
I am tasked to conquer humanity

Humans are facing the biggest crisis in their history. An Apocalypse where countless monsters and demons alike try to Invade Earth for it's core and resources. But thanks to mana Humans where able to fight back with "ONLY" 200 million people dying. Making it the greatest crises in human history having a death toll more then twice as much as both World Wars combined which where seen as Apocalypse by them selves ______________ "You are assigned the noble Task of conquering humanity" ordered the mightiest demon, the demon lord. "Eh? Me? H..ow a am I w worthy of such?" asked the last Rubakor, a Demon race that was once a noble one. ‐----------‐-------------‐---------- This is my very first book. It's a journey with a small goal. My Grammer is not perfect but by you pointing it out I am sure I will be able to improve myself. The bookcover is AI generated

Code_D · Fantasy
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The last day in the demon World (1)

In a massive Castle like Mansion was a fox like human or a human like fox.

His body was that of a human and his head was that of a Fox. He has 3 Tails with majestic white fur, which all pointed down. He wore white armor with red Ruby's all over it.

He was standing on his balcony enjoying his daily glass of fruit of life juice, which had the ability to cure all illnesses and refresh ones mind. Meanwhile his blood red eyes were looking up in to the wine red sky with 3 black moons, one being waning crescent the other a new moon and the last one a waxing crescent.

Out of nowhere came a soft voice

"Lord Pasha your carriage is ready, you can depart any time now." Pasha simply blinked to his servant as an answer and made his way thorugh his gigantic Mansion.

After giving his white Mansion, decorated with red stones , one last glance he got in his dwarfen made white carriage. The carriage was a bigger and more luxurious version of a Post-Chaise and was being drawn by two fire horses . He didn't have a driver since it wasn't necessary.

For the first half an hour he enjoyed the Landscape. Everything green with occasional Flower beds of all colors while red and white ones dominated but the largest flower bed consisted of ordinary black roses planted by the 9 tailed Rubakor. Small forests of trees with golden leaves and and white-elusive logs and fruits of all colors.

After half an hour he closed his red curtains and his horses accelerated from 400 km/h to 2800 Km/h in 7 seconds and began levitating.

The reason for him closing the curtains was simple. He was about to leave his territory and there was no longer any view to enjoy. The only thing to see where demons slaughtering each other and the black and grey razor sharp blades of grass on the pitch black earth.

"12 hours to go" he murmered to himslef, before going to sleep. He was always astounished how silent his carriage was, when he was driving and flying it with 400 km per hour. But today he found out that it would be absolutely silent even if he was flying with almost mach 2.


In the other half of the World


"Lord Pasha is already on his way, my Lord." Reported a rough voice

"Great! The Last Rubakor, once he is gone we, the demon race, will be once more at the peak of all living beings." Said a creepy and dark voice laughingly.


After waking up and fixing his attire Pasha already arrived at the capital of the demon World, the city bigger then any other Rikarisu.

The city wss as big as 1/10 of his own territory kurasuma. But in Pasha`s eyes was no excitement but only disgust. It was too gloomy and edgy for him. Everything was gray and black. He was well aware that having almost everything he owned in White and Red could be considered tasteless but he had his reasons.

It was to honor the Rubakor, his ancestors, family and other relatives.

Because Red and White was the symbol of the Rubakor. White standing for purity and neutrality and Red standing for all the Blood that had to flow because of their mistakes aswell as all their kin that lost their lives.


Once Pasha got out of his carriage he was greeted by a viscount ranked noble demon who tried to engage in a conversation with him " Lord Pasha it must have been a long way all the way into the capital, did you enjoy the trip?"

"The Lord is waiting. Lead the way!" He rejected in an ordering tone.

The young demon was unhappy with his way of speech but what could he do. In the entire Demon world there were only two individuals that had the title of Lord.

1000 demon years ago there was ones a Demon king and 13 Demon Lord's who served him. But now there was just one demon lord and a weak Pasha who got his title only because of his Race and his good relation with other races mainly dwarfs elves and dark elves which ironically all hated each other. The only Race they all disliked more then anything else was the demon race which Pasha was considered part of.

A young demon viscount 6 demon Years old led him into the throne room where the Demon Lord belzebub already awaited him.

The young viscount 2 demon years older then Pasha excused himself and left right before the gigantic 28 meter door infront of the throne room.

Once he entered the room he could see the higher ranked nobles on both sides of the 6 meter width and 30 meter long carpet. The ceiling being roughly 30 meters and the room itself over a hundred square meters would be impossible to illuminate without any Windows. But the Room was bright

as bright as his garden at night that was because of a special magic lamp he gifted the demon lord last demon year.

Closest to him were two marquis both being wendigo seven meter tall bear like creatures walking on two feet and a larger buck skull with up to four three meter long horns. They as a Race where known to be of little intelligence but these two individuals were at least capable of taking orders and execute them.

Then came two countesses. The left one from his point of view was a succubus. She was truly beautiful. She was also one of the three persons in the room Pasha memorized the name of. Her name was Mia and if she wouldn't have been a slut and if he had never come to know of the vastayan race,

he might have chosen her in order to revive his Race.

The woman on the right side was a bangee, these where often tasked to bring over messages and scout or spy on lower ranked nobles such as barons or viscounts. While the Succubus where simply strong magic wielders and had alot of influence through political marriages, the bangee were immune to physical attacks but weak to magic. The main reason for the bangee being a noble race is just so they can deliver messages to other nobles more efficiently.

Lastly there were two women besides the 10 meter high and 3 meter width Throne.

They were both of the same Ashura Race and were standing 9 meter tall. They had 6 arms a third eye on their forehead and grayish blue skin tougher than the strongest known minerals in the demon world.

Ashura were a Race known for high magic affinity mostly fire as well as high magic resistance. But the most special thing about them was that their children would always be stronger then them by quite a margin.

This didn't result in them being the biggest race in population nor did it cause them to catch up to the strengh of the old demon lords. It was quite the opposite Ashura were one of the rarest races because they feared having children.

Why would they fear having children? Is what every sane person would ask. But it was already a wide spread fact that every Ashura killed their father to get on the throne and there were also many riots within their race. So they chose to control the birth of every single member of their race you were free to have a child with any other race but your own without getting permission by the current ashura demon Lord.

The mother of the current Lord would get the title of grand duchess and was now to the right of her son sitting on the throne whose wife that got the title of a duchess, was to his left.

It was said that Ashura were descendents of one of the 9 ancient Demon which were nothing but myths to most demon even for the Ashura themselves.

Pasha had red in one of the many classified files of the Rubakor that these ancient Demons were on par with the 9 tailed Rubakor also known as the only demon King in demon history. It was unknown whether or not any of these ancient demon were still alive but there was no signs of them in many centuries.

Finally on the throne was the strongest Ashura alive. His strength was unmatched in the entire Demon world. Even among the weaker races such as elves dwarfs orcs or even the oni no one could hold up to him. But compared to real dragons Phoenices and other mythical creatures, except those that are severely weakened such as the Rubakor who only had a Pasha 16 years old in human years.

Pasha kneeled down infront of the Lord and greeted him

"It's been a while Lord belzebub"

"Indeed it has been a while, Pasha"

Said the demon lord belzebub with a creepy and deep voice.

After exchanging some formalities the demon lord explained why he called for him

" Pasha, No! Lord Pasha I have an Important task for you, a noble one. You are assigned the noble Task of conquering humanity"

"Eh? Me? H..ow a am I wo..worthy of such?" asked Pasha breaking character.

I realized how much harder it is to actually write down your thoughts.

I think I am somewhat satisfied with the chapter. I will be happy about constructive criticism especially about my Grammer. I promise to read all the comments if there actually are any.

If you have any advice could also be story wise no need to be shy.

I want to point out that English isn't my first language, I can speak it fluently but my grammar could be bad. I simply trust my gut feeling for that.

ps. if anyone actually reads this (book or Authors thought) just write something in the comments if there aren't any comments so I don't feel like speaking to myself

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