
I Am Son Of God Slayer

Muzukashii is a god slayer and immortal. But still he is a good person who help mortal. one day, his friend named Alec and his wife Anna come for his help to make Anna bare a child. with help of Muzukashii and his DNA Anna got pregnant. the child named Shiro Kiyo. Shiro have three biological parents they are Anna, Alec and Muzukashii. let see how our protagonist face the future.

Shuvo_Sen · Fantasy
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32 Chs

12 years later

Time passes swiftly, like the wind's gentle sigh,

Moments slipping by, as the days go fleeting by.

With each passing hour, the sun rises and sets,

And the world keeps turning, with no time for regrets.

In the blink of an eye, the years come and go,

Leaving behind memories, like footprints in the snow.

We chase after dreams, with passion and zeal,

But time waits for no one, its presence we feel.

Through laughter and tears, we journey along,

In the dance of life, where we all belong.

But as time marches on, we must seize the day,

For tomorrow is uncertain, so make the most of today.

So cherish each moment, hold it close and dear,

For time passes swiftly, with every passing year.

Let's make the most of the time we're given,

And live each day fully, for this life we're livin'.

The sun hung low in the sky as Shiro, Sachi, Mizu, Fujin, Raiden, Tasukeru, and Daichi stood outside the gates of Oxford Elementary and Secondary School. Twelve years had passed since they first arrived at the prestigious institution, and now they were on the cusp of a new chapter in their lives.

John and Tengen stood nearby, ready to accompany them to London, where they would continue their education and training under the guidance of their mentors. But before they could embark on this new journey, they had one last goodbye to say.

Alec, Anna, and Max stood before them, their expressions filled with pride and sadness. Sachi ran into Max's arms, tears streaming down her face as she clung to him tightly. "I'll miss you, Dad," she whispered.

Max hugged her back, his voice thick with emotion. "I'll miss you too, kiddo. But I know you're going to do great things in London."

Anna embraced Shiro and Mizu, her eyes shining with maternal love. "Take care of yourselves, my darlings. And remember, no matter where you go, you'll always have a home here."

Shiro nodded, his throat tight with emotion. "Thank you, Mom. We'll make you proud."

Alec stepped forward, his gaze lingering on Shiro. "You've grown into a fine young man, Shiro. I couldn't be prouder of you."

Shiro smiled gratefully, feeling a lump form in his throat. "Thank you, Dad. I'll make sure to visit whenever I can."

As they said their final goodbyes, Muzukashii approached, a small velvet box in his hand. "Before you go, there's something I want to give you," he said, his voice grave yet filled with warmth.

He opened the box, revealing three exquisite wedding rings. Each one was crafted from the finest silver, adorned with intricate designs that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight.

"These rings belonged to your parents," Muzukashii explained. "They wanted you to have them when you were ready to embark on your own journey."

Shiro, Mizu, and Sachi looked at the rings in awe, their hearts filled with a mixture of sadness and gratitude. These rings were not just symbols of their parents' love, but also reminders of the legacy they carried within them.

With tears in their eyes, they each took a ring and slipped it onto their finger, feeling the weight of their parents' hopes and dreams resting upon them.

"Thank you, Muzukashii," Shiro said softly, his voice choked with emotion.

Muzukashii nodded, his eyes shining with pride. "You're welcome, my children. Now go forth and make your mark on the world."

With that, they said their final farewells to Alec, Anna, and Max, and set off towards London, their hearts heavy with the weight of their parents' love and their eyes filled with determination for the journey ahead.

As the group arrived at London College, excitement buzzed in the air. Shiro, Sachi, Mizu, Fujin, Raiden, Tasukeru, Daichi, Tengen, and John were ready to embark on their next chapter in life.

Tengen and John had joined the college as professors, bringing with them their wealth of knowledge and experience. The college offered a unique curriculum focused on training students for a special kind of military service known as the Special Knights (S.K.).

Inside the grand halls of the college, the group gathered in a spacious classroom where Tengen and John would be leading their training sessions.

"Welcome, everyone," Tengen said, her voice carrying authority. "As you know, we're here to train you to become Special Knights. This is not your typical academic institution. Here, you'll learn combat skills, strategic thinking, and teamwork."

John nodded in agreement. "That's right. We'll be pushing you hard, but it's all for your own benefit. The world out there is dangerous, and the S.K. are tasked with protecting it."

Sachi raised her hand. "What kind of training will we be doing?" she asked, eager to get started.

Tengen smirked. "Oh, you'll see soon enough. But for now, let's get acquainted with the basics. We'll start with physical training and combat drills."

The group spent the next several hours engaging in intense physical exercises, from strength training to endurance drills. Shiro and his friends pushed themselves to their limits, determined to prove their worth as future Special Knights.

As the day wore on, Tengen and John introduced them to various combat techniques, teaching them how to wield weapons, strategize in battle, and work together as a team.

Raiden, always eager for a challenge, eagerly soaked up every piece of information. "This is awesome!" he exclaimed, swinging his practice sword with enthusiasm.

Mizu, on the other hand, struggled to keep up at first, her movements hesitant and unsure. But with encouragement from her friends and guidance from Tengen and John, she began to find her footing.

Fujin and Daichi, ever the steady ones, showed remarkable progress, their dedication and focus evident in every move they made.

Tasukeru, true to form, exhibited natural talent and confidence in combat, his swordsmanship fluid and precise.

Meanwhile, Shiro found himself excelling in every aspect of the training, his skills surpassing even his own expectations. His ability to copy techniques allowed him to adapt quickly and effectively to any situation.

As the sun began to set, Tengen called for a break, allowing the group to catch their breath and rest before the next session.

Sachi collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily but wearing a satisfied grin. "That was intense," she said between breaths.

Mizu nodded in agreement, wiping sweat from her brow. "But it's exciting. I can't wait to learn more."

Shiro glanced around at his friends, feeling a sense of pride swell within him. They were all in this together, facing the challenges ahead as a united front.

And so, with their first day of training behind them, Shiro and his friends prepared themselves for the journey ahead, knowing that the path to becoming Special Knights would be long and arduous, but worth every moment.

As the days passed at London College, the training regimen intensified, and the bond among Shiro and his friends grew stronger. However, a new addition to their group brought with her a unique challenge.

Nyla Tiger, a descendant of the tiger beastfolk clan, had joined the Special Knights under the tutelage of John and Tengen. With her piercing yellow eyes and fierce demeanor, Nyla was known for her brash personality and confrontational attitude, particularly towards males.

"I'll take on any man who thinks he's tough enough to beat me," Nyla declared loudly, her voice echoing through the training grounds. "If he wins, I'll make him my husband!"

Shiro and his friends exchanged amused glances, accustomed to Nyla's bold statements. They had learned to ignore her provocations, knowing that engaging with her would only lead to chaos.

Tengen observed the dynamic among the group with a thoughtful expression. She had been considering ways to foster teamwork and camaraderie among her students, and she believed she had found the perfect solution.

"Listen up, everyone," Tengen announced, commanding the attention of the group. "I've decided to organize a tournament game called the Circle Rating Game."

The group murmured in curiosity, intrigued by the prospect of a new challenge.

"In this game, teams of two will compete against each other in a series of challenges designed to test their combat skills, strategy, and teamwork," Tengen explained. "The winners will earn points, and the team with the highest score at the end will be declared the victor."

Excitement rippled through the group as they considered the possibilities. This would be an opportunity to showcase their abilities and prove themselves as formidable warriors.

"However," Tengen continued, her tone turning serious, "there will be one rule that must be followed at all times. No unnecessary violence or aggression towards your fellow teammates. This is a test of skill, not a battle to the death."

Shiro and his friends nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of maintaining respect and cooperation during the competition.

The teams were quickly formed, with Shiro and Sachi pairing up, Mizu and Fujin teaming up, Raiden and Tasukeru joining forces, and Daichi and Nyla reluctantly agreeing to work together.

As the tournament began, the teams faced off in a series of challenges, ranging from mock battles to obstacle courses to strategic puzzles. Each challenge tested their abilities in different ways, forcing them to adapt and work together to overcome obstacles.

Shiro and Sachi, with their telepathic connection and seamless coordination, proved to be a formidable duo, effortlessly navigating through each challenge with precision and grace.

Mizu and Fujin, with their quiet determination and unwavering focus, surprised everyone with their strategic prowess, outsmarting their opponents at every turn.

Raiden and Tasukeru, with their raw power and brute strength, bulldozed through the competition, leaving a trail of defeated opponents in their wake.

Daichi and Nyla, despite their initial reluctance to work together, discovered a surprising synergy between them, combining Daichi's precision and Nyla's ferocity to devastating effect.

As the tournament progressed, tensions ran high as the teams fought fiercely for victory. Each challenge brought them closer to the final showdown, where only one team would emerge triumphant.

But amidst the intensity of the competition, friendships were forged, bonds were strengthened, and the true spirit of teamwork shone through. And in the end, it wasn't just about winning or losing—it was about the journey they had taken together, and the memories they had created along the way.

Daichi the hero of earth vs Nyla the next leader of tiger clan. who will win?

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