
I Am The Beginning

When you walk around your neighborhood half past midnight, you will encounter a cat, a crow, and a grasshopper. The moment you encounter them, you will realize that the surroundings had somehow turned unfamiliar and the way back had disappeared. But, don't panic. Stay calm and wait. Time will pass slowly in that place, then, they will ask you a question. [Do you wish to experience a Second Life?] This is where you shall make a choice. The cat, with its clever gaze, offers a constrained life with endless glory. The crow, with feathers proudly puffed, sings of freedom and power. And the grasshopper, softly mutters about fulfillment and simplicity. Once you have chosen, they will disappear into nothingness, leaving behind a single ticket. Your ticket to a second life. But, of course, you can also refuse. Though, wouldn't that be too boring?

LordOfRot · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Suddenly Becoming Nobility

"I'll admit that this was all my fault! It was because my stomach growled so loudly that the monsters woke up and started chasing us! That's why, can't you get that thing away from my face already?!"

With an expression depicting his inner agony, Leo shouted but flinched away when the giant, hairy spider leg came closer to his face.

"So, you're saying, your stomach growled and that somehow attracted the monsters' attention and you somehow ran into us? As if anyone would believe that! Atleast make better excuses! This is a maze with so many tunnels leading to who knows where!" Hansel furiously shoved the spider leg onto Leo's face. "Brother, this guy won't tell the truth at all!"

"But that's really what happened! Ah! Stop! Get that thing away from me!!!" Amidst Leo's anguished cries, Hansel's older brother stared at the man in front of him seriously.

The man being stared at, on the other hand, just smiled back calmly.

"...Ten." The older man said seriously, causing the person in front of him to tilt his head in confusion until the other man clarified himself. "My name is Ten."

"Ah. I am Oni..." The other man suddenly halted himself mid-sentence, as if remembering something which he covered with a polite cough. "Please just refer to me as 'Red' like the prince does."

"Mm." The man who called himself Ten nodded then glanced towards the cocoon which had began to diminish in size. "Your prince?"

"Indeed." Red smiled mysteriously. "The one being interrogated beside us is called Leo."

"Mm." Ten nodded to show he understood then, his eyes slowly sharpened. "Your motive?"

"Ah~" Red's smile widened ever so slightly. "You see, the truth is, we were accompanying our prince to escape."

"As you are already aware, we are now in a different world." Red began to explain as Ten nodded, bidding him to continue. "In all honesty, the way we got here was actually an accident."

Then, like a spider weaving its web, Red began to spin a story out of nothing.

According to him, during the dead of the night, the prince, along with his most trusted retainer and his guard, were quickly making their way towards their territory's capital.

They had just recieved news of the Second Lord's sudden death and, as the only heir to the court, his immediate presence was required but, along the way, they had been attacked by a large number of masked assailants.

So, while they were fleeing for their lives, a grasshopper suddenly appearing and sticking a ticket onto the prince's back went unnoticed.

And, when the ground beneath the prince crumbled away, the only thing that the retainer amd the guard could do was jump in after their prince.

"That's pretty much it." Red shrugged his shoulders, smiling in a relaxed manner. "Also, the thing about Leo's stomach growling which caused the monsters to chase us was true. Please do forgive him. We haven't eaten anything for days after all."

"...I see." Listening to the story from beginning to the end, Ten furrowed his brows in deep thought. A few moments later, he stood up and walked a distance away, calling his brother. "Hansel."

"Brother." Hearing his name called, the boy interrogating Leo immediately jogged towards his brother and was quickly given a run down of the three's story.

"Haa??? What??? Brother, you can't believe that bull-... Ah?... Oh... Alright."

"Big brother? Is there really a prince here?" Suddenly, an excited voice asked as Red began to feel a small hand tugging at his sleeve. Looking down, he saw a small child with brightly glistening eyes staring at him.


Laughing to himself inwardly, Red smiled gently towards the child. "Indeed there is. You see that cocoon over there?"

Pointing to the cocoon of clouds which had now diminished to half of its previous size, Red spoke to the child with a mysterious tone. "There is a prince sleeping inside of it. Would you like to meet him?"

"Dolly can meet the prince?!" Awestruck, the child glistened with amazement, her eyes wide open.

"Of course you can!" With an amused grin, Red answered the child.

"Then! Then! Will the prince marry the mushroom princess?" Dolly asked another question which then made Red confused.

Until he saw the bag the child was carrying.

"Oh..." Despite the suddenness, Red still gave Dolly a kind smile. "How about you ask the prince when he emerges?"

"Okay! Dolly will ask!"

The atmosphere around the unacquainted people slowly eased up as they patiently waited for a person to re-emerge from the cocoon.

Meanwhile, on a dark corner nearby, Leo was busying himself by gloomily growing mushrooms.

'Spider leg... Big hairy spider leg...'



In the starting hall, a man holding tightly onto a steel crowbar gritted his teeth, his eyes coldly following the drifting mist on the ground.

"Crazy! That guy just started destroying everything!"

In the space around him, numerous rubbles from the broken fountain behind the man were scattered around.

In fact, it wasn't just one fountain, all four fountains in the hall had been smashed through by him.

"Even if he's mad, there's no reason to break everything so suddenly, right?!"

Whispers of criticisms floated past the man's ears but he paid no heed to them.

All that entered his attention were the gently flowing mist that disappeared into a certain direction.



[Mana +10]

[Mana +10]

[Hidden conditions have been met. You have acquired the [Lady of the Fountain's Blessing].]

[Hidden conditions have been met. You have acquired the title [Dhormellos King's Guest].]

After what felt like an extremely long nap, Haneul slowly opened his eyes and was greeted with hundreds of notifications.

Immediately, whatever comfort he was feeling disappeared, only leaving him with a sour emotion.

'It wasn't a dream.'

Resigning himself to this information, he began to study the strange things he had somehow acquired in his sleep.

[Title: Dhormellos King's Guest

- Has an effect of eliminating the hostility of all creatures that dwell in the Dhormellos King's Dungeon.

- A certain probability of attracting arachnid type monsters.]

'Oh. It's a double edged sword. How nice.'

It eliminates the hostility of all monsters in the dungeon but also attracts arachnid type monsters. The thing was... Most monsters in the dungeon were arachnids...

If he were alone, it would have been fine but, there were still those two guys.

'It suddenly became troublesome.'

[Lady of the Fountain's Blessing

- Exponentially increasing affinity to water.

- Causes the bearer to always smell like spring flowers.

- Has a passive effect of triggering an aura of flowery meadows.]


Let's ignore this one.

And thus, the Lady of the Fountain's Blessing was thrown at a dim corner at the back of Haneul's mind, together with all the bad memories he wished to forget.