
I am the Devil's Spouse

Once Upon a time, three best friends, Anubis, Arthur and Zena, went in search of powers until they arrived at the River of Darkness. There they met one of the Princes of Hell; Apopis, who offered them powers greater than the Creator but in exchange for Zena who is a beautiful Dragon Queen. Anubis and Arthur fought and defeated Zena and offered her to Apopis and he fulfilled his promises. After they left, Apopis summoned his remaining four brothers and they slept with Zena for seven days and then they throw her into the River of Darkness. But Zena didn't die, when she woke up, she saw herself at the bank of the River of Darkness on the other side. Feeling disgusted with herself and what the Princes of Hell has done to her, Zena killed herself. But the child growing in her womb didn't die. Out of greed for more powers, Barwolf killed Arthur, stole his powers and ruled over his kingdom. The other Kingdoms heard of him and secured their Kingdoms. 100 years has passed and Anubis noble wives all gave birth to still-born children until a maid he had raped bore him a girl child, Amenia, who started conquering other Kingdoms at a very young age. Amenia, just like her father, became greedy for power and wealth. She became Ruthless, Proud and Powerful….. very, very powerful. "Listen, little princess. I'm your King. You have three rules. Bow. Break. Bend the knee." There was so much hatred in his voice. "I will destroy you. The name you've built, I will crumble it. You belong to me. You are now my SLAVE." Amenia wasn't thinking straight when she provoked him and now her Wolf has marked him as their Mate. Everything about him is dark. Dark mind. Dark heart. Dark soul. Being hated by Him is dangerous. But being wanted by Him is lethal Married to Luciferis a romance novel intended for adult readers only. This book has a villainous hero, enemies to lovers, angst, and explicit/intense sexual situations. If you’re looking for a sweet romance, then this book is NOT for you.

Gabriel_Emmanuel_6423 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter Five

'Brace yourself Amenia, these ones coming are not like the demons we slew.'

Amenia opened her eyes and it widened when she saw the first demon flying towards them.

Her wolf was right.

'How did you know they were different?' Amenia asked her wolf.

'I don't know Amenia, I just know,' her wolf responded. 'We shouldn't be discussing this right now, we need to keep our focus on them.'

Lifting her spear and gave a lopsided smile at demons approaching them.

Amenia started laughing like a maniac and ran towards the approaching demons.

"Should we attack or not!" One of the warriors of Hoysala shouted after her but Amenia ignored him.

Her focus was on the demons. They were many and she wondered where they'd all come out from.

Who could be sending the demons and why?

These weren't like the first ones who she had fought and destroyed when they came to attack her kingdom. Those ones were on foot and weren't as ugly as these ones running towards her, no, flying towards her. The first demons don't have horns but this present demons has.

She paused in her movement, ceasing her laugh and immediately ruled a line on the ground that covers the length of the gate to Hoysala kingdom.

She waited until they were closer to her, much closer to her.

Lifting up her Golden spear, she aimed it at the demon closer to her and the demon caught fire immediately, leaving only the roasted skeleton of the remains of the ugly demon underneath her golden sharp spear.

The fire stopped the rest of the demons right in their tracks as they all turned and stared at Amenia as if she had eight heads, their red eyes blazing with rage and fire. Ignoring the kingdom they were aiming at for now and focusing on her.

They circled her.

Ignoring the strong putrid stench emitting out from the demons surrounding her, their growls didn't shake her. They noticed she wasn't petrified of them at all which angers them, plus her killing one of them.

"Didn't whoever that sent you all told you that this kingdom is mine. I am their king, I am the only who gets to kill my subjects as I want. You all have no right to attack what is mine." Amenia told them which seems to anger them the more as smokes were seen coming out of their horns.

They attacked Amenia at once but didn't stand a chance against her. Amenia was barely using her strength to kill them, they are not worth it.

One of the demons slipped away when he realized they were not a match for the girl they were fighting. He flew back to where they had come out from to report back to their mistress of their failure.

Amenia stopped when she realized that there were only five remaining demons who were about to fly away from her out of fear. Grinning, she jumped up, as high as she could and with her spear which seemed to impossibly increase in size, with it, she hit the five demons on their back which sent them crashing to the ground. Quickly and without wasting time, she tore one side of their wings which would prevent them from flying.

"Where did you think you were going?" Raziah asked as she began removing their horns one after the other.

The painful growls of them could be heard.

The warriors Hoysala behind her jubilated and hurried up to meet Amenia.

"I need ten of you to carry our hostages and follow me. The rest of you should clean up this mess," Raziah said pointing at the roasted skeletons of the dead littering around.

Entering the kingdom of Hoysala as she and the demons she had captured heads to meet the Queen.

Entering the Palace, Amenia saw the Queen and a few of her warriors at the palace premises. The Queen was the only one pacing around.

Seeing Amenia and the demons brought a huge relief to her and if Amenia was a hug person, she would have hugged the taller girl.

"No lives of your usel.ess warriors were lost and your kingdom is mine as per our deal. I have slain the demons."

Nodding her head. "I won't go back on my words, my King. My people and I are under your command from now henceforth." The Queen of Hoysala agreed with Amenia. Her gaze landed on the demons once again.

"What are we going to do with them? Obviously, I can't keep them in my kingdom." She stated.

Without replying to her, Amenia turned to look at the demons on their knees.

"Who sent you?" she asked as she circles them slowly. "Who sent you?" she repeated her question when none of the demons spoke.


Unknown River: At a Faraway place

The demon who had slipped away stopped at the bank of a river. He flew as fast as he could to get here and then proceeded to clear his throat six times which was in a rhythm and a dark portal opened and he quickly entered it.

The portal closed behind him and opened at the front of a castle where a woman stood, waiting.

"What's wrong?" The dark woman with black eyeballs demanded immediately she saw him.

"We were attacked and killed. I managed to escape My Lady." the demon answered and proceeded to tell her who they had fought against.

"You mean to tell me that one person killed the one thousand demons that left this place?" The woman asked with raised brows.

"Yes my Lady, just one person. A she." the demon replied.

"Impossible." the woman said and a portal opened once again.

Stepping out of the portal at the bank of the river. Her eyes focused on the direction of the Hoysala Kingdom, slowly, a bow and an arrow made of darkness appeared in her hands. With it, she aimed it at the direction of Hoysala, closing her eyes, she saw the images of her dead demons and the five that were left alive. She saw the lady her demon had spoken off and gasp out slowly.