
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. No clear release schedule because this is something I write when I'm burnt out or need some time away from my main fic. I write as I wish. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Chapter 22 - Our Little Misadventure

Hello, my name is Sirin. For the past week. Both me and Sakura had been diving in this dungeon which is similar to the online RPG games I played. However, instead of playing it from a screen. I am here with my own body and my own power killing monsters with Sakura to level up. Well, not really level up but become stronger.

Both Sakura and I bonded well due to our terrible past. Both of us are being tortured by evil adults. Although after hearing her past, I felt like I am luckier. I can't imagine being violated physically and sexually in a pit filled with worms and worse, having my body being turned into a nursery for the same worms.

But both of us find solace from having similar experiences and being saved by the same person or cat to be exact. But not a normal cat. We only learned later that Mr Cat or Ray is a powerful god. A very kind one that would extend his help to us in our moment of darkness and save us from our terrible fate.

Well, enough about us. Let's talk about our recent adventure.

When Ray gifted us both powers, we began our training in this dungeon. Both of us have a strong drive to gain power. Both of us didn't want the same tragedy to repeat again although it would be impossible since Ray promised that he will keep us safe no matter what and I believe him since he is the strongest.

For a few days we had always been adventuring alone in this dungeon and exploring various of its oddities such as the crystal that monster drops which apparently we shouldn't leave it unattended since monsters can consume them and become mutated. Also there are drop materials that we collected but didn't really have use for since both of us didn't know what its uses are and we always trade it at Rivira for equipment and other consumables that we can use for our adventure.

Well, our first experience with another Adventurer isn't great with one shopkeeper in Rivira trying to scam us because we are little girls.

Hmph, we quickly teach him a lesson and then we sort of become a celebrity mainly due to our young age yet powerful strength and ability. Although there's also the reason because we are an enigma to them since some tried to search the record in the Adventurer Guild and came back blank which turn out to be a bad thing since we are considered an illegal adventurer but we don't give a damn and so does the people in Rivira since strength is law here. Not like the power of Adventurer Guild can reach within the dungeon. So, as long as we never leave the dungeon, we will be fine.

Well, besides hunting monsters to grow stronger. We also liked to enjoy our time sightseeing. Did I tell you that there are a lot of places with fantastic views?

Like Rivira having a gigantic tree in the middle and a gigantic crystal in the ceiling that function as the sun to give light, there is hot spring hidden in the Middle Floors that we discover, beautiful yet deadly forest with a green dragon in the Large Tree Labyrinth and our most recent discovery, the beautiful Water City and Great Waterfall in the Lower Floors.

It's a bummer though we can't enjoy playing in the water infested by monsters. Otherwise, it would have been one of the best spots in my opinion.

"Sirin, how deep should we go for today?" Sakura asked while trying to kill the troll monster that has annoying regeneration by dragging them down into the water using shadow tentacles to drown it.

"Hmn, I heard from the adventurers that Loki Familia's expedition had already gone ahead of us and probably killed the Amphisbaena. So, maybe we should aim for the Great Forest Ravine? I always wanted to try Bloodsaurus egg omelet. They said it's very delicious." I said while trying to wipe my drool.

"Didn't they say Bloodsaurus eggs from dungeon is expensive and highly sought after alchemical ingredients?" Sakura made a double take and stared straight at Sirin.

"So what? Not like we can make any potions with it or sell them for money. We can't get up to the surface anyway." I argued.

"Isn't Mr Cat a god? Can't he just help us register properly at the Adventurer Guild?" Sakura said something which made me realize something.

"Right. Why did I never think of it? We had been trapped inside the dungeon needlessly when we could actually ask Ray to register a Familia and register us as proper adventurers." I sighed and couldn't believe this missed my mind completely.

"A-Anyway. Let's aim for the Great Forest Ravine and ask Ray to register us as proper adventurers later." I said before we set off and dived into the dungeon.


A few hours later, Sakura and I arrived at the stairs leading to floor 27 where the Amphisbaena room was. Both of us heard intense noise of fighting coming from underneath.

"Did the Loki Familia not finished killing the Monster Rex?" I wondered as the Loki Familia is an elite dungeon exploration Familia with numerous Level 5 and even 6 adventurers within their rank. They shouldn't have difficulty with mere Level 5 Monster Rex like Amphisbaena.

"Let's go check it out." I said excitedly and went down the stairs as Sakura gave a muted nod before following behind me.

When we arrived, we saw a large crowd of adventurers. Most were supporting crew carrying supplies and tools. But our focus was the one fighting the Monster Rex.

"That's the rumored Sword Princess right? Look just so so." I frowned as it seems that the rumors I heard were over hyped. I guess that's a rumor for you.

"Who are you two human brats? Dare to bad mouth Ais." Someone snarled.

Oops, I should say it that loudly. Though I meant what I said. I could solo Amphisbaena if I wanted but might get too tired afterwards.

I look at the angry beastman, a Wolf beastman to be exactly. He should be one of the executives, Fenris.

"Well, I meant exactly what I said. Her strength is so so." I shrugged and flipped my hair.

"You! I don't care if you are just a little brat. Since you can get here with just the two of you means you are strong and I didn't need to hold back." The werewolf grinned cruelly while the other executives simply looked with no intention to stop the wild mutt unless it got out of hand.

"Heh, just a wild mutt. All bark and no bites. Fine, I feel rather generous today and willing to entertain you. Come." I taunted him and he didn't hesitate to attack immediately with a powerful kick.

Without even bothering to move away to dodge. I stood confidently as I crossed my arm and opened a portal where his leg would hit and another portal at his face. He ended up kicking himself and humiliated himself..

"Hahaha!" I laugh at the funny sight. It will never get boring, ever.

My main power is to open a portal using the shadow. I simply send back all the attacks directed at me back at them. And it's always fun to watch, especially when my opponent is an intelligent person rather than a mindless monster.

"Ah, this is why dogs must be put on leash lest they injure themselves." I sneered and gloated at the werewolf. It's always fun to humiliate someone and gloat on their face to see what reactions they will make. The werewolf definitely is fun to play against.

"You!" He stood up and immediately threw another punch which I sneered at and redirected the attack again.

"Bete! That's enough!" The other executives were finally willing to intervene but it was too late.

"Oops, you surprised me and made me accidentally slip my hand." I said while trying my hardest not to laugh as the werewolf fell on the ground with foam on his mouth while clutching his family jewels.

"Sirin… you are just torturing the poor puppy." Sakura sighed behind me and walked over to help ease his pain using healing magecraft. But the word she unintentionally used to address the werewolf and her pity hit a harder blow on his pride than his own punch as he went limp.
