
I am Shinji Matou

I don't own any character except the OC. Every Character belongs to its rightful owner English is not my native(Bad grammar^^) Update at random btw cause I write when in the mood...and have some free time

Kaichou9779 · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Illya Time

There is no Gaia in the Assassination Classroom world, which confuses Shinji and Illya greatly but happy because anything that they use will not be hindered by its influence, and according to Hinako, who has the direct connection of the planet, even if Gaia exists somehow it can be compared as a preborn baby.

Currently, in a random apartment that given by Asano to them, Illya was getting dressed for School.

'Wow, I will go to school and met with the cast!' Illya was fangirling in her mind…

Only Illya was the one who will go to school, Shinji only going follow her on the first day for a 'play' that both of them will act after that Shinji will continue his project to make Dragon Ball.

Afterall it easier to acquire the material in this world than in the Fate world, there is no Dead Apostle, Elemental, Primate Murder, or anything that can screw him in this world…except Koro-sensei, Gakuhou Asano, and Author asspull, Koro-sensei because of his annoying speed and Asano because he is this world Zeltrech counterpart.

Well, he already asks permission to reveal the magic in this world to Asano…which he agree while laughing madly

'To think he use his The Second to observe a future trend to make his company successful…that was the most waste use of The Second ever' Shinji shook his head and look at Illya "So ready for your first day in school Illya?"

"Of course big brother!"

'Hearing her reply sometimes makes my heartache, that was because it was a reminder that I get big brother-zoned…'


"Hello nice to meet you, I am the new transfer student, Illyasviel von Einzbern" Illya do a curtly bow in front of the class, at the same time any person in the vicinity feel small as if they are talking in front of 'real' Noble

Pretty much everyone in the room feels entranced

"I am Shinji Matou, just here today to guard her" Shinji observing the class and stopped at Ritsu box with surprise 'WTF, I know Ritsu gained true sentience but really?! She developed a soul! This as ridiculous as that Ch*ch*maru'

"Guard?! Is Illyasviel a real princess?!" Okajima ask and most Student in class E stared at Illya in anticipation

"Illyasviel, not a princess" Shinji answered wryly "but she is a real noble" Note: Einzbern is a Noble family

The class shocked "Then why she in the E class?"

"I want to have a normal school life" Illya answered with grace "as normal as I can be with my condition…ah, you guys can just call me Illya"

'But our school life targeting our teacher is not normal!' Class E students retorted in their mind 'Ah, she didn't know that until tomorrow!'

"Illya you can take a seat in an empty desk," Koro-sensei in his 'human' disguise said secretly sweatdropping 'A normal school life is something this class lack…'

The reason Koro-sensei uses his human disguise is because of Shinji presence because Illya is not an assassin sent by the government, Karasuma thinks of Illya as normal people that get unlucky sent into E class by Asano Gakuhou.

Karasuma warned the class to stop the assassination attempt for today because of the presence of Illya guard Shinji, who clearly not a student, any normal person will freak out if knowing the existence of Koro-sensei.

I feel trouble' Karasuma shakes his head 'well, we just need to pretend normal for a day, it also a good day off for the students, talking about killing your teacher every day is not good for your mind' only to be shocked at Shinji next sentence

"So how long you will your disguise as normal human Koro-sensei?" Shinji asks nonchalantly, shocking the entire class plus Karasuma

"...Ahahaaha, what did you mean by that…" Koro-sensei having a cold sweat

"Still hiding it?" Shinji deadpanned "even if your limb moves in a way that impossible for humans?"

The class is speechless, Karasuma feels headache, and Koro-sensei sweat is pouring down.

"Please don't tell anyone!" Koro-sensei shakes Shinji body repeatedly while crying comically "I can't lose my job!"

"Stop!" with that Koro-sensei stopped "you are making me dizzy" Shinji shakes his head "I will not tell anything about you to anyone normal"

"…anyone normal?"

"Did we still have not tell you about Illya condition?" Shinji asks the class

'No, you not!' All class E retorted in their mind

"Illya show it" Shinji grinned

"Okay big bro!" Illya replied

Illya body starts to shine thanks to her numerous circuit and in an instant, she claps her hand like the famous Edw*rd Elr*c and something magical happen. The floor surrounding Koro-sensei starts to move to form a cage and nearly trapping him.


'No matter how many times I see it, isn't Einzbern homunculus wishcraft was overpowered?' Shinji sighed at the cage made of wood 'To cast something without knowing the foundation, skipped directly to the spell effect, maybe currently she still bound by magecraft rules but since she knows that everything she watches was 'real' she starts to have a distorted mindset that thinks 'if the character can do it since they are real in another universe, that means I can do it too'. She thinking outside the box without knowing it'

'Afterall most magus weakness is their rigid mindset…'

Everyone in the class was too shocked to form a word, Karasuma was speechless even Koro-sensei stared at Illya in shock

"Let me reintroduce myself" Illya start another bow "My name is Illyasviel von Einzbern, I am a Magus that specialize in Alchemy, or in short just Alchemist"



Name: Illyasviel von Einzbern

AKA: Alchemist, Magus, Einzbern Homunculus

Race: Half-Homunculus

Strength :[As strong as 14 years old girl]

Endurance :[Frailer than your usual 14 years old girl but better than before treated by Shinji ]

Agility :[As quick as someone that never exercising]

Mana :[Magic Circuit is a battery, the Magic core is a factory, Shinji is theoretically infinite and Illya thanks to her optimized body courtesy of Shinji, is the one who closest to infinite]

Luck :[Thanks to Child of Nature she has chaotic luck that can't be calculated or expressed in words]


Wishcraft (EX): Able to cast a 'something' as long it was perceived by Illya as possible and have enough source energy for it, this skill supposed to just a mere C rank(Only can cast something by the rules of magecraft) but because Illya distorted mindset it turned into EX on accident, and if this keeps going on in the future Illya will develop a Reality Marble

Child of Nature (B): is a Skill that represents one as a child born in the Reverse Side of the World that will eventually become the same. Even if they are not naturally occurring life, but living things created by human hands, sometimes even they can receive great blessings from the World. Illya has this skill because she is half-homunculus. It passively lessens any Gaia influence on the user

Hello, again reader from 5 minutes ago! This will be the last chapter for a while, so there is a chance the next chapter was updated in bulk just like this time. Anyway thanks for reading >_<

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