
I Am Son Of God Slayer

Muzukashii is a god slayer and immortal. But still he is a good person who help mortal. one day, his friend named Alec and his wife Anna come for his help to make Anna bare a child. with help of Muzukashii and his DNA Anna got pregnant. the child named Shiro Kiyo. Shiro have three biological parents they are Anna, Alec and Muzukashii. let see how our protagonist face the future.

Shuvo_Sen · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Attack From Succubus Part 1

Under the canopy of the Oxford forest, John stood with a stern expression, his arms crossed over his chest. Before him stood Tasukeru Hinata and Shiro Kiyo, both wearing expressions of defiance as they awaited their punishment.

"You two have caused enough trouble," John said, his voice firm. "It's time you learned to work together and put your differences aside."

Tasukeru shot Shiro a glare, his fists clenched at his sides. "I won't work with him," he spat, his voice dripping with venom. "He's nothing but a spoiled noble brat."

Shiro's jaw tightened, his own resentment simmering beneath the surface. "I don't want to work with him either," he retorted, his tone just as hostile. "He's a bully and a coward."

John sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Enough," he said, his voice commanding. "You two will gather dry wood from the forest together, and you will not return until you've filled the cart."

Tasukeru scowled, but he knew better than to argue with John. With a grunt of irritation, he stomped off towards the edge of the forest, his steps heavy with resentment.

Shiro followed suit, his jaw clenched tightly as he trailed behind Tasukeru. The two of them walked in silence, the tension between them palpable as they navigated the dense undergrowth of the forest.

As they reached a clearing, Tasukeru began to gather dry wood, his movements swift and efficient. Shiro hesitated for a moment before joining in, his movements more hesitant as he struggled to match Tasukeru's pace.

For a while, they worked in silence, the only sound the rustling of leaves and the occasional snap of a twig. But as they continued to gather wood, the tension between them began to build, simmering just beneath the surface.

Tasukeru shot Shiro a sidelong glance, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "What are you staring at, Kiyo?" he snapped, his tone sharp.

Shiro bristled at the hostility in Tasukeru's voice, but he forced himself to remain calm. "Nothing," he muttered, his gaze fixed on the ground as he continued to gather wood.

But Tasukeru wasn't satisfied with Shiro's response. He stepped closer, his expression darkening with anger. "You think you're better than me, don't you?" he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

Shiro shook his head, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. "No, I don't," he replied, his voice steady. "I just want to get this over with so we can go back."

Tasukeru scoffed, his lip curling in disdain. "Typical noble," he sneered. "Always looking down on us commoners."

Shiro's temper flared at the insult, but he forced himself to take a deep breath, trying to keep his emotions in check. "That's not true," he said, his voice tight. "I don't think I'm better than anyone."

Tasukeru's eyes narrowed, his gaze boring into Shiro's with intensity. "Prove it," he challenged, his voice a low growl. "Show me that you're not just a pampered noble."

Shiro hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he searched for a way to defuse the situation. Then, an idea struck him. Without a word, he knelt down and began to gather wood with renewed determination, his movements swift and purposeful.

Tasukeru watched him for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, with a grunt of irritation, he joined Shiro, his movements rough and clumsy as he struggled to keep up.

For a while, they worked in silence, their animosity still simmering beneath the surface. But as they continued to gather wood, Shiro began to notice a change in Tasukeru's demeanor. His movements became less aggressive, his gaze softening slightly as he watched Shiro work.

Finally, after what felt like hours, they filled the cart with dry wood, their task finally complete. As they made their way back to the estate, Shiro couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Despite their differences, they had managed to work together and achieve their goal.

John was waiting for them when they returned, his expression neutral as he surveyed the cart full of wood. "Well done," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "It seems you two can work together when you put your minds to it."

Tasukeru nodded, a begrudging acknowledgment of their success. "Yeah, whatever," he muttered, his tone still tinged with resentment.

Shiro smiled, a sense of pride swelling within him. Maybe, just maybe, there was hope for them yet.

Tasukeru Hinata's sharp senses picked up on the danger before anyone else. He swiftly moved to shield Shiro from the incoming attack, his golden armor deflecting the flames that erupted around them.

Shiro stumbled back, his eyes wide with shock as he watched Tasukeru protect him. "Tasukeru, what's happening?" he exclaimed, his heart pounding in his chest.

Tasukeru didn't respond, his attention focused entirely on the source of the attack. With a swift motion, he drew his sword, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the enemy.

John, the master of the group, stepped forward, his expression grim. "Stay behind me," he ordered, his voice calm but authoritative. "I'll handle this."

As John prepared to confront the threat, the air crackled with tension. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, her seductive aura filling the air with an intoxicating presence.

It was a succubus, her dark wings unfurled behind her as she surveyed the group with a predatory gaze. Her eyes gleamed with malice, her lips curled into a wicked smile as she took in the sight before her.

John's grip tightened on his staff as he faced the succubus, his expression steely. "What do you want?" he demanded, his voice unwavering despite the danger.

The succubus laughed, the sound sending shivers down the group's spines. "I'm here for the boy," she purred, her voice dripping with honeyed malice. "He's ripe for the taking."

Shiro's heart raced as he stared at the succubus in horror. He had heard tales of these creatures, but he never imagined he would come face to face with one.

Tasukeru stepped forward, his sword at the ready. "You'll have to get through me first," he growled, his eyes blazing with determination.

The succubus smirked, her gaze flickering over Tasukeru's golden armor. "I have no interest in fighting you, little mortal," she sneered. "Your armor may protect you from fire, but it won't save you from my charms."

Before anyone could react, the succubus unleashed a wave of dark energy, her seductive magic washing over the group like a tidal wave. Shiro felt his head swim as her enchantment took hold, clouding his thoughts and filling him with a sense of euphoria.

But as the succubus turned her attention towards him, Shiro felt a sudden surge of resistance. It was Sachi, her presence like a beacon of light in the darkness, pushing back against the succubus's magic with all her strength.

"Sachi..." Shiro whispered, his voice barely audible over the chaos.

Sachi met his gaze, her eyes blazing with determination. "I won't let her take you," she vowed, her voice fierce and unwavering.

With a cry of defiance, Sachi unleashed her own magic, a powerful burst of ice that engulfed the succubus in a frozen prison called[ice magic:max,fozen prison]. The succubus shrieked in rage and frustration, her dark wings flapping wildly as she struggled against the icy tendrils that held her fast.

John seized the opportunity, unleashing a barrage of spells that weakened the succubus further. With one final incantation, he banished her back to the depths from whence she came, her screams echoing through the forest as she disappeared into the darkness.

As the adrenaline of battle began to fade, the group collapsed to the ground, exhausted but victorious. Shiro looked around at his friends, gratitude swelling in his chest.

"Thank you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

Tasukeru grinned, clapping Shiro on the shoulder. "No need to thank us," he said, his tone gruff but sincere. "We'll always have your back, no matter what."

Sachi nodded in agreement, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "That's what family is for," she said, her voice soft but resolute.

John nodded, his expression grave. "We must remain vigilant," he cautioned. "The succubus may be gone for now, but there are others like her out there, waiting to strike when we least expect it."

With a sense of determination, the group rose to their feet, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they would stand against the darkness, united in their resolve to protect each other and their world from harm.

**Chapter 56: The Dark Deception**

As John fell unconscious, the group froze in shock, their eyes widening in alarm as they watched their master slump to the ground. Tasukeru was the first to react, his senses heightened by his divine armor.

"I sense dark magic," he growled, his grip tightening on his sword. "It's an illusion."

Shiro nodded, his expression grim. "It's the succubus," he said, his voice tinged with anger. "She's still alive."

The succubus, who had revealed her name as Sera, laughed mockingly as she stepped out of the shadows, her dark wings unfurling behind her. "You thought you could defeat me so easily?" she taunted, her voice dripping with malice.

Sachi clenched her fists, her eyes blazing with fury. "You won't get away with this," she spat, her voice trembling with rage. "We'll stop you, no matter what."

Sera's lips curled into a cruel smile as she surveyed the group. "You can try," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "But I am far more powerful than you can imagine."

With a flick of her wrist, Sera unleashed a wave of dark energy, enveloping the group in a thick, suffocating fog. Shiro felt a chill run down his spine as the illusion took hold, twisting his perception of reality and filling him with a sense of dread.

Tasukeru gritted his teeth, his divine armor shielding him from the worst of the illusion's effects. "Stay focused," he called out to the others, his voice steady despite the chaos around them. "Don't let her magic overwhelm you."

Shiro nodded, his mind racing as he tried to break free from the illusion's grasp. He focused on his training, drawing on his ki to strengthen his resolve and push back against the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Sachi closed her eyes, her hands glowing with the power of her ice magic. She reached out to Shiro, her touch grounding him in reality as she willed him to break free from the illusion's hold.

Together, the group fought against the darkness, their bond as friends and allies giving them the strength to withstand Sera's malevolent magic. Slowly but surely, the fog began to dissipate, revealing the true landscape of the forest around them.

Sera scowled, her illusion shattered by the group's combined efforts. "You may have resisted my magic for now," she snarled, her voice filled with venom, "but I will not rest until I have taken what I came for."

With that, she vanished into the shadows, leaving the group shaken but determined to stop her at all costs. As they regrouped, they knew that their battle with Sera was far from over, and that they would need to stay vigilant if they hoped to protect themselves and their world from her dark influence.

The group gathered around John's unconscious form, their worry etched on their faces as they tried to rouse their fallen master. Tasukeru knelt beside him, his brow furrowed with concern.

"He's breathing," Tasukeru reported, relief flooding his voice. "But he's in a deep sleep. It will take time for him to wake up."

Shiro clenched his fists, his frustration boiling over. "We need to find Sera and put an end to this," he declared, his eyes burning with determination.

Sachi nodded in agreement, her expression steely. "We can't let her get away with what she's done," she said, her voice resolute.

With a shared sense of purpose, the group set off into the forest, their senses on high alert as they searched for any sign of their elusive enemy. As they moved deeper into the woods, the air grew thick with tension, the oppressive atmosphere weighing heavily on their shoulders.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the trees, chilling them to the bone. It was Sera, her laughter ringing in their ears like a sinister melody. "You can run, but you can't hide," she taunted, her voice echoing from all directions.

Tasukeru gripped his sword tightly, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. "She's toying with us," he growled, his voice filled with anger. "We need to stay focused and keep moving."

As they pressed on, the darkness seemed to close in around them, the trees whispering secrets and the shadows shifting with unseen movement. Shiro felt a shiver run down his spine, his instincts screaming at him to be on guard.

Suddenly, they stumbled upon a clearing, the moon casting an eerie glow over the scene before them. Sera stood in the center, her dark wings spread wide as she surveyed them with amusement.

"Ah, the brave heroes come to confront me at last," she sneered, her eyes glittering with malice. "But you're too late. My plan is already in motion, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

Shiro stepped forward, his gaze locked with Sera's. "We won't let you harm anyone else," he vowed, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at his insides.

Sera laughed, the sound echoing through the clearing like the tolling of a funeral bell. "You think you can defeat me?" she scoffed, her voice filled with contempt. "You're nothing but insects compared to my power."

With a wave of her hand, Sera summoned a horde of shadowy creatures, their eyes glowing with malevolent energy as they advanced on the group. Shiro and his friends braced themselves for battle, their weapons at the ready as they prepared to face the darkness head-on.


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