
I Am Serra Kim

Arin Louella de Rozelleo is a Royal princess that was executed for a sin she never committed. Surprisingly, as if God has given her another chance, she wakes up in another body. A body she never expected to be in: Serra Kim's body, the long lost daughter of the mafia Kim family.

Ash_Kim · Fantasy
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25 Chs


After that day, I would meet up with Seulgi at least once or twice a week. Whenever she comes, we would watch movies, read stories, play with dolls, and even bake on the kitchen.

We were supposed to meet today but some huge scandal happened to one of their company's idol groups so she's not allowed to leave their house.

According to the news I've read online, because of the group's scandal, the whole company is experiencing a huge downfall as of the moment. I'm still unsure how that works but I think it's the same as business bankruptcy.

I'm actually worried but she already messaged me last night that she's alright. However, I know she's not.

I sigh.

I want to help but I'm still a kid and I don't know anything about idol groups at all. Father also told me that he'll step in if everything goes out of hand.

I guess I'll just have to trust the adults for now.

"Miss, the head chef told me to give you this cake. It's a new recipe he said and he hopes that you'd like it," Rizza says.

I look at the cake and realize something.

"Right! I mean why not?" I say to myself.

"Eh? What, miss?" Rizza asks.

I look at her with a grin.

"Rizza, please ready the greenhouse. I would like to eat the cake there and...can you please call for my brothers?"

She seems a bit reluctant at first but because I didn't say anything else, she had no choice but to comply.

It's actually been a while since I played with one of them. We all live in the same house but everyone seems to always be busy doing something. Sometimes, I'd even think that I'm the only one slacking even though I have study sessions.

I kinda miss their presence today and it'll probably be nice if they could also take a rest...or not?

"Why the fuck are you here?" brother Samsik asks with a scowl.

"Aren't you the one who shouldn't be here, dumbass? Of course I'm here because Serra asked for me," brother Yona answers rudely.

"Language. The two of you. Serra is right here so mind your words, spolied brats," brother Jwo nags.

Ah...you're not different at all, brother Jwo. I should have known...

Of course, even the servants say that they rarely see at least two of them together but I just put the three of them in one room. How can I be so reckless?

They continue to bicker for minutes and I really don't know what I should do. Should I call for father? Ah...no. He's been busy since yesterday. Ugh! I gotta do something. Something... Anything...

Inhaling deeply, I try my best to look sad even though I'm starting to get annoyed.

"Did...I bother you, brothers? You all seem to hate the fact that you're here with me. I...just wanted to spend time with my brothers..." I say sadly.

All of them look stunned but it only took them seconds to fix their postures and serve me a cake and drink.

"It's...not like that, Serra. We like being here. We're just...really not used to being with each other's presence. Tsk! They're annoying," brother Samsik honestly says.

Brother Samsik never fails to make the room loud. For the past weeks, he was busy in his private room. After school, he spends most of his time there so I kinda missed him.

"I will always love to accompany you Serra, my little sister. I just didn't expect to be here with these two brothers of ours," brother Yona adds.

Honestly, I'm still not used to brother Yona being this sweet. It all started when he found out I like author Josephrine and that painter named Wang Kook En. Unlike big shots, those two are underrated and unpopular. According to brother Yona, I am a one in a million. He never thought I would have the same taste as him.

Brother Jwo, on the other hand, continues to serve me with other sweets on my plate. "I don't really care as long as it makes my sister happy, I can endure these brats," he says.

Out of the three, brother Jwo is the least I can see since he goes to a different school. He stays in the dorm for five days and only goes home on weekends.

The room is so loud and they're a mess. Any minute now and I think they'd be out of hand.

Well, Mr. Onyl did seem surprise when all of us went to the mall together. That man named Min Hae seemed shock too. Rizza also said something before about them not dining together.

I don't like it though. If I'm gonna live another life, I'd rather live it to the fullest. Even though this is an..evil household, eating together doesn't seem bad.

I touch my glass and shake the juice.

"Then...why don't we start to dine together from now on, brothers? I...really like being with you and if possible, I would like to ask father too," I say with the most sincere smile I could muster.

That made them frown and gulp hardly. I crane my neck out of confusion.

Why are they acting awkward now?

Brother Samsik scratches his nape while still looking away.

"You see Serra, it's fine if it's the three of us. We can handle that much but father...err..." he says slowly.

"Father doesn't like dining together since he's always busy and he'll just interrogate us about our mistakes if we do...dine with him so it'll be a real headache," brother Yona elaborates.


"Father...will do that?" I ask, a bit nervous.

"Our father is the type to never really care about a close family interaction," brother Jwo says while slicing a piece of cake on his plate.

"More importantly, eating with him is as good as entering the final boss's dungeon. He'll chew us out in no time if we ever make a mistake in front of him," brother Samsik says while rubbing his forehead.

"I'll be agreeing with you on that matter, brother," brother Yona comments.

"I know right. He's our father but sometimes, I can't help but feel like his dog."

"You got that right. I won't even be surprise if he cuts your tongue one of these days because of how loud you are," brother Yona says with an arrogant smile.

"Oh yeah? Just make one mistake on your documents and I'd probably see you being kicked out of the house in no time. Ha!" he fires back.

"The two of you are scaring Serra," brother Jwo comments and I can't help but flinch.

"Oh! Sorry, Serra. We just think that you should be careful around father," brother Samsik says.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure that you don't make a mistake in anything. If ever you do though, I'll take the blame so that father won't hurt you," brother Yona assures.

Wait... Hurt me?!

"Does father...hurt you?" I ask, worried.

The three of them look at me as if I'm a pitiful creature.

"Well, he doesn't really hurt us but...he punishes us. Oh! Just like last time, about that gun incident? He told us to spar with ourselves. Imagine? He told his sons to fight each other? He's a monster really," brother Samsik reveals.

Oh my!

My other two brothers couldn't help but nod at what brother Samsik said. I didn't know they think of father like this. He's always been kind to me and I've never seen that side of him... Well, he's always cold and there's that invisible black aura that he emits wherever he goes.

At some point, I don't think my brothers are lying.

"I think that this is the first time I'm hearing about this. I didn't know...that my sons thought of me like that."

And that...made all of us turn around and see the glare of the cold-hearted monster....I mean, our father.
