
I Am Serra Kim

Arin Louella de Rozelleo is a Royal princess that was executed for a sin she never committed. Surprisingly, as if God has given her another chance, she wakes up in another body. A body she never expected to be in: Serra Kim's body, the long lost daughter of the mafia Kim family.

Ash_Kim · Fantasy
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25 Chs


I sluggishly open my eyes when I feel someone touching my head. It's already night and the room is dark but I can see a silhouette of a man. He's in front of me but unexpectedly, I don't feel hostile towards him at all.

"Go back to sleep, Serra. You're safe here..." is what he says and I drift back to slumber.

The next day, I woke up with Rizza organizing what I will be wearing for today. My meals are already prepared on the side table too.

"Good morning, miss," she greets.

I rub my eyes before smiling curtly at her. "Good morning too, Rizza..." I greet.

I really wanted to call her Miss Rizza but she dismissed the idea yesterday and told me that I should not carelessly bow down to anyone unless it is my father and brothers. According to her, it's a sign of weakness.

"I hope the clothes today will be to your liking. The boss already ordered someone to bring in clothes that you can choose from but it will arrive tomorrow."

Oh. I can choose my own clothes tomorrow... Then I should be fine.

I finish my meal and quickly change into the clothes that was prepared for me.

Truth be told, I didn't know I'd get even more flustered than I was yesterday.

"Just...what...am I wearing now?"

The fabric was even shorter and it divides on my legs. It's like the pants that men wear but a lot shorter! It's fitted and it is paired with a short sleeved shirt that's big enough to almost hide my short underpants. Instead of heels, I am also given this boots with laces.

Are these really the clothes in this world?! I mean, if the underpants are gonna be this short, why do I even have to bother wearing them?

"Is it not to your liking, miss? I browsed the internet last night and that type of ootd seems to be the trend now," Rizza says.

Internet? Ootd? What are those? Ack! Whatever. I give up. Besides, I don't want her effort to go to waste and since she says this is the trend then I'll...just have to...process it...slowly.

I can do this. It's just like...trying out a new taste, I guess?

Sighing, I just smile at her.

As promised, Rizza resumed guiding me to the places where we did not reach yesterday. Unlike yesterday, the places we visit today though seems to be crowded and loud.

People immediately bows when they see me and I'm not sure but it seems like everyone here knows me already.

"I apologize for making you interact with a lot of people even though you're still adjusting. That night, the boss came home while holding you in his arms. He immediately announced who you are so everyone is just excited to meet the young miss," she explains and I just nod.

"Rizza!" a maid with glasses shouts from behind. She is running towards us.

"Lili, how many times have I told you not to run and shout in the hallways? Also, be mindful of your manners at all times. Our young miss is here beside me so pay your respect," she nags.

Immediately, the maid Lili turns to me with wide eyes before bowing ninety degrees.

"I apologize, miss! I was careless! Please forgive me!" she says enthusiastically.

"Uhm...it's alright. I'm fine. You...can talk to Rizza..." I say, a bit uncomfortable.

"Thank you, miss!"

She then turns to Rizza and they excuse themselves from me to talk on the corner. I wanted to look away but I cannot ignore her clothes. She's not wearing the same maid uniform that Rizza is wearing but hers is like a suit for men. I can only tell that she works here because of the design embedded on their clothes. It's as if a uniform with different style.

Is it normal for girls here to wear what boys wear? Because it's a pants, her perfectly shaped legs are accentuated and I fear that she may get sexualized because of that...

Frowning, I look at my own clothes. Wow. I don't think I can speak about the proper clothes now...

"Miss," Rizza calls out and I give her my attention. "I apologize but I have to leave you for a while. There seems to be an emergency I have to attend to. If you could stay here and wait for me. I won't be long..." she says and I just nod.

If it's an emergency, I shouldn't hinder her job. I'm not a kid anymore anyway...well, at heart and mind that is.

She looks around for a second before leaving me alone. We're currently roaming a hallway towards the greenhouse. Rizza said that this is not a favorite place of the masters of this house since they are all men.

Maybe...I can spend most of my days here since I'm used to being alone...even before...

Pouting, I walk straight towards the greenhouse at the end. Rizza would probably know that I went straight here since this is were we agreed to go to anyway.

I tiptoe my way through the glass door. The walls are also made of glass and everything is covered in vines. Different flowers are scattered everywhere but there are metal chairs and table on the corner. This looks like the one we had at the imperial palace. It almost feels the same as the Zein garden! Unfortunately, this place isn't well taken care of.

"This place...is nice. It's quiet and the air feels—"

Just then, the flower that I was supposed to touch got hit with something I don't even know. I heard this loud bang and in a flash, the flower now has a hole.

"...great..." I murmur, my hands trembling.

"Wait... Who's there?"

"What do you mean, who's there? There's just the two of us here, man!"

"No. I heard a voice..."

"What are you saying? Are you nuts?! Don't use that excuse! You clearly missed the target and you're just using that as an excuse!"

I gulp while trying to calm myself. I look past me to see white boards with red circle marks on them. There are many and they are all scattered just behind where I was standing.

I take a peek in front to see two boys holding some kind of metal and one of them is pointing that object at me.

"Who are you and how did you get here?!" one of the boys asks.

"Whoa! Wait! There's really someone there?! How did you end up there, kiddo? Jwo almost shot you dead there!" the other says.


"I asked who are you? How did you get here and why are you here?" the other continues to interrogate me while still pointing the metal thing at me.

Frowning, I point back at what he's holding instead. "What is that?" Is that the thing that put a hole on the flower? How is that possible when he's that far? It doesn't look like a sword to me...wait. It looks like that thing. The object that my second eldest brother tried to gift me!

My eyes brighten at this sudden realization. He then raises his brow.

"Are you a daughter of a servant here? How come you don't know your master?"

As if on cue, the boy who told me he's my brother comes in and there are bandages in his arms now. He looks bored and annoyed at the same time.

"Dear elder brother, father is calling for...you..." His gaze then strays towards me and then at the boy in front of me. It switches back and forth a few times before he harshly kicks away the metal that the older boy was holding. "How dare you point your gun at our sister?! You stupid emotionless freak!"

The boy looks dumbfounded while that gun thing rolls on the ground. "Sis...ter? What?"

Wait, he's my brother too?

"You have a sister?" the other boy asks, his metal toy falling out of his grasps. It accidentally clicks and ended up shooting something out.

It was in a flash and I don't really understand how it works but I found myself getting hugged by two boys bigger than me.

The three of us falls down the ground with them above me. It took me a minute to realize our position.

"W—What disgraceful...act is this?! Why are you both hugging me?! G—Get off of me!" I say while trying to push them away.

I can't help but blush especially now that I'm wearing a revealing underpants.

It takes them almost a minute before letting me go. They then look back at the other boy.

"You motherfucker! Are you trying to kill my sister?!" my said brother says.

"W—What?! No! I didn't mean to shoot. It was the rock that pulled the trigger! See?!" he reasons while showing the metal object on the ground entangled on a rock.

"Still! What kind of assasin lets go of their gun?!"

"Hey Samsik! I'm an honorable assassin! I was just shocked to know that you have a little sister!" the boy explains. "Hey Jwo! Help me out here! It was just an accident!"

"Don't you dare set foot in our home again..." the boy named Jwo says, emotionless.

"What?! But we've been bffs since we were toddlers! I bet we even had telepathy when we were still sperms!"

"Who are you? I don't know you! Get out of here," the boy named Jwo replies, still emotionless.

"W—Wow man! You betrayed me! You were the first to shoot your bullet at her!"

"You shoot...what?! You just did what to our sister?!" the boy named Samsik asks, annoyed.

They continue to bicker until Rizza comes in, confused as to what the commotion is all about.

Ah... I have never been thankful to see her until now.

"May...I ask what is happening here and why is the miss sitting on the ground?" She helps me up and pats the dirt off my legs.

"Miss Rizza! This was all an accident! W—We didn't know that she will be here so things...just happened. But she's not hurt! R—Right?"

Rizza carefully looks around and just like that, she knew what happened. I don't know how she did it but she knew.

"Sir Jin Woo, Sir Samsik, and Sir Raphael, after a proper analyzation here, I think that I shall brief the master of the house about this incident. I believe that this will be a proper example for you gentlemen to be careful in your surroundings. I have given my loyalty to the masters of this household but my oath is for the young miss so I have to take extra precautions since it involves her. I apologize but this incident will reach Mr. Kim Do Hyun. Please be prepared," she says and guides me out.

I look behind to see the three of them watching me. The other boy is messing his hair while the other two looks sorry and shock about what happened.

So they are both my brothers... Kim Jin Woo and Kim Samsik.

I suddenly wonder about the other one. I think his name is Kim Yona, if I remember correctly.
