
I Am Son Of God Slayer

Muzukashii is a god slayer and immortal. But still he is a good person who help mortal. one day, his friend named Alec and his wife Anna come for his help to make Anna bare a child. with help of Muzukashii and his DNA Anna got pregnant. the child named Shiro Kiyo. Shiro have three biological parents they are Anna, Alec and Muzukashii. let see how our protagonist face the future.

Shuvo_Sen · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Starting Of New War

Tengen lay in her bed, the soft glow of the morning sun filtering through the curtains. The quiet of the dormitory was interrupted by the gentle fluttering of wings. She turned her head and saw a pigeon perched on the windowsill, a small scroll tied to its leg. With a sense of foreboding, she rose and retrieved the message.

As she unfurled the scroll, her eyes scanned the hastily written words. It was an urgent message from the Anglia Empire, specifically from the human kingdom of England. The contents were grim and immediate: the empire was now at war with the neighboring France kingdom, a conflict that had already been dubbed the "Seven Months of War." All divisions, including the Special Knights, were being called to prepare for battle.

Tengen's heart sank. She knew this day might come, but the reality of it was still a heavy burden. She quickly dressed and made her way to the common room where John was already waiting, a similar message in his hand.

"We need to gather everyone," John said, his face etched with concern. "The empire is calling us to arms."

Tengen nodded. "I'll get them."

Within minutes, the entire team was assembled in the common room. Shiro, Sachi, Mizu, Fujin, Raiden, Tasukeru, Daichi, and Nyla looked at Tengen and John with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"What's going on?" Shiro asked, sensing the gravity of the situation.

Tengen held up the scroll. "We've received word from the Anglia Empire. The empire is at war with the France kingdom. They've called upon all divisions, including the Special Knights, to prepare for battle."

A murmur of shock and concern rippled through the group.

"We need to be ready to move out immediately," John added. "This is no ordinary conflict. The Seven Months of War is going to be brutal."

Daichi crossed his arms, his expression thoughtful. "Are we sure we have enough information about this war? Why now?"

"Political tensions have been rising for months," Tengen explained. "It seems things have finally boiled over. The Anglia Empire needs every able-bodied fighter to defend against the French forces."

Tasukeru looked around, still somewhat confused. "What does this mean for us? What will be our role in this war?"

Fujin placed a reassuring hand on Tasukeru's shoulder. "It means we need to be prepared for anything. As Special Knights, we'll likely be on the front lines, handling the most critical and dangerous missions."

Raiden's eyes lit up with a fierce determination. "Finally, some real action."

Mizu, on the other hand, seemed more pensive. "War is never something to be excited about, Raiden. It's going to be dangerous and costly."

Sachi nodded in agreement. "We need to stay focused and support each other. We're a team, and we need to act like one."

Nyla stood up, her eyes blazing. "I'm ready for whatever comes. We've trained for this. Let's show them what we're made of."

Tengen and John exchanged a glance, then Tengen spoke. "We're going to need to prepare our gear and make sure we have everything we need. We'll leave at first light tomorrow. Get some rest tonight, because the days ahead will be long and hard."

The group dispersed, each member going to their rooms to pack and prepare. Shiro lingered behind with Sachi, Mizu, and Nyla.

"This is it," Shiro said quietly. "Our first real test as Special Knights."

Sachi nodded, her expression resolute. "We'll get through this. Together."

Mizu hugged herself, a look of determination on her face. "I just hope we can all come back safely."

Nyla placed a hand on Shiro's shoulder. "We'll fight hard and protect each other. That's all we can do."

As night fell, the dormitory was filled with the sounds of quiet preparations. Shiro lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind racing with thoughts of the battles to come. He knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with danger, but he also knew that he was not alone. He had his friends, his comrades, and his fiancées by his side.


The next morning, the team gathered at the edge of the campus, ready to depart. They were joined by other divisions, including the Special Soldiers (S.S.) and the Special Guards (S.G.), all of whom had received similar orders.

Tengen and John led the group, their expressions grim but determined. "Remember," John said, "we're going into a war zone. Stay alert, stay together, and watch each other's backs."

With a collective nod, the group set off towards the capital, where they would receive further instructions and join the larger military force. The journey was long, but they moved swiftly, their minds focused on the task ahead.

As they arrived in the bustling capital city, they were greeted by a scene of organized chaos. Soldiers and knights were preparing for deployment, the streets filled with the clamor of activity. The atmosphere was tense, everyone acutely aware of the looming conflict.

A high-ranking officer approached them, his face stern. "You're the Special Knights?" he asked.

Tengen stepped forward. "Yes, sir. We're ready for deployment."

The officer nodded. "Good. You'll be briefed shortly. In the meantime, make sure your gear is in order and be prepared to move out at a moment's notice."

The group found a spot to rest and double-checked their equipment. Shiro noticed Daichi quietly conversing with some commoner friends from the S.S. and S.G. divisions, exchanging information and updates.

"You seem well-connected," Shiro remarked, approaching Daichi.

Daichi smiled. "It's important to stay informed. Besides, they're good people. We're all in this together."

As they waited, Shiro couldn't help but notice the somber expressions on his friends' faces. He approached Tasukeru, who was still looking somewhat lost in thought.

"You okay?" Shiro asked.

Tasukeru nodded slowly. "Yeah, I just... I don't fully understand all of this yet. The war, the relationships... it's a lot to take in."

Fujin, who had been listening, stepped in. "War is complicated, and so are relationships. But we'll get through this, Tasukeru. Just stick with us, and we'll figure it out together."

Raiden, always eager for action, was already strategizing with Fujin about potential battle scenarios. "We need to be ready for anything," he said. "The French forces won't be easy to deal with."

Mizu joined them, her face set with determination. "We need to stay focused. We're not just fighting for ourselves, but for the entire empire."

Sachi nodded in agreement. "We'll protect each other and fight with everything we have."

Nyla, always confident, grinned. "Let's show them what the Special Knights are made of."


A few hours later, the group was summoned for their briefing. They gathered in a large tent, where a map of the battlefield was spread out on a table. The high-ranking officer from earlier, now introduced as General Armand, began to explain the situation.

"The France kingdom has launched a series of coordinated attacks along our borders," he said, pointing to various locations on the map. "Our forces are spread thin, and we need to reinforce key positions to prevent further incursions."

He looked at the group, his expression serious. "The Special Knights will be deployed to the frontline in the eastern region. Your mission is to hold the line and provide support to our main forces. Expect heavy resistance."

Tengen nodded. "Understood, General. We'll be ready."

General Armand continued, "This is going to be a tough fight. The French forces are well-trained and well-equipped. But we have the advantage of defending our homeland. Use that to your advantage."

As the briefing concluded, the group was given a few final instructions before heading to their designated area. They gathered their gear and set off towards the eastern front, their minds focused on the mission ahead.

The journey to the frontlines was tense, the weight of the impending battle heavy on their shoulders. As they arrived, they were met with the sounds of distant fighting and the sight of soldiers preparing for combat.

Shiro took a deep breath, his resolve hardening. "This is it," he said to his friends. "We fight to protect our home, our people, and each other."

Sachi squeezed his hand. "We'll get through this. Together."

Mizu nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "We have to."

Nyla grinned, her confidence unwavering. "Let's show them what we're made of."

Fujin and Raiden exchanged a determined look, ready for whatever lay ahead. Tasukeru, still somewhat unsure, took a deep breath and steeled himself for the fight.

As the first sounds of battle reached their ears, the group took their positions, ready to face the enemy. The war had begun, and the Special Knights were about to be tested like never before.

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