think without disturbance."

"Darius, if you ever need someone to talk to, just know that I am one step behind you. I am always here to listen."

"Leave Amy."

Amy quietly left the room leaving Darius to his thoughts.


Hoysala Kingdom:

Amenia screamed out in rage when no more arrows were shot. Staring at the place the demons were before made her start growling.

Destroying the first demons had made her think of Darius, wherever the hell he is, will come out to confront her but she got none. Now a few years later another set of demons had come out to attack and someone somewhere had made sure she got no lead to where the man she wanted to drive her sword into his beating heart.

One day, just one day, Darius will come out from the hole he is hiding.

"My horse." She didn't need to repeat or say the words aloud when some Hoysala queen hurried up to bring the horse to her.

Taking the reins forcefully from the queen of Hoysala, nearly scratching off her skin from her fingers. She climbed her horse, and without another word and gallop out of there faster.

"Well at least she kept to get own end of her bargain," the Queen of Hoysala said as Amenia was soon out of her sight.

She turned and returned to her chamber. Her handmaid rearranging her hair. The only light coming from the room was from her candle at a corner of the room.

"I wonder why she is angry instead of her rejoicing that she succeeded in killing the demons that I paid her for with my money and kingdom." she added.

"Maybe she is angry at whoever killed those demons she had spared." her handmaid chips in.

"True but I am glad that out problems has been solved." The Queen of Hoysala said, resting her head on the pillow and doze off. Her handmaid finished rearranging her hair and left the room silently.


The Wolf Kingdom:

The only time her horse came to an absolute halt was when she reached the palace.

One of the guards quickly took her horse reins from her as she walked angrily inside. Dropping her spear on the ground, the guards around will pick it up and take it back to where it is being kept.

She immediately went to the dining area and sat down at the head of the table. Some servants came to serve her food.

No one spoke or made a noise, they could see that she was in a bad mood.

Five minutes later, Anubis and his three wives all made an appearance and each went to sit on the chairs available at the table. No one said anything as they watched Amenia eating. The only noise coming from the dinning room was the clattering of her spoon on the plate.

Her red eyes slowly replace the violet ones.

Amenia had made the rules for them to always be present whenever she was eating, failure to do so, would result in punishment. DEATH.

At first they had thought she was joking until she killed Sarah, the fourth wife of Anubis, mercilessly in front of them. Ever since then they never fail to show up. And Amenia is always fond of eating late, probably to punish them or to force them into breaking her rules so that she could hurt them. They noticed hurting them always brings smiles to her face.

"How did it go? Were the demons able to come?" Anubis asked, breaking the silence that had engulfed them.

Anubis waited and waited for Amenia to respond but got none. He sighed slowly waiting for her to finish eating so that he could go back to his bed.

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