
I am not useless

In a certain world 50 years before "gorlood incident" happened. numerous portal suddenly pop out of thin air. The portal is called "dungeon" by the human population that live in that world. you all can already guess what it's inside the dungeon, yes.. it has monster and trasure box inside the dungeon i welcome feedback. i'm still new at writing novel if readers find any wrong grammar readers may feedback/give advice for me to fix the grammar.

xalsyn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Inside Dungeon

After talking for a while with Pylia and wave his hand. Gyzux started to walk out from the guild building to find his current party for enter the dungeon.

Gyzux look around a bit and saw a party of 4 people near the guild building.

He started walking to the party.

The party member consists of 1 middle aged with brown hair his looks quiet ordinary and muscular, looks like he is the leader in this party is what I thought.

The other 2 guys are around 20-22 years old. One of the guy has short black hair the body figure has a bit muscle. The other guy has the same black hair, just one head a bit shorter than the other guy.

The one and only female in the party has blond hair that reach her wrist.

And the last pasty member is me. I walked to the party and greet them, but what I receive is their contempt and harsh words.

"So the last party member has arrived" said the party leader.

"Do we really need this useless trash, that even not have any fighting ability" said the female in the party.

"Hmm…, but not utterly useless. At least he can become a meat shield for us when in dire situation" one of the guy in the party said that with a loud voices.

I think they said that purposely to me. Before I can talk back the party leader opened his mouth first.

"Don't waste time anymore let's go to the Dungeon"

I shrugged my shoulder and follow the party to the dungeon. ~SIGHH~

By the way, right now we are entering E Ranked Dungeon

I need to get more stronger than anyone else to not join any party again and solo the Dungeon by myself. Let's just focus my combat experience for now.

Behind one of the building window the soul started to move and enter the Dungeon.


Inside the dungeon the party is not so shabby. They coordinate with each other when the monsters attack the party, the leader will give command to them and rush forward to tank the monster attack while the other party member started to attacked the monsters from all side.

They command me to collect the monsters drop and stay away from battle. In this situation I think I will never get any chance to fight monsters. Well, I don't get any training to become Geonex at all.

I can't really blame them when they told me I can't attack the monsters, if I got injured the party member coordination will collapse. From their eyes and word I can feel they don't care I life or not.

To them I'm just a burden.

No one noticed including me. Between the alley in dungeon, a pair of eyes are watching us.

Almost 2 hour the party journey comes to an end. In front of me stood a big door, The door is tightly shut. Maybe a Dungeon boss room, usually after the boss in the Dungeon room got defeated by Geonex it will drop item if lucky you can get rare item. After the boss has been defeated, the whole Dungeon will collapse in 6 hours.

Suddenly I felt odd about the atmosphere around the door is eerie and why until now no one has cleared the Dungeon. I started to look around to find clue what I spotted is one of the party member reach out his hand to the door.

At that moment all my sense feel threatened I don't even has the time to think what will happen the door mysteriously opened by itself because one of the party member touch the door wall. Before I can run away from the party, the leader of the party suddenly grab my collar and drag my body.

The moment I realized what happen and wanted to start run away again. I felt my body won't move and before I know it the pain started to attack me. I looked at the source of the pain and what I saw was my chest has been thrust by unknown sharp object.

The red liquid seeps out from my chest absorbed to my clothes. I started to look help from my party. But, what I saw was one of my party member the head rolling to the ground. When I see in front of me who is running actually is the leader party of the party.

'Is this my blood, w-w-wh-what is happening here' It's hurt, my back is hurt, my whole body is hurt. The pain it's feel like my ribs are being crushed and ripped apart. I just wanted to do something


Before I can do anything I feel my body is being drag to the back. I closed my eyes I think it's over. But, I still have responsibility to do 'No I can't die yet, not now' I opened my eyes to see something really odd. It felt time stopped at this moment, no. more accurate my ability is active.

I tried to move. But, I feel my body movement in slow-motion. The odd part is my head can think clearly.

I tried to find anything useful when my eyes locked in the female corpse lying down. Something caught my eyes.

I move my body even in slow-motion at least I can timed it with the force that drag me to the boss room to grab that item. Not long after that my surrounding returned back to normal.

The boss drag and slam me to the boss room at the corner. I feel something in my hand, When I looked at my hand I saw liquid inside the bottle. Without thinking too much I opened the seal of the bottle and poured it down to my throat.

My pain started to ease. I can see the hole at my chest started to closed. I want to escape, but the door has been shut tightly.

'I see…..So in order to get out from here alive I need to kill the boss' stand up on the ground I took out my dagger from my sleeve. I don't know this dagger can hold on or not.

'Please don't give up on me, dagger' while I finished talking to myself. I saw the boss swinging his arm to my place.

Before I could think of how to escape, my body moved by itself to dodge that attack.

I tried to conceal my presence. 'I can do this' because I survive from gorlood incident using the same trick. I need to sneak attack the boss.

I run to behind the boss back and slice his head using my dagger. Unfortunately, the boss face behind his back and avoided my attack. I thought my life come to an end like this.

I can't accept it, my body still can move 'I still have hope to survive' in that moment I also heard another voice "Don't give up" in soft whisper.

Even though the voice is low, it's enough for my brain to keep repeated that voice.

I keep swinging my sword and when I realize one of my dagger slice the monsters eyes.

Before I could rejoice after land a hit to the boss. His fist had been swing down to me.

I avoided that attack as fast as I could. The price for avoided the swing is my left hand had been sacrificed in order to push my body away from the swing.

I land on the ground when the pain from my left arm assault me. I can't keep my focus with the pain numbing my whole left arm.

'At least I'm still alive, I'm not dead yet. As long as I'm still alive I will keep struggling to survive'

Now I still have my right arm intact and the boss lose one of his eyes.

I subconscious raise the corner of my mouth to a slight arc.

In this desperate situation Gyzux face has a trace of smiling.