
I Am Starting Out As level 0!


SonOfTheStorm · Fantasy
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1 Chs

A young woman fighting an adult man

"Cough! Ahh-gh, my head... It hurts like hell!"

The stench of blood, mixed with a cold breeze, out of nowhere rapidly assaults Vincent's nostrils, making his stomach churn and causing him to vomit.

"Blergh! What the heck is that?! It's disgusting!"

Vomit from the ground mingles with the smell of blood, causing Vincent to turn away, covering his nose.

"Dammit! Hm? Wait a minute."

Vincent appears confused, as his surroundings seem different from before his fall.

"Where am I? Did I hit my head so hard that I'm dreaming right now?"

Cave covered in darkness with a little bits of light from a dust floating around. Blood, and lifeless bodies laying on the ground, with thick stench accompanied by chilling drafts.

"W-what is this?" - Vincent asks himself as his face turns into fear from the scene in front of his eyes.

"Just a moment ago, I-I was walking on the sidewalk. I slipped on ice, and I still remember the sensation of falling as if it happened just a few minutes ago. What is this place?"

A strong cold breeze ran down Vincent's spine, accompanied by the faint sound of steel clashing from the entrance behind him.

"Hahh, I see what's happening here. The force with which my head hit the ground was potent enough to either kill me or plunge me into a coma. So, either I've been reincarnated, or this is just my delusion."

The center of clashing steel resonates closer and closer in Vincent's ears.

"Someone is fighting, and they're approaching. It would be unfortunate if I got swept into the fight and died again. I should move a little bit if they are coming this way."

Vincent struggles to stand, forcing himself into a shaky balance. His body feels weak, covered in dirty, tattered clothes, and adorned with scratches. With difficulty, he manages to conceal himself behind a sizable boulder, silently observing the entrance as the clash of swords draws nearer.

"Now that i think, what if they are both monsters fighting toge.."

Without the possibility of finishing his thoughts, a storm of dust erupted from the entrance, enveloping the entire cave room in a thick fog. All he could see were sparks flickering in the distance, accompanied by a clashing swords.

"That noise and the speed of the sparks appearing as the swords clash... It looks unnatural. Are they human, or is this the capability of human bodies in this place? No, it could still be monster fighting" - Vincent contemplates to himself, peeping cautiously from behind the boulder.

"Who sent you?!" - A deep voice resonated from the midst of the fog. However the question was quickly drowned out by the continuous clash of steel.

As the battle continue, the dust begins to settle, revealing an adult man engaged in combat with a young woman.

"A young woman fighting an adult man? No, the strength is far more fascinating than that. The speed and the power behind those slashes are nowhere near what humans on Earth were capable of. Maybe, this world might be much more interesting," - Vincent thinks to himself, captivated by the battle.

"They seem to be on equal footing; neither of their attacks is breaking through. I don't know which one of them is in the wrong, but as a man, my gut is telling me to help the woman," - Vincent says to hismelf as he picks up a rock the size of a fist in his hand.

Watching over the battle, waiting for an opportunity to intervene, he sees the man creating a gap between him and the woman. Without a second thought, he steps up from behind the boulder and throws the rock at the man, aiming for his head.

The woman's eyes catch the rock flying towards the man's head, seizing the opportunity, she dashes towards the man and attacks from the opposite angle.

The man senses the rock behind his head, he quickly deflects the woman's sword, and squats, causing the rock to hit the woman's forehead.

"HaHaHa, I don't know who you are, but thanks for the help!" - the man laughed, and with perfect timing and position, he lunged for the woman's heart.

"This is not what i wanted dammit!" - Vincent says to himself, as his nervousness from not being able to help the woman turns into worry.

Suddenly, fire starts flowing around the woman, and in a second, it explodes. The force of the eruption creates a storm of dust, throwing Frenn away making him hit the stone wall with his back.

"Arghh! What the heck was that?" - Vincent exclaims to himself in pain as he lays on the ground, searching for the woman.

From the fog of dust, the woman, covered in fire, emerges in front of Vincent, pointing her sword at him.

However, his eyes completely ignored the danger of the situation he was in. The only thing he was focused on was the woman's eyes, like a ray of light falling on a field of flowers, and her appearance akin to a scorching sun.

The woman lifted her sword, poised for a slash, immediately pulling Vincent out of his thoughts.

"Wait!" - he says loudly, bowing his head down.

"I didn't mean to hit you! I really just wanted to help. I will understand if you kill me now, but my actions weren't meant badly!" - he says while gripping the ground beneath him tightly.

There was no change in the woman's eyes. She sheathed her sword, the fire around her dispersed, and she slowly walked away.

The moment she left the room, Vincent got relieved, he tries to stand up, experiencing more pain than before. Despite the discomfort, he manages to collect himself and stand on his legs.

"What now?" - he says to himself as he starts to look around, seeing lifeless bodies and blood everywhere. A sense of unease begins to creep over him, confronted with the grim sight for the second time.

"My body is in pain, and the way i hit my back was atrocious, but i need to get out of here, but how?"

As he looks around, He notices pouches and bags near the bodies, and he thinks to himself that he might find a map for this place. Searching carefully, he manages to find one, alongside some items, gadgets, potions, and herbs he has never seen in his life.

"I found a couple of items, but I don't know what they do or how to use them, so I don't need to think about them much. I managed to find a map, but even when I look at it, I don't know exactly where I am."

"Well, I should start moving. I'll find out by the layout."

"But what if I meet some monsters on the way? I should look for a weapon too." 

Vincent manages to find a short sword that fits right into his hand. He takes a belt bag and fills it with a few potions, herbs and the items he found, just in case. With everything set, he sets out on his way to leave this place.

Despite the darkness surrounding the place, he becomes intrigued by the floating specks of dust that radiate light. After navigating a few corners, he manages to orient himself and finds the entrance leading outside.

The light pierces through his eyes, he squints them and covers them with his hand as he walks out. In the moment he emerges, he is met with a barren road, with trees on the side, and in the distance, there's something resembling a village.

"Damn, the sun is too strong. It's like I am seeing the sun for the first time."

"It looks like there's a village. I should go there, but what am I gonna do?"

"I need to find out who I am first. I hope there is a guild or something."

With that said, he still felt uneasy about the idea of being in the body of someone else. Nevertheless, he walked near the gate, without even realizing when, people appeared all around him.

He looked behind him and saw people coming outside the cave, people on the side of the road talking, and people in front of him standing in line.

"Looks like this line is the only way inside. I hope they won't ask for any ID because I didn't find anything like that on myself," - Vincent tells himself as he positions himself behind an elderly woman.

The sun was already setting down, and there were still few peoples in front of him, he recollects few of his thoughts, while waiting. in the meantime it came his turn.

He steps in front of the guards, who are one-third bigger and two times larger than him. He could feel the sweat running down his cheek.

"Name?" - one of the guards pronounces.

 His thoughts immediately started to spiral, "Name? Wait, if I took the body of somebody and say the wrong name... No, how can the guards even know who I am in the first place? It's still a risk, but there is no other way anyway."

"Vincent," - he says to them, making confident eye contact with the guard.

"Last name?" - The guard asks again.

"I don't have a last name," Vincent answers, maintaining eye contact with the guards without wavering in his confidence

"All right, we need to check what you have on you. Even thought you look like you are coming out from the dungeon. It's basic procedure." - the guard says.

Vincent agrees without complaining, feeling a bit nervous about the items he had on him.

Thankfully, there was nothing that caught the eyes of the guards, and they let him go inside.