
I Am The Alpha Now

Carmilla Miller, 24, single since birth. And obviously, still a virgin. And at the night of her birthday, when she thought she was finally going to take her first step onto the ladder of womanhood... she becomes the Queen of Wolves?

Rommelita · Urban
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Chapter 1: The Long Birthday


Some people cherish it, but most don't even know what it means anymore. And at age 24, Carmilla Miller just wants to lose it.

She thought her life would finally start when she got her degree in Education, but no. She had to take exams after exams to get her license just to end up working at a high school on the far end of the country.

She wasn't complaining, of course— despite being almost in the mountains of South Dakota, the facilities of the high school could be considered state of the art, surprisingly so.

The reason why she chose a high school so far from the big cities?

—Because of the books she read as a teenager—

She had always been a fan of romance novels that tackled the steamy relationships between a human… and beings other than human— mostly over-the-top handsome vampires and werewolves that one could really only meet in a fantasy world.

And in a hopeless way, she thought that just like in the books, she might find a similar romance in the corners of the world; not werewolves and vampires, of course— Carmilla wasn't that delusional to think they actually exist… not yet, that is.

With her being alone most of her life, she was bound to go crazy sooner or later.

Perhaps the most awkward part in all of this is that she teaches Sociology, and barely even has any social life outside of her job.

She wanted to hold on to her virginity to find the perfect, steamy, and wild romance that she thought she deserved— but now, with her once again reaching the day she was born, she found herself only 6 years away from being 30.

"Is it so hard to find a man!?"

"...Ms. Miller?"


And with her now done with her internal monologue, she found herself back to reality—which is currently in front of 3 dozen teenagers staring at her like she belonged to a mental institute.

"Where… where was I?" Carmilla subtly cleared her throat as she looked at the student that brought her back to reality.

"The… vows of chastity in certain religions?"

"Right, right," Carmilla tried her best not to scream in embarrassment and frustration. Was she so deprived of human intimacy that a topic about priests and nuns' chastity would result in her thinking about her own virginity?

Come to think of it, what would it be like to have a romantic relationship with a prie—

And before her thoughts could wander into the darkness even further, she shook her head off of the impure thoughts and forced herself to focus on the class.

"Alright," she breathed out as she grabbed her marker. But as soon as the ink touched the whiteboard in front of her, the sound that every student was excited for rang throughout the entire high school— the 5 o'clock bell.

"Hey! Don't forget your research paper!" Carmilla raised her voice as her students started to leave all at the same time,

"That's due next week! I expect all of you to… have it ready."

And before she could even finish her words, the students were gone.

"...I want to go home."


"Seriously? You blurted that out in front of your class!?"

"Can you quiet down!? And I didn't mean to!"


A laughter cackled in the air, causing the usually boring and quiet faculty room to almost tremble and shake. Luckily for Carmilla, even her best friend's obnoxious laughter was not enough to even faze the old teachers that were busy doing their own stuff.

"This won't do, girl. You need to get laid."

"Shh. Sky, shut up!"

If Carmilla could hide beneath her desk, she probably would be doing so right now. But alas, all she could really do was watch as her best friend's curly hair bounced from her laughing too much; her office chair, squeaking from her breaths.

"And how am I even going to… engage in sexual intercourse if I don't even have a man. You're not listening," Carmilla whispered as she lightly pulled Skylar's arm.

"...Engage in sexual intercourse, really? And you wonder why you're single?" Skylar's fit of laughter was replaced with her rolling her eyes, "This won't do—this won't do at all. I know a bar—-"

"Stop. No," Carmilla rolled away with her chair, "I don't go to bars, you know that."

"You know what else I know? That your vagina is dry as fuck."

"Sky!" And once again, Carmilla wheeled herself toward Skylar, trying to cover her mouth but failing all the same as Skylar dodged.

"Today's your birthday, and tomorrow's literally a weekend. If that is not a sign from the gods then I don't know what it is, girl. We're going out and that's final."

"I… I can't. I still have papers to—"

"I know a very special place," Skylar did not let Carmilla finish her words, "Not your regular bar, okay? Some fancy stuff and fancy people—your kind of place."

"I don't like fancy stuff," Carmilla raised an eyebrow.

"Girl, you drive an old Mercedes."

"Because I don't have money to buy a new one!" Carmilla forced a chuckle, "Anyway, no. I have papers to review."

"You're going to check papers on your birthday?" Skylar grabbed Carmilla's hand, "Girl, for the sake of your vagina—go the fuck out."


"And don't think I don't know that you're just going to end up re-reading those furry books of yours."

"They're not furry!" Carmilla stood up from her seat as she heard Skylar's words. But after a few seconds of looking at her almost teasing and obnoxious smile, she finally let out a breath; nodding as she sat back down,

"Fine," she then said, "You're buying."

"Yes!" Skylar clapped, and even then, the older faculty didn't bother with them, "8 o'clock later tonight, don't bother driving because we are going to get you wasted and laid."

"..." Carmilla was already starting to regret her decision.

"And please, for the love of all the gods, do not wear your work clothes. Show off your assets, girl. You're a beautiful person, and I want the world to see that at least once a year."

"...Fine," Carmilla could not help but let out a breath as she shook her head,

"Let's get wasted."


"What… is this place?"

"The Ravine."


Carmilla initially thought Skylar would be bringing her to some sort of secluded, illegal bar since they had to walk through a dark alley—but as soon as she saw all sorts of people wearing even fancier clothes than her desperately waiting in line, her worries slightly subsided.

"Can… we even afford this place?" Carmilla then said as she took a peek at the other side of the door, and judging by the bouncer that looked like an ex-marine alone, this place was for the wealthy people.

"What did I tell you about worrying?" Skylar once again rolled her eyes as she stepped forward in the line, "I saved up 1 month's pay for this. We are going to get wasted whether you like it or not. We just need to wait for a few more hours before we can enter."

"...I'm starting to feel bad, maybe we should just—"

And before Carmilla could finish her words, one of the bouncers suddenly stood near her and Skylar, touching his ear as he seemed to be talking to someone from his receiver. At first, Carmilla didn't really think much of it, but as soon as the man looked her straight in the eyes, the only thing that Carmilla could really do was start looking around.

"You two," the bouncer then pointed at her and Skylar, "Go inside."

"...Sorry?" Carmilla blinked a couple of times as she leaned closer to the bouncer in disbelief, "You… want us to go ahead?"


"But wh—"

"Let's go, girl!"

"Wait, why are we—"

"Does it really matter why!? Let's go!"

And so, Carmilla was once again dragged away forcefully. Perhaps if she was given the chance to at least glance back at the bouncer, she would have noticed him subtly covering his face…

…his nose, twitching uncontrollably.

This is my first time writing a FL book. Please do support me!

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