

There was chaos everywhere as people ran helter-skelter while screaming loudly.

Many ladies had split their pencil skirts in two to aid their quick escape from the museum, others threw off their costly wigs, some broke their heels, others threw away their designer bags.

A lady stood in the midst of all this chaos wondering: "What's going on?".

She was someone who doesn't quickly react to emergency situations. Now everyone was running aimlessly from something she couldn't even see.

"Why are they running?" she thought.

"Run for your lives, the devil has descended on our land" an old man shouted as he ran past her.

The lady saw that the parking lot of the museum was almost empty. No one had bothered to even ride their cars, many had apparently even lost their car keys.

It was then that the lady began to run, she was heading for the entrance gate.

"Stop right there!" she heard a voice that was loud, deep, rough and scary.

The lady stopped in her tracks and turned around to see a scary sight. There was a monster looking at her.

He had snake scales on his hands, belly, face, neck, and chest. His ears were pointed like an elf and he had long, sharp bloody fingernails. What was even scarier, was the fact that he has a snakes tail that was very long!

"Don't you dare try to escape!" the monster said in a baleful manner.

When the monster was speaking to her, she had seen that he had long vampire fangs and his eyes were gold. She gulped and turned around. She then broke into a run, passing the museum's entrance gate and heading for the streets.

The monster chased after her; leisurely gliding on the ground with his tail, his arms folded.

"Silly human, keep running. No matter what you do, or where you hide, you will become my meal. I can't wait to taste you." the monster said with a sinister laugh, not increasing nor reducing the speed he used to chase her.

The lady kept running until she got to the main roads.

She was surprised to see a great line up of cars with no one inside them. As she ran in the midst of the cars on the highways, the monster behind her kept lifting cars like they were as light as a pencil. He would then throw them away not caring where they fell to or whom they hit. Many buildings were destroyed in the process.


3 minutes later.

He was closing in on her.

The lady did not know what to do. She was getting tired but she couldn't stop. This monster here will also easily catch up to her no matter how hard she ran. She saw that there was no escape for her. She also couldn't turn back to face that unsightly monster.

"Help! Help! Save me!" she kept screaming as she ran but no one came to her rescue.

Everyone around hid in their homes; praying that this devilish monster wouldn't come to kill them. The lady suddenly kicked a stone and fell down.

All hope was lost. She closed her eyes, bracing for pain and death when suddenly, she heard sounds of sirens.

Sirens! Yes, the police are here.

She heard sounds of shooting and opened her eyes.

Indeed, the monster had turned around to face the policemen and soldiers that had just arrived. They were continuously firing bullets at the monster but the monster's skin seemed impenetrable. All the bullets shot at him always fell to the ground.

The lady did not care anymore as she immediately took off her scandals and retreated slowly and then she began to run away.

The soldiers and policemen were determined. No matter what, this monster must go down. They kept walking closer to the monster while firing a series of bullets. The monster turned his head and saw that his prey had escaped.

Furious, he roared and smashed two cars on his right and left.

"Idiots! Do you think these toys can hurt me?" the monster yelled and then spurted out a green mist that enveloped all the soldiers and policemen.

It resulted in a lot of cars being set ablaze and all of the police and soldiers dropping to the ground dead. The monster hissed and then glided to one of them. He sank his long fingernails into the chest of a policeman and pulled out his heart.

He then threw it into his mouth and chewed it noisily like it was delicious. Then he gouged out the two eyes of the deceased cop which he swallowed. He began to this to every dead person in the place, pulling out their hearts and eyes to eat and swallow.

The corpses were beginning to fester and then the monster start cutting out all their di*ks and he started chewing on them.

Blood flowed down his hands and mouth down to his chest as he did this disgusting thing.

"Boy! I'm so thirsty" the monster muttered.

He saw a five-month-old baby left inside a small car and his eyes lit up.

"Fresh and pure wine to drink," he said happily as he rushed to the car and broke the glasses.

The baby had been crying but when he carried the baby, it suddenly stopped crying and smiled.

The monster's eyes then lit up. He bit the baby's wrist gently and blood flowed out, making the baby start crying again. The monster then spoke some incantations in a strange language and the wound on the baby's wrist automatically healed.

"That's right my dear, you will continue from where I stopped. You will cause the greatest havoc, one that I can't even imagine. In 15 years, your power will awaken my dear. Do not fail me!" the monster said before putting the baby in the car.

Then he turned around and glided in the direction that his prey ran to.

"Silly human, you can never escape from my hands," he said with a sinister laugh.


The lady who had finally arrived at her home, locked the door to her home with many keys.

She then sat tiredly on the floor to take deep breaths. She crawled to the kitchen to get water from the fridge which she finished in one go.

"Aahh!" she sighed deeply.

"That was tough! Hopefully, the monster will be taken down soon. I'm so lucky to get in here in time." she thought.

She switched on the Tv to watch the news and was terrified to hear that the monster had brutally killed and mutilated the poor soldeirs and policemen.

Was she next? Her heart began to beat wildly. Her whole body became red like the temperature in the room was too high. She was afraid to turn on the fan and decided to hide in her cupboard. She covered herself with clothes. No, she must survive.

If she can make it till tomorrow, she'd leave this place and go far, far away to a super remote village. Life was important!

Suddenly, she heard a knock. Her heart nearly jumped outta her chest.

Who was there? Was it the monster? The monster couldn't possibly know her place rigfht? What kind of nose did he have?

"Cherryl, open up. It's me Rebecca. I finally got the job. I know you're in there. Come on, open up."

A female voice was heard from outside the door.

The lady came out from the cupboard and crawled to the kitchen to get a knife. Better safe than sorry.

She then slowly tip-toed to the door.

"What's the code?" she asked.

"Girl power!" the voice replied anxiously from outside.

The black-haired lady became relaxed.

It was indeed her friend at the door. She was just too worried. Haha, time to see her friend and get a warm hug!

She excitedly unlocked all the padlocks and opened the door.

"Hey honey!" the lady said and happily hugged her friend. However, her friend did not wrap her hands around her and try to raise her up like she normally would. The lady broke the hug and looked at her friend.

"Rebecca, are you alright?" she asked in confusion.

"I'm sorry, Cheryl. I don't want to die early. I also don't want my family to die." Rebecca started crying.

"What's wrong with you?" the lady was further puzzled.

"I... had to bring him here. He wanted to see you..." Rebecca couldn't say anything and just continued weeping.

"You brought who here?" the lady was having a bad feeling in her heart.

"My dear prey, she brought me here!" that scary monster materialized in front of the lady and Rebecca ran away yelling "I'm sorry, Cheryl." in tears.

The lady was stunned by her friends betrayal and seeing this monster in front of her. He was here. He indeed came to find her!

"Rebecca, I will not forgive you!" she swore in her heart.

"Dear, let me take a good look at you." the monster used his hand to raise her chin up.

"Vana! You are Vana!" he exclaimed.

"I'm not Vana. I'm Cheryl. Please leave me alone!" she yelled and went back in. She tried to lock the door but she found to her horror that the snake tail was already in her house. How would she lock the door then?

She started weeping.

"Please let me go." she begged from behind the door. She didn't want to see him at all.

"Vana, just open it. I won't hurt you. I may look evil but deep inside, I only have you in my heart, Vana." the monster said.

"No! Please just go away!" she cried.

"Well then, you made me do this!" his tone was harsh this time. He pulled out the door and threw it far away.

Cheryl had fallen from the surprise action and before she could get up and run, he easily picked her up and carried her bridal style.

"Vana, it's me! Open your eyes and look!" he said but she closed her eyes tightly. She was too scared to see him so close. She might as well die.

"Save me! Someone help me!" she cried in her heart.

The monster turned around and glided away quickly to the forest which was 20km to the south.


An hour later.

He placed Cheryl gently on a smooth huge rock.

"Vana, my love, I can finally taste your pure sweetness." he said with a chuckle.

Cheryl had long fainted before they even got to the forest.

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