
I Am Serra Kim

Arin Louella de Rozelleo is a Royal princess that was executed for a sin she never committed. Surprisingly, as if God has given her another chance, she wakes up in another body. A body she never expected to be in: Serra Kim's body, the long lost daughter of the mafia Kim family.

Ash_Kim · Fantasy
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25 Chs


I stare at my reflection on the pond. One poke and everything blurries.

So far, I'm living my best life in Serra's body. Everything's just perfect and eveyone treats me so endearingly. The house still give me the creeps sometimes but I've learned a lot for the past two months.

All the things I've ever wanted on my past life... a loving family and a comfortable life... I couldn't even wished for more but why is it that...something's still missing?

"Queste sacre...Queste sacre antiche piante...A noi volgi il bel sembiante...A noi volgi...A noi volgi il bel sembiante...Senza nube e senza vel..."

My...that's a wonderful and powerful voice! Who's that?

The language is quite different from the language we use here but it sounds the same as the ones singers used to sing in my past life. From how that person is singing right now, I can tell that she's a great singer!

Curiously, I tiptoe on the garden to avoid startling her. This garden is actually huge and some plants are large. There's also a maze so I have to look around carefully while following the sound of her voice.

"Hmm... I think I'm close—" Eh?! Is that...Im Nana?!

She must be here with her sister again. I heard from Klio that the head maid asked for a new set of garments for the coming season.

To my utter shock, I accidentally steps onto the grass hardly and it made a sound that cut short her singing.

"W—Who's there?!"

"I—I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you. I just came here since I think that you really sing great. I was strolling around the garden when I heard your voice...so..." I leave my words hanging because I feel kinda guilty.

Surprisingly, she looks...embarrassed rather than annoyed! Her reaction's different from the one she gave me last time.


"Was it really...good?"


"My singing...was it good?"


I give her a warm smile. So this is what she wants.

"It was actually great. I've never heard anything like that before and I didn't know that you like to sing opera songs. To be honest, it's so pleasing to the ears that I want to hear more," I honestly answer.

I was guessing she'd be happy by that but I guessed wrong.

In a split second, she gives me a scowl.

"I hate opera songs," she firmly says.


She hate it?! B—But she sounds so good! In fact, even Madam Luisla wouldn't compare to her even if she's still young!

"Tsk! This is annoying, really! Why do people compliment me in something that I hate?!"

I don't understand...

"Then...why are you singing it if you don't like it?" I ask, confused.

She then glares at me but I stayed still. I want to know. In the end, she sighs in defeat.

"It's my parents. My sister is professional in the management industry so there's no doubt that she'll be the family's successor. On the other hand...there's me. A stupid daughter who only knows how to sing. Father thought...that I could at least be included in high society if I can sing in the opera theater house..." she says, her hands clenched tightly.

That's sad. I guess some parents really do know how to mentally abuse their children.

"I'm sorry, I forced you to tell me that. However, if you don't want to sing opera songs then what do you want to sing? I think that you really love singing because you sing so passionately," I dare to ask.

She pouts and scratches her arm.

"I...want to be an idol."


I must have look too surprised that she gave me another glare.

"What?! That's my dream. I've been watching videos of idol performances for years and I really wish to perform like them. They can sing, dance, and look captivating all at the same time. I really want that," she confesses.

She wants to be an idol. So that's the reason why she's rude to her sister. She must've been really anxious about her and her parent's dream for her.

I wish I can help her... Wait! An idol... I think can help her!

Fortunately, the group's scandal that happened two weeks ago has already died down. It turns out that it was all just the paparazzi's scheme to earn a big scoop. Everything went back to normal and I'm supposed to meet Seulgi by the end of this week.

"My, I think...you just made the right choice of telling me about that..." I say before smirking.

She looks curious but I just shrug.

Days past after that. I've already asked for a personal appointment with Mr. Min and earlier, I received a positive response. Of course, I had to go through father first and ask for his approval. At first, he was confused that I'm requesting to set a meeting with one of his business partners.

"What is it? Do you want to be an idol?" he asked seriously.

"Eh?!" I step back a bit. "N—No, father. I am only hoping to help a friend. I have never once thought of...being idolized and I don't even think that people will...love me," I answer truthfully.

Back in my past life, I was never looked up to as for who I really am but just the princess or the emperor's sister. No one really cared for me. I am that side character that appears on stories to help others shine.

In fact, even if Serra is pretty, she doesn't have a talent. Well, I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm inside her body that I can't showcase her talent. Maybe not.

I've been trying to know what my talent is since the very beginning but I am just average in everything that I do. This body doesn't excel in dancing nor singing so I doubt that I can be an idol at all.

Suddenly, father stands up from his seat and kneels in front of me. He gently holds both my cheek and my hand.

"You are a lovely child. Don't say that. And...if you ever wish...to pursue being an idol, our people will support you. If they don't, then they'll just have to face the consequences."

"E—Eh? But father, you shouldn't force other people to like someone. That's...unfair on their part..." I say.

In a swift mood, he lands a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Then...if everyone turns their back on you, I promise I'll stay. I can support you alone."


I can't believe that that really happened. Thinking back, he's so different in front of everyone else but when it comes to me, he becomes soft.

Is it Serra's charms? Her being a girl? Or...her mother?

I have Serra's memory and there's really nothing much but violence, poverty, and pain. Her memory is too gruesome for a young girl that it makes me puke sometimes.

I'm not even sure how to tell her family about the fact that she never met her mother and was almost raped in an abandoned house.
