

A young man, named Jay, dies in a bar brawl protecting his friend, after which he is randomly chosen by Arceus to reincarnate as a pokémon. A brief warning this novel will be sexual and since our Mc will be a Pokémon, poképhillia will be a common occurrence. I will also be putting in a more thorough explanation in a warning chapter for everyone to read before the story starts. Additional Tags: Futanari, Poképhilia, Pokémon on Pokémon sex, Pokémon on Human sex, Human on Pokémon sex, light Incest, and Beastiality ig

Sin_of_Acceptance · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Bar Fight and Death

'Urrrgh, what fuck happened?' I thought, trying to remember what went down last night." I remember pregaming with Slim and Ty, then...ugh... then we went to the club...'

(3rd Person P.O.V)

At a well known night club, named Eclipse, a line of people is seen wrapped around the building. Inside people are seen busting a move the dance floor, and getting drinks at the bar, or delivered directly to their table, if they managed to get one.

Currently an Afro-American man can be seen flirting with a curvaceous Latina, while his friends watch from the other side of the bar.

"Ay Jay, you think Slim is gonna be able to close?" asked a mixed man before taking a swig from his drink.

"Probably, He has the best game between the three of us. " Jay responded

"Let's be honest being better than us at flirting isn't really hard to do." the mixed man pointed out

"Yeah thats cause you been dating the same girl sense high school and I'm just-Uhoop, look alive, Ty, looks like some trouble is heading Slim's way." Jay pointed at 3 Latinos pushing their way through the crowd heading towards the bar.

"You're more than likely right, but maybe they just really want a drink." Ty said while setting down his whisky.

"Yeah, I'm sure little dude in the middle is just dying for a Cosmo." Jay replied sarcastically.

Unfortunately Jay was correct because the group of 3 stopped next to Slim and glared at him. "Can I help you gentlemen?" Slim asked puzzled.

"Yeah, who the Fuck do you think you are?!" the leader of the group, a short latino standing at 5'2", shouted. By this point they were starting to garner attention causing a small group of people around the bar to stare at them.

"Well, most people call me Slim, who might you be?" Slim greeted with a slight bow, while also shooting a wink to the Latina, still standing, next to him.

Seeing this the leading man was turning red in anger. "I'm her motherfucking Boyfriend, that's who." He yelled while pointing at the Latina woman.

Slim shot a quick glare at the Latina, obviously mad at her omitting the fact she was here with her boyfriend, before addressing the peeved boyfriend. "I'm sorry bro, I had no idea she had a boyfriend."

"Ah no, it's to late for that now cocksucker. Now you got to deal with me and my boys." the boyfriend said while pointing at his friends standing behind him.

"Look man it's really not necessary, everyone is just trying to have a good time." Slim said trying, one last time, to diffuse the situation. "Nope, you little cum stain, you're not getting out of this ass whooping." the short Latino said before throwing a right hook aimed at Slim's face. Slim leaned back avoid the punch, afterwards he kneed the Latino in the stomach causing him to double over.

Seeing their friend at a disadvantage the two other Latinos, one with a scar on his left cheek and the other wearing a black bandana, took a step towards the fight. Luckily Jay and Ty had made their way over near the start, just in case this situation happened. When they saw the 2 Latinos stepping towards the fight they immediately intervened. Ty decided to stop the bandana wearing Latino by throwing a jab directly in at his face, caught by surprise the Latino wearing the bandana was unable to put up a defense and had his nose broken. Jay decided to be a little more civil by just stepping in the path of the scarred one, not letting him pass.

The scarred man, seeing both his friends losing, got a little antsy and threw a punch towards Jay face. A punch that Jay took straight on causing his head to jolt back. Seeing that his punch landed the scarred Latino started to get a little cocky, thinking that Jay wasn't that good a fighter, which is true, but he is a dirty fighter. After Jay recovered he immediately grab his opponents shoulders and kneed him in the crotch as hard as he could. Then while the scarred Latino was distracted by the pain Jay threw 2 quick punches, one at his nose and the other at his throat. Stunned by the pain, from the quick back to back cheap shots, the scarred man could do nothing while Jay grabbed a champagne bottle and hit him in the temple with it. After being hit the scarred man dropped to the ground, probably knocked out.

Jay after finishing his opponent turn to check on his friends, Slim's opponent was on the ground groaning, and Ty was currently mounted on top of his opponent wailing on him. After a moment Ty got and spit on the ground. "*Spit* Fuck! They sure know how to ruin a good time, don't they?"

"Yeah let's get out of here, maybe we can still salvage tonight." Slim replied while walking towards the exit. Before Jay followed his friends, he shared a few words with the bar tender. "Sorry for the trouble man, when those douche bags get up they'll take care of our tab and pay that bottle I broke. Only seems fair for the mess they caused"

"Yeah, I'll make sure they pay and that they're not allowed back in here for all this bullshit."

"Cool." was all Jay said before rushing out after his friends.

Once out side the trio were walking down the street, away from Eclipse, trying to figure out what they were gonna do now. From the direction of Eclipse they heard someone running up behind them, before shouting out "Ayo, Y'all Bitches really think that was the end, well you can forget it." Of course after hearing someone shout at them, they turned around and saw the scarred man, that Jay fought, with a trail of blood running down his head. Confused on what he was gonna do all by himself, the three looked him like he was an idiot, but before they could say anything the scarred Latino reached behind his back and pulled out a pistol. He pointed the muzzle at the trio and opened fire, with his main target being Jay, for obvious reasons. Since his target was Jay, who was standing at the closest towards the street, the other two got a chance to duck into an alley nearby.

After emptying the last of his clip towards the retreating duo, the scarred man immediately sprinted away to avoid being caught by the cops, who were surely called after nine consecutive gunshots. In his wake, he left Jay with a few new holes and bleeding out on the ground slowly losing consciousness.

'So this is death...'

'It's cold...'

'I wonder... who's right?' And that was Jay's last thought before everything turned black and he breathed his last.