
I Am Serra Kim

Arin Louella de Rozelleo is a Royal princess that was executed for a sin she never committed. Surprisingly, as if God has given her another chance, she wakes up in another body. A body she never expected to be in: Serra Kim's body, the long lost daughter of the mafia Kim family.

Ash_Kim · Fantasy
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25 Chs


"Rizza, why is everyone in a hurry today? I also hear the commotions outside," I ask Rizza who's busy fixing my hair for today.

Since I asked father for a rest day, it's already afternoon when I decided to get up from bed.

"It's nothing important, miss. There are just...some unwanted visitors. Because of that, Mr. Kim strictly ordered me not to let you go near the garden for today."

The garden?

I see... So it's like my father is allowing an audience in the garden.

"I understand, Rizza. You may leave me for a while. I want to stay on the balcony for a bit," I say and she bows before leaving me alone.

Somehow, I'm getting used to this life. Not the evil nature of this household, but just this. Being a lady of the house and being served. It resembles my past life and except the studying part, I really don't have any other concerns.

I step onto the small support that Rizza put there to help me look outside. It's still early in the afternoon so I can see everything from where I stand.

From this side of the house, I can't see the garden and there are no people around the area—wait. No. Who's that?

Just a few meters away from my balcony, I can see a boy sitting on the grass. He looks normal but what bothered me is the cat that he's holding.

It's...dead. Blood almost covered all of its white fur.

Terrified, I almost fell from where I'm standing.

"What is he...doing?" I say to no one.

That cat is dead! So...why is he petting it?! Frowning, I take another look just to make sure. His face is a bit visible to me so I am able to know that he's crying.


I think it's his pet and it died. He looks so...sad. It was too much for my conscience to just look away so for the first time, I disobeyed my father's word.

Ugh! I can't let a child cry alone. It...reminds me of my pet "Lippi". She's a little dog I found wondering in the palace. I spent my younger years with her until one day, she just didn't open her eyes anymore.

That boy reminded me of myself.

I'm lucky I encountered no one while going outside. I know everyone's busy but I didn't think it'll be like this that I could even barely see a servant.

Once outside, I slowly make my way to the boy. It doesn't take me long to stand in front of him. He quickly turns to me with his tearful eyes.

"Hey... You must be sad since...your cat died. How about we bury it somewhere and drink some warm milk afterwards?" I suggest and he just cranes his head.

He looks really confused but I understan—

"But I killed this cat...and it's not mine," he says flatly.


He sniffs and changes his position. I almost lost balance when I saw his other hand holding a small bloody knife.

What did he just do? He killed this cat and it's not even his?!

Involuntarily, I step back. I want to run but his attention is all on me now. There are still tears running down his cheeks but I don't know what he's thinking. He might stab me once I turn my back on him. He might even throw it at me right this instant!

What do I do?! Think! The books from the libraries! The movies you watched! Anything!

I—In this type of scenarios, there's only one thing...I could possibly do to avoid agitating the criminal. No one's around to ask for help so...

I bite my lip to make myself move and in the most innocent way, I smile at him. Slowly, I squat beside him and carefully wipe his cheeks. He frowns.

It so hard to control my emotions and keep my hands from trembling!

Don't get mad. Don't stab me. Please just stay seated. Don't move. I have to calm down. He's just a kid.

"It's fine. We just have to bury it. Don't you want to drink warm milk?" I say in the most pleasing way that I can. I even made sure my eyes look hopeful by making them appear bigger.

Ah... First, I pointed a gun at myself and now this? Am I seriously supposed to be close with death?

"But..." he tries to argue but he doesn't know what to say.

I give him a big smile before reaching for his hands. "Let's go and wash your hands first?" I offer, trying to maintain my composure.

He pouts.

"My dad told me to learn how to hunt. Last time, I...wasn't able to do it because he told me to kill my own pet bird. I...set it free instead. H—He hit me after so I wanted to give him this cat today...but I cut it wrong. I was aiming for its neck b—but I sliced even up to its belly. My dad...will punish me again because I failed..."

He what?

I couldn't help but gulp hard because of what he just said. I even let go of his hands because of that. He looks at the cat while slightly poking it with the knife.

"No!" I accidentally blurted out.

Ugh! I feel like puking.

"I mean...let's just look for another....cat. That one's...already a failure. You don't have to bother yourself with it anymore. Let's go? Hmm?"

Did I really just say that? Have I gone mad too?! Argh!!

Shrugging, I stand up before pulling him up with me. The cat falls from his lap and I immediately look away from the disgusting sight. It even smells bad actually.


I shush him before smiling brightly.

I have no choice. I'm still not physically healthy to run so if I can't run away from him, I'll just pretend to be friendly for now. I just have to endure it until I see someone.

"Let's go clean you up first. Okay?" I ask and even though he's a bit dazed, he nods.

Pouting, I look at his weapon. I can't ask him to leave it here because I'm afraid I might trigger him. Maybe...later. Yes. Later.

We walk outside the house hand by hand. I wanted to go in because I have a better chance of finding someone there but I can't just let a psycho like him inside our house.

I feel like I'm starting to sweat now. It's been minutes since we started this walk and I still can't see any servants!

"Uhm...why are you...good to me and who are you?" he suddenly asks that almost made me jump.

Right. We haven't introduced ourselves to each other yet.

"My name's Serra and I guess...it's because you look kind?"

Ah... What am I even saying now? Since when did killing someone else's cat be considered kind?!

"I'm...kind?" he mutters. "Ah! M—My name is Vinny... I am Kim Vinny..."

Kim? He's also a Kim? Are we related? Me and this crazy little kid?!

I am about to question him more when I see people standing firmly in a line in front of me. And then just a bit far from where we're standing, I see father sitting calmly at the gazebo with a weird-looking man.

Oh no. I was busy thinking about this boy that I didn't realize we have reached the garden already. I haven't even found any faucet to clean this boy's hands yet!

I pout and just sigh in defeat.
