
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. No clear release schedule because this is something I write when I'm burnt out or need some time away from my main fic. I write as I wish. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs

Chapter 69 - What The Others Are Doing Off Screen

With the third group.

After sending Kazuma back to the cathedral. Tanya resumes her grind in the hunting field with Hajime because both of them are gun users.

There is no class for archers or marksmen. Instead, it was categorized under the Assassin main class as Sniper or long ranged DPS. But even then, actual gun use is nearly non-existent since most Snipers are bow and crossbow users. In some very rare cases, there are actual gun users that use steampunk guns, mostly for roleplaying only instead of seriously. Because guns simply aren't as powerful as bow and crossbows due to the limitations in the game which of course doesn't apply in this world currently.

Tanya turns to look at Hajime with some jealousy. While she is stuck with limited ammunition and a semi-automatic rifle, he has a near endless supply of ammunition and a variety of guns from revolver to minigun, mowing down mobs like no tomorrow.

Her request for her Subclass to be changed has already been fulfilled by Ray. After grinding enough levels, she is determined to craft herself a better gun because her current one is really that bad and limits her a lot since it's a mass produced weapon instead of artisan made, tailored to her big mana output spell.

"I should quickly level up and unlock my crafting skills." Tanya said determinedly before she returned to her grind.


With Kazuma and Co.

"A little more, Darkness!"

"Oi, Aqua! Heal Darkness properly or you will be eating those soggy tasteless shits!"

"Right now! Megumin!"



A powerful tremor shook the entire Akiba as yet another massive explosion happened somewhere outside at the forest hunting field turn crater.

"Hahahahaha! I level up again! I'm a fucking genius!" Kazuma laughed maniacally as his level just jumped from Lv 14 to Lv 15.

At first, they tested the conventional grinding method but Kazuma soon realized it's pointless with his deadweight party that can't even fight properly. Especially Megumin that would cast her Explosion Magic on a small group of kobolds which is a plain waste of firepower. Then Darkness who he already gave up on because her attack will never hit. Don't even get him started on the party trick useless goddess, Aqua.

But just as he got desperate. Ray suddenly privately messaged him and gave him advice out of pity.

Since his party is that quirky, why not exploit them?

Like for example Darkness should be treated like monster lure and order her to kite in all the enemies in the hunting field?

Aqua? Just say if she doesn't work properly. She can kiss her good food, alcohol, share of money and allowance goodbye.

Megumin? Let her use her Explosion Magic after Darkness lure in all the enemies.

The result? It works like a charm.

Ray taught Kazuma a very important leadership skill. The art of exploitation of desire. Since they wouldn't do it his way, he just needed to make the method fit them and their way.

"Now, to the next area!" Kazuma is excited to continue his grind.

"Uhm… I'm still out of Mana, Kazuma." Megumin said. Kazuma didn't even bother to reply and shoved Mana potion into her mouth.

He then walked up to the tired and gasping Darkness. She saw a shadow casted over her and she lifted her head up.


"Did I say you can rest? Drink this stamina potion and go carry Megumin." He drops the potion while staring at her not as his party member but his tool to achieve greatness.

Darkness immediately gasped harder with increasingly flushed cheeks looking aroused as she picked up the potion and got back to work as ordered.

Then finally Aqua looks horrified at what Kazuma has been turned into after being blinded by greed and promise of greatness.

Kazuma said nothing. He simply walks up to her and drops her a pack of sandwiches he bought from Chat Group Shop. Aqua didn't even realize she already unwrapped the thing and shoved it down her throat. By the time she realized it, he had already walked away and she looked at her own hands stained by crumbs and sauces and the plastic wrap on the ground. She had been fully domesticated.

But what options did she have? Eat tasteless soggy food for the rest of her life? She has no option because Kazuma is the only one with proper tasting foods and drinks in this world.


With Rimuru, he isn't urgently in need of grinding because he and his group all are Lv 70+ with him at Lv 90 because of their strength. Instead, he is focusing on the matter of collecting funds because they will have to buy a guild base.

He went to check on Ainz's guild. He meets this creepy but friendly person named Demiurge.

"Ah. Ainz-sama friend. I am Demiurge, the 7th Floor Guardian. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Me too, I am Rimuru Tempest."

They introduced themselves to each other. Because Rimuru is a Heteromorph, Demiurge is even more friendly to him compared to the human friends of Ainz.

"I see, so you are also figuring out how to gather funds. I am tasked to this duty as well by Ainz-sama and for that reason I am investigating the city and from what I can tell. There is so much issue. The deteriorating security with increasing PK after players start going out to the hunting field. The situation with food rapidly decreases the morale of the people and makes them lose will to live. Also there is the poaching of weaker players to hold them as slaves for exploitation."

Demiurge lists out his observations with a creepy smile as if he enjoys how Akiba had become.

"So, we will try to fix these problems but in a way that is beneficial to us?"

"Indeed. That is the task given to me by Ainz-sama."

Rimuru agrees as if they could find a way to fix things like , for example, the food. People will fight for it because no one wants to continue eating tasteless soggy food for the rest of their life.

But, the problem is how should they do it? If the solution is easy, someone would have already done it.

But then Rimuru recalled something. Before they all left, Ray said something to them. He said that they should treat this world as an actual world instead of just a game.

"The world is real and not just a game?" Rimuru ponders with the Great Sage's help.

Then Rimuru suddenly reached an epiphany.


"Rimuru-sama?" Shuna the pink haired oni is a little startled when Rimuru suddenly shouted her name.

"You have Chef's cooking skill right?" Rimuru asked.

Shuna nods because her Subclass, Housewife does include cooking skills although limited to low and mid level cooking skills only.

Rimuru took out a bird egg that he remembers he obtained after killing some bird monster in a hunting field.

"Try cooking this manually instead of using the skill." Rimuru said as Demiurge watched curiously as he also understood what Rimuru was trying to test.

Shuna did as told and created a simple cooking equipment using a campfire and pan. She fried the bird egg like she normally would and then served it to Rimuru.

Rimuru immediately cut half of it to taste the fried egg and the other half for Demiurge. They both can immediately taste the flavor of the egg and butter that is used to oil the pan.

There are no words needed to exchange as Demiurge smiled wide like a demon that found its prey.

"This will definitely be revolutionary and profitable. Not just limited to food but assuming Ray-sama's advice about this world being the real world is true…"

Rimuru immediately caught up to what Demiurge is hinting at. They can build buildings, create tools and many more. Not just limited to food only.

"Indeed. But for now, how about the cooperation of your guild and our guild to secure funds first?"

"Of course, we have plenty of homunculus maids within our rank that possess cooking skills. However, we do lack manpower to procure ingredients and materials."

"Then, we should work together and help each other."

Demiurge and Rimuru shook their hand, sealing their cooperation.


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